
  • 网络Bell's inequality;bell inequality;Bell's theorem
  1. 从贝尔不等式到量子信息热

    From Bell 's inequality to research of quantum information

  2. 贝尔不等式及其实验验证

    Bell 's inequality and it 's experimental test

  3. 联合概率与贝尔不等式

    Joint probability and Bell inequality

  4. 为了与量子纠缠类比,进一步研究了这种纠缠态对贝尔不等式的破坏以及波导群时延的相关性质。

    The simulation is discussed in detail , including the violation of the Bell inequality and the correlation properties of optical pulses'group delays .

  5. 同时还发现两原子的纠缠与贝尔不等式破坏并不是单调的函数关系,很小的纠缠也可以产生贝尔不等式破坏。

    The Bell inequality violation and the entanglement does not satisfy the monotonic relation , a large Bell inequality violation may correspond to a small amount of entanglement .

  6. 对A·阿斯派克特所作的级联辐射光子线偏振关联实验作了详细讨论,实验结果与量子力学预言符合极好而大大违反广义贝尔不等式。

    Aspect ′ s experiment for the linear polarization correlation of the photons emitted in a radiative cascade is discussed in detail , the results strongly violate the generalized Bell ′ s inequality and in perfect agreement with quantum mechanical prediction .