
jīn shǔ ɡuānɡ zé
  • metallic luster
  1. 这把椅子有金属光泽。

    The chair has a metallic luster .

  2. 在锌表面获得多种具有金属光泽的不溶性Mo(W)S彩色簇合物膜。

    Coloured films of Mo ( W ) - S-Zn cluster compounds with a metallic luster have been obtained on the Zinc surface .

  3. 他给所有的木材都涂上了一层闪耀着金属光泽的银漆。

    He had painted all the wood with metallic silver paint

  4. 采用磁悬浮熔炼和Cu模吸铸工艺成功制备了圆棒Cu50Zr42Al8块体非晶合金,试样表面平滑且具有典型的金属光泽。

    The rod Cu_ 50Zr_ 42Al_8 bulk amorphous alloys with smooth surface and typical metal lightness were successfully prepared by copper-mold suction casting combining with magnetic-suspending melting method .

  5. 应用脉冲电解技术制备La_Co_Fe合金膜,加入络合剂乙二胺后,可制备出表面光滑、致密、粘附性好和有金属光泽的La_Co_Fe合金膜。

    La_Co_Fe alloy films were prepared by pulse technique in dimethylsulfoxide . Smooth , adhesive , compact and metallic luster alloy films were obtained when ethylenediamine was used as a complex reagent .

  6. 下图中,亚特兰提斯正在靠近ISS,其舱门已经打开,拉斐尔多用途后勤舱闪着微弱的金属光泽。

    Pictured above , Atlantis rises toward the ISS with its cargo bay doors open , showing a gleaming metallic Raffaello Multi-Purpose Logistics Module .

  7. 长款针织围巾搭配金属光泽的夹克衬得CharlizeTheron的全黑装束优雅时尚。

    Charlize Theron 's all-black is elegant because she paired a long knit scarf with a metallic jacket .

  8. 氮化钛薄膜因具有高硬度、高耐磨性、化学稳定性以及漂亮的金属光泽而广泛应用于各种工磨具的表面、装饰涂层、耐蚀涂层及Cu和Si之间的扩散阻挡层。

    TiN thin films have been serving the industry as the surface of cutting tools and dies , decorative coatings , corrosion resistance coatings , diffusion barriers layers between Cu and Si due to their high hardness , high wear resistance , beautiful color and chemically stability .

  9. 以化学镀铜沉积速度为评价指标,通过正交试验,得出了ABS塑料化学镀铜工艺的最佳配方及参数,沉积速度达5.027μm/h,且镀层均匀平整,有金属光泽。

    Using the deposition rate as the evaluation index , the optimal technology parameters of electroless plating copper were obtained by the orthogonal experiments . The deposition rate was 5.027 μ m / h. The coating wa (?) smooth , uniform and had metallic luster .

  10. 表面变得粗糙,失去原有的金属光泽,化学反应产物NaB5O8等在表面沉积和粘附,并导致B4C芯块体积增大;

    However , the surfaces become rough and original metal luster is lost . The chemical reaction product NaB 5O 8 deposits and adheres to the surface of B 4C pellets . This results in the volume increasing of B 4C pellets .

  11. 本文介绍了一种新型的前混合磨料射流除锈系统,工作压力仅为3MPa,除锈效率达10&15m~2/h,见金属光泽。

    This paper introduces a premixed abrasive jet ( PREMAJET ) derusting system , whose efficiency , with the working pressure set at 3 MPa , reaches 10-15m2 / h and the metal lustre is observed .

  12. 外观:表面呈灰色或暗灰色金属光泽。

    Appeatance : Shine with grey or dark grey metallic lustre .

  13. 灼烧残渣为黑色泡沫炭层,具有金属光泽。

    The burned charcoal is black foam with metal gloss .

  14. 黑暗中只有他们纹章上金属光泽依稀可辨。

    Only the shine of their metal was distinguishable in the gloom .

  15. 仿铜金属光泽釉产生金属光泽的机理研究

    A Study on the Mechanism of Copper-like Metallic Luster Glaze

  16. 金属光泽釉内墙砖烧成制度优化

    Optimization of Firing System for Inner Wall Tile of Metallic Luster Glaze

  17. 金黄色金属光泽釉在琉璃瓦制品上的应用研究

    The use of golden METAL-LUSTROUS glaze on glazed tile

  18. 金属光泽釉工艺研究

    Research on the technology of the metallic bright glaze

  19. 黑亮或有金属光泽的食肉陆栖甲虫,它能杀死多种有害昆虫。

    Predacious shining black or metallic terrestrial beetle that destroys many injurious insects .

  20. 试验发现涂层具有金属光泽、较好的附着性和耐腐蚀性,并与达克罗性能进行了比较。

    The coating had metallic luster , good cohesion and resistance to corrosion .

  21. 合理调整配方,用低温快速一次烧成釉面砖工艺,成功研制出金属光泽釉。

    The glazes with metallic luster has been prepared by quickly sintering at low temperature .

  22. 涂抹闪烁金属光泽的裸色唇膏,打造性感的夏日形象。

    Wear bold shades of lipsticks with metallic gloss to achieve a sexy summer look .

  23. 一种深灰色矿物,有金属光泽,是锡的来源。

    A dark gray mineral with a metallic luster that is a source of tin .

  24. 性状:黑紫色结晶或颗粒,带蓝色的金属光泽,溶于水。

    Prop . : Black-purple crystals or granule with blue metallic luster , soluble in water .

  25. 蓝色金属光泽釉的研制

    Development of Blue Metallic Gloss Glaze

  26. 不透明,金属光泽;

    Opaque with metallic luster ;

  27. 琉璃瓦用金属光泽釉的研制

    Research on metal lustrous glaze

  28. 闪闪发亮的发出金光或金属光泽的外观:表面呈灰色或暗灰色金属光泽。

    Glittering with gold or tinsel . Appeatance : Shine with grey or dark grey metallic lustre .

  29. 或许,在地下某个地方有一个巨大的宿舍,里面都是闪着金属光泽、处于休眠状态的钢铁机器人。

    Perhaps there is some vast underground dormitory somewhere , all steel and sparks and dormant androids .

  30. 最后蒸发出了表面均匀、有金属光泽、厚度合适的理想电极。

    Finally the ideal electrodes with homogeneous and brilliant surface , and appropriate thickness have been evaporated .