
  • 网络michigan;State of Michigan;University of Michigan
  1. 密歇根州的部分地区被超过一英尺厚的积雪所覆盖。

    More than a foot of snow blanketed parts of Michigan

  2. 南北战争推动了密歇根州的发展。

    The civil war provided an impetus to michigan 's growth .

  3. 密歇根州的立法者显然希望使该州为无人驾驶技术的商业应用做好准备。

    Lawmakers in Michigan clearly want to make the state ready for the commercial application of self-driving technology .

  4. 一些想要取代密歇根州在运输领域的主导地位的州和国家正威胁着我们在汽车研究开发领域的领导地位。

    " Michigan 's dominance in auto research and development is under attack from several states and countries which desire to replace our leadership in transportation . "

  5. 如果这四项法案都如所起草的那样通过,那么它们将标志着密歇根州2013年一项法律的重大更新,该法律允许在有限条件下测试无人驾驶汽车。

    If all four bills pass as written , they would represent a substantial update of Michigan 's 2013 law that allowed the testing of self-driving vehicles in limited conditions .

  6. 在一次试图使无人驾驶汽车生产回归底特律的努力中,密歇根州的立法者提出了一个可以使该州成为全美即使不是全世界开发无人驾驶汽车并让它们上路的最佳地点。

    In a bid to take production back to Detroit , Michigan lawmakers have introduced legislation that could make their state the best place in the country , if not the world , to develop self-driving vehicles and put them on the road .

  7. 福特T型车是一个世纪前在密歇根州皮奎特工厂制造的,1908年9月27日,第一辆福特T型车在装配线上下线。

    The Model T Ford was built at the Piquette Plant in Michigan a century ago , with the first rolling off the assembly line on September 27 , 1908 .

  8. 他们将水送到密歇根州的弗林特,一个饮用水不卫生的城市。

    They took the water to Flint , Michigan , a city that had unsafe drinking water .

  9. 身着红色的超级英雄服装,伊万在密歇根州底特律的一个公园里开心地向饥饿的人们分发了70份午餐。

    Wearing his red superhero costume , Ewan happily helped pass out 70 bag lunches to hungry people in a park in Detroit , Michigan .

  10. 本周,我也到了密歇根州的WillowRun工厂。

    This week , I also traveled to the Willow Run plant in Michigan .

  11. 最高法院对14-46号案、密歇根州诉环境保护局(Michiganv.EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)的判决对环保人士来说是个挫折。

    The decision , Michigan v. Environmental Protection Agency , No. 14-46 was a setback for environmentalists .

  12. 如果用同样的比率计算,购买密歇根州,中国需要花大约2万亿美元大致相当于中国国家外汇管理局(safe)必须花掉的钱。

    If the same ratio applied , buying Michigan would cost China almost $ 2 trillion - roughly what its state administration of foreign exchange has to spend .

  13. 他在其家乡密歇根州创建了非营利戏剧公司PurpleRoseTheatreCompany。

    He founded a nonprofit GetWord (" nonprofit "); theater company , the Purple Rose Theatre Company , in his home state of Michigan .

  14. Cho说道,她作为密歇根州大学综合癌症中心的成员受治病人。

    Cho , who treats patients as a member of the U-M Comprehensive Cancer Center .

  15. 市长DavidBing表示,这样的人口普查结果将为底特律和密歇根州带来巨大的经济损失。

    Mayor David Bing said the low census figures will cost the city and the state of Michigan more money .

  16. 今年春天在美国密歇根州AnnArbor举办的敏捷教练营,是首届专门为敏捷教练开设的训练营。

    AgileCoachCamp , held this spring in Ann Arbor Michigan , was the first ever conference specifically for agile coaches .

  17. 来自密歇根州怀俄明市的KarenBrooks说我跟我丈夫一起去拍的这张照片

    Karen Brooks from Wyoming Michigan , I went to with my husband to take this photo ,

  18. JohnBiernbaum教授在密歇根州的一个学生有机农场尝试了温室大棚并获得成功。

    Professor Biernbaum tried hoop houses on the student organic farm at Michigan State and had success .

  19. 密歇根州有16张选举人票,因此CNN预测拜登将获得253张选举人票,领先特朗普40张。

    With Michigan carrying 16 electoral votes , CNN now projects Biden to have 253 electoral votes , leading Trump by 40 .

  20. CraigLabovitz是位于美国密歇根州的互联网安全公司ArborNetworks的首席科学家。

    Craig Labovitz is chief scientist at Arbor Networks , an Internet security company in the American state of Michigan .

  21. 圣诞节前夜,家住密歇根州安阿伯的斯科特(BrandonScott)还在等着他上周六在亚马逊订购的46寸三星(Samsung)电视机和凯特丝蓓(KateSpade)手表。

    On Christmas Eve , Brandon Scott was still waiting for a 46-inch Samsung TV and Kate Spade watch he ordered from Amazon on Saturday .

  22. “很多人都在拼命推销自己,”密歇根州罗切斯特市职业介绍公司AngottSearchGroup的总裁马克•安哥特(MarkAngott)说。

    ' A lot of people are selling themselves hard , 'says Mark Angott , president of Angott Search Group , a recruiting firm in Rochester , Mich.

  23. 密歇根州大学实验室开发的这一新的小鼠模型是基于人卵巢肿瘤细胞分子缺陷的特点,本研究第一作者KathleenR。

    The new mouse model developed in the U-M lab is based on molecular defects shown to be present in human ovarian tumor cells , says senior author Kathleen R.

  24. 据NPR新闻的大卫·威尔纳报道,密歇根州国会议员迈克·罗杰斯做出离开国会山的决定令人出乎意料。

    As NPR 's David Welna explains , Michigan Congressman Mike Rogers ' decision to leave Capitol Hill was unexpected .

  25. 同时,HowardRussell,这位美国密歇根州大学的昆虫专家,说一旦它们接近行军点时,它们就很难停下来。

    And Howard Russell , an insect expert at Michigan State University , says once they get to the marching point , they are difficult to stop .

  26. 一个居住在密歇根州的沙特裔留学生,由于邻居看到了其携带高压锅而报警,在家里接受了FBI的审问。

    A Saudi student living in Michigan was questioned in his home by FBI agents after neighbours saw him carrying a pressure cooker and called the police .

  27. 上汽集团美国公司(SAICUSAInc.)的总裁鲁易(音)说,将汽车销往海外变得越来越重要,这是上汽集团决定去美国密歇根州的重要因素。

    Yi Lu , president of SAIC USA Inc. , called the growing importance of selling cars abroad a ' significant factor ' in the decision to go to Michigan .

  28. 作为密歇根州猎头公司AutomaticLLC的创始人,范斯德梅克尔表示,这名求职者表现自己的方式与公司的经营理念和行为准则很不相符。

    She represented herself in a way that would not align with the company 's philosophy and ethics , ' says Ms. Fenstermaker , founder of Automatic LLC , a search firm in Grand Rapids , Mich.

  29. 为该副总裁提供咨询服务的密歇根州威廉斯顿(Williamston)的人力资源顾问苏珊•希斯菲尔德(SusanHeathfield)回忆说,“这位部门经理把这个晋升机会等同于让她有权力告诉人们该做什么。”

    She equated the proposed title with being able to tell people what to do , ' recalls Susan Heathfield , a human-resources consultant in Williamston , Mich. , who coached the EVP .

  30. 这款产品在硅谷设计,将在密歇根州安阿伯(AnnArbor,Michigan)制造,制造过程会在60名薪水相对亚洲较高的工程师指导下进行,使用的部件将来自全球各地。

    It was designed in Silicon Valley and will be made in Ann Arbor , Michigan under the supervision of 60 relatively expensive engineers , with components from across the globe .