
yún cai
  • cloud
云彩 [yún cǎi]
  • [clouds] 云的通称

云彩[yún cai]
  1. 天空晴朗,一星星云彩也没有。

    The sky is clear and bright without a speck of cloud .

  2. 飘过来一片云彩挡住了月亮。

    A cloud drifted by and covered the moon .

  3. 他仍旧仰卧着,望着天上的云彩。

    He continued to lie on his back and look at clouds

  4. 云彩扩散开来,几乎遮住了整个天空。

    The clouds had spread and nearly covered the entire sky

  5. 半轮月亮躲在淡淡的云彩之后。

    The half moon is hidden behind some wispy clouds .

  6. 云彩像被擦亮的金子一般闪闪发光。

    The clouds glowed like burnished gold .

  7. 太阳让云彩遮住了。

    The sun was hidden by clouds .

  8. 月亮给云彩遮住了。

    The moon was hidden by clouds .

  9. 我从座位上能看到一角天空,白日的云彩已经散尽,夜空中充斥着繁星,清风吹过时微微摇颤。

    The triangle of sky I see from where I am sitting is stripped of its daylight clouds .

  10. 或许外星人早就在观察地球呢,只不过他们的飞船外形像云彩而已…

    Aliens could already be observing Earth , but their ships look like clouds ...

  11. 歌声慷慨悲壮,穿云裂石,连天空中的云彩也被这声音所阻挡不能前进。

    The song was so magnificent and solemn , stirring and penetrating2 that the clouds in the sky were hold up by it .

  12. 基于OpenGL和分形技术的真实感云彩生成

    Generation of realistic graphics of cloud based on OpenGL and fractal

  13. 针对目标的复杂运动情况,在小目标被云彩遮挡的情况下,将Kalman滤波引入该改进算法,建立了跟踪模型。

    Aiming at the movement of WAT in complex movement , this paper has introduced Kalman to establish tracking model when WAT was in the cloud cloak .

  14. 加拿大公司Molo则设计了更多的云彩状灯具产品,它推出了直径达2米的巨型CloudSoftlight无影灯,为现有的活动型CloudSoftlight系列“添丁”,该巨型灯的设计灵感来自亚历山大•考尔德(AlexanderCalder)的艺术作品。

    There were more cloudscapes at Canadian company Molo , which launched the XXL Cloud Softlight , measuring two metres in diameter , to add to its existing Cloud Softlight mobiles , which are inspired by the work of Alexander Calder .

  15. 云彩是白色的,但有时云彩是灰色的。

    The clouds are white but sometimes the clouds are gray .

  16. 谢天谢地,云彩把最后一个字母挡住了,喂!

    Thank goodness the cloud blocked the last letter . hello ?

  17. 将云彩打组,不透明度设为50%。

    Group the Clouds Layers and set the Opacity to50 % .

  18. 山后面衬着云彩,看起来多美啊!

    How beautiful the hills look with the clouds behind them !

  19. 即使一缕云彩我也不会把它带走。

    Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away .

  20. 云彩遮住了太阳,不过时间不长。

    The cloud blotted out the sun but not for long .

  21. 好吧,这坨云彩要开始打雷了!

    Well , this cloud is about to bring the thunder !

  22. 我想把这个天花板涂成云彩飞扬的样子。

    I want to paint the ceiling to look like clouds .

  23. 云彩多么平静地停留在天空中。拓展::我的天啊,究竟

    Eg. How calmly the clouds seem to repose in heaven .

  24. 看天上的云彩,很快就要下雨了。

    Look at the cloud , it will be rainy soon .

  25. 太阳,云彩,下雨,下雪,刮风。

    Sun , clouds , rain , snow , wind .

  26. 我看见云彩,我看见天空。

    I see the clouds , I see the sky .

  27. 记住,谚语,每一片云彩都有明亮的一面。

    Remember the adage Every cloud has a silver lining .

  28. 哇!云彩象柱子一样!

    A pillar is like a big column of cloud .

  29. 脑海中浮现的云彩掠过长空的画面。

    A mental picture of clouds scudding across the sky .

  30. 乐观者说:每片云彩都有一线希望。

    " Every cloud has a silver lining ," says the optimist .