- cloud cover;cloud amount;cloudage;cover of cloud

[cloud cover] 空中在视力范围内看到的云层的遮盖程度,用0-10来表示
Total Cloud Amount Difference Between ISCCP Product and Ground Observation over China My two dads had opposing attitudes in thought .
With the Central Mountain as the central boundary line , the annual oscillation period in west-east direction is clear with respect to total cloud amount , low-cloud amount as well as precipitation .
Single Station Forecast of Total Cloud Cover Based on BP Neural Net
Responses of cloud cover to ENSO events across China
By analysing 53 stations data of Gansu from 1961 to 1995 with EOF etc.
Among the meteorologic conditions , the influence of cloudage and humidity are most notable , then the influence of wind speed , which is much complex .
TRP equations of low cloud cover and visibility at Nanjing are also developed using TRP model .
Increasing the low-level cloud fraction off California effectively reduces the SST warm biases in ITCZ north of the equator .
The change rate of the reflectivity , longwave radiation fluxes , and change of the sensitivity coefficient with the cloud fraction were calculated and compared with the results of a plane parallel cloud model .
Similar to the method of Z index of precipitation , a trial research is made on monitoring drought by the amount of cloud , and the method of Z index of cloud amount is established .
In summer and autumn low pressure ridge , subsidiary tropic high pressure affect API greatly , and the relation of humidity and amount of cloud with API show contrary trend , the temperature has little relation with API .
With EOF and trend analysis method adopted , the spatiotemporal variation of total cloud amount is analyzed for75 stations over the Plateau during the period of1971-2004 .
Chosen the global average surface temperature T and cloudiness n as state variables , the relations of the planetary albedo 2 and the atmospheric effective emissivity E with the state variables are given that work on the several important feedback processes in the climate system .
It is also pointed out in the paper that the effective cloud amount defined as a half of the sum of total cloud cover and low-level cloud amount may simplify the cloud criteria and improve the accuracy in Turner 's approach .
The increase of solar radiation , optics thickness , and cloud are all the important factors which might lead to changes of climate .
Rapid Determination of Trace Amounts of Formaldehyde Based on Chromatic Aberration in Aquatic Product Logistics Total Cloud Amount Difference Between ISCCP Product and Ground Observation over China
Comparing the distribution of total cloud cover from ISCCP with that observed from surface stations , the rationality of ISCCP-D2 data is validated .
The relation between lower cloud-cover , irradiation and temperature observation over the massif , plain stations and stations around Poyang Lake in Jiangxi region during recent 45 years is analyzed .
Results show clear correlations between solar activity and global air temperature , global cloud coverage , 500 hPa vorticity area index ( VAI ), thunderstorm , column ozone and temperature departure in the lower stratosphere on different time scale .
Formation of Ca-K-S and other S-containing particle classes with high number percentage was closely related to meteorological conditions such as relative humidity and cloud coverage . Those particles are probably products of cloud processing .
By use of the daytime visible cloud picture from TIROS-N meteorological satellite , statistics on the cloudiness distribution of high light clouds over the Qing Zang plateau month by month from May to August of 1979 has been made .
Total cloud amount reduced by 0.03 tenth per 10 years .
Spatial-Temporal Distribution and Change Trend of Cloud Amount over Inner Mongolia
The recognition of ground nephogram cloudage based on image processing technology
Space-time distribution characteristics of total cloud amount over the East China Sea
Cloudiness in the Western Pacific and Rainfall in East China
Change effect of variation of cloud cover on net radiation
Numerical simulations of effects of local cloudiness change on climate
Climate change features of total cloud cover over Northwest China
Analysis of global total cloud amount variation over the past 20 years