
jiàng yǔ
  • rainfall;rain
降雨 [jiàng yǔ]
  • (1) [rain]∶使雨落下

  • 使云降雨

  • (2) [rainfall]∶雨水的降落

降雨[jiàng yǔ]
  1. 降雨会影响空气湿度。

    Rainfall affects the moisture content of the atmosphere .

  2. 由于缺少降雨,池塘里的水逐渐减少。

    Water in the pond gradually diminished due to lack of rainfall .

  3. 这个月的降雨低于平均降雨量。

    There has been below average rainfall this month .

  4. 由于降雨过多,排水系统已经彻底瘫痪了。

    The drainage system has collapsed because of too much rain .

  5. 3个小时断断续续的降雨之后,比赛取消了。

    After three hours of intermittent rain , the game was abandoned .

  6. 大部分地区降雨超过通常水平,北爱尔兰地区本月的降水量则为平均值的两倍。

    Most areas suffered more rain than usual , with Northern Ireland getting double the average for the month .

  7. 沛然降雨。

    A copious rain began to fall .

  8. 乌云是降雨的信号。

    A dark cloud is a sign of rain .

  9. 我们的野餐被断断续续的降雨给破坏了。

    Our picnic was marred by intermittent rains .

  10. 但降雨可以使它们在几小时内复苏。

    But rainfall can revive them in a matter of hours .

  11. 自从人类开始种植自己的食物以来,我们就面临着无法预测的友敌:降雨。

    Ever since humanity began to farm our own food , we 've faced the unpredictable rain that is both friend and enemy .

  12. 当一棵树在一个特定区域开始生长时,有可能是因为整体气候,如温度、湿度、降雨模式及其他适合树生长的因素。

    When a tree first starts growing in a certain area , it 's likely that the climatic envelope — the temperature , humidity , rainfall patterns and so on — suits it .

  13. 粮食的安全和命运依赖于充足的雨水,在非洲尤其如此。在那里,96%的农田依赖于降雨,而不是较发达地区常见的灌溉。

    Food security and fortunes depend on sufficient rain , and nowhere more so than in Africa , where 96 % of farmland depends on rain instead of the irrigation common in more developed places .

  14. 它们也可能导致北美和南美部分地区出现极端降雨,而非洲南部却会经历干旱天气。

    They can lead to extreme rain in parts of North and South America , even as southern Africa experiences dry weather .

  15. 一项研究发现,1997年强劲的Nifio帮助美国经济增长了150亿美元,部分原因是农业收成较好,中西部的农民从额外的降雨中获益。

    A study found that a strong Nifio in 1997 helped American 's economy grow by 15 billion , partly because of better agricultural harvest , farmers in the Midwest gained from extra rain .

  16. 研究人员通过一个计算机模型测出了水分胁迫,该模型计算了树木获得的水分与它们需要的水分之间的对比,同时考虑了降雨、气温、土壤湿度和融雪时间等因素。

    The researchers figured out water stress with a computer model that calculated how much water trees were getting in comparison with how much they needed , taking into account such things as rainfall , air temperature , dampness of soil , and the timing of snowmelt .

  17. “树木可以增加降雨,给这里带来更多动物。”他说

    " Trees can bring rain and animals , " he said .

  18. 微风可以把蒸汽带过沙漠,让它变成降雨。

    The breeze can carry the vapor across the desert and let it leave as rain .

  19. "微风可以把蒸汽带过沙漠,让它变成降雨。

    " The breeze can carry the vapor across the desert and let it leave as rain .

  20. 降雨历线资料为上游集水区推估洪水流量历线的重要依据

    Hyetographs are important in estimating stormflow hydrographs from upstream watersheds .

  21. “雨水”节气的到来预示着降雨增加,气温回升。

    Rain Water signals the increase in rainfall and rise in temperature .

  22. 8月8日以来,湖北多地出现强降雨。

    Heavy rainfall has hit most parts of the province since Aug 8 .

  23. 部分地区将出现强降雨。

    Heavy rainfall is expected in some areas .

  24. 例句大自然近来对我们不太友善,连日的降雨导致了灾难性的洪水。

    Mother Nature hasn 't been kind to us – days of rain have led to catastrophic flooding .

  25. 撤离灾区涉水通过后在白沙瓦沉重的季风降雨在周六,2010年7月31日

    Evacuees wade through flooded area following heavy monsoon rains in Peshawar on Saturday , July 31 , 2010 .

  26. 当地政府8月13日通报,8月11日至12日,湖北省随县柳林镇发生极端强降雨天气,已造成柳林镇8000余人受灾,21人死亡、4人失联。

    Twenty-one people were killed and four others missing as heavy rain lashed in the township , according to the announcement .

  27. 但北极地区的气温上升速度是地球其它地区的两倍,博克斯教授认为未来还会有更多的降雨。

    But temperatures in the Arctic1 are rising twice as fast as the rest of the planet and Professor Box believes there ’ ll be more rain in future .

  28. 预计8月中下旬,黄河、海河、长江部分河段可能发生超警洪水,台风降雨可能引发区域性暴雨洪水。近期我国西南、长江中下游等地局部暴雨洪水频发。

    Water levels are likely to exceed the warning levels in some sections of the Yellow River , Yangtze River and Haihe River in mid-to-late August , with typhoons triggering regional downpours and floods .

  29. 同时,更多的降雨而非降雪使得雨滴落在冻土上时形成坚固的冰层,这样一来驯鹿完全没办法把鼻子伸进去进食。

    And more rain , rather than snow , when it falls onto freezing ground , forms a hard layer of ice that the animals simply can 't push their noses through to feed .

  30. 虽然冬天的雨水会迅速再次结冰,但降雨会改变冰面,使其颜色更黑、质地更滑,这意味着在接下来的夏天里,冰川将更易融化。

    Although rain falling in winter will quickly refreeze , it ’ ll change the surface , making it darker and smoother , which means that in the following summer the ice will be likelier to melt .