
  • 网络pay cuts
  1. 与此同时,员工也担心降薪。

    Employees , meanwhile , fear pay cuts .

  2. 薪酬冻结、接受降薪和更低的起薪在2009年成为了常态。

    Salary freezes , pay cuts and lower starting pay became the norm in2009 .

  3. 公司放弃了给他们降薪15%的计划。

    The company backed away from plans to cut their pay by 15 %

  4. 在他看来,让员工同意接受1%的降薪并非是不可能的。

    In his opinion , it is not impossible for the staff to agree to take a 1 % pay cut .

  5. 新西兰的联合利华公司也给员工提供了不降薪但工作时间减少20%的机会。

    And Unilever in New Zealand is also giving staff a chance to cut their hours by 20 % without hurting their pay in a trial .

  6. 研究人员称,试点活动导致工会重新协商工作模式,如今冰岛86%的劳动力可以在不降薪的条件下缩短工作时间,或将能获得这一权利。

    The trials led unions to renegotiate working patterns , and now 86 % of Iceland 's workforce have either moved to shorter hours for the same pay , or will gain the right to , the researchers said .

  7. 或者,对于萧华和NBA更不幸的是:会不会有些球员觉得自己必须降薪?

    Or , even more ominous for Silver and the league : Will some players feel like they have to ?

  8. 英国建筑公司jcb也显示出降薪的局限性。

    JCB , the UK construction maker , also shows the limits of lowering wages .

  9. 德国一家小型建筑材料公司HeinzBücker在早先要求司机接受8%的降薪之后,本月却破产了。

    Heinz B ü cker , a small German building materials company , went bankrupt this month after previously asking its drivers to accept an 8 per cent pay cut .

  10. 此外,他不久前刚刚降薪35%。

    And he just took a 35 % pay cut .

  11. 去年,并非所有银行首席执行官都采取了降薪举措。

    Not every bank chief executive took a pay cut last year .

  12. 我现在不能停职或降薪。

    I can 't take a suspension or pay cut right now .

  13. 原因之一,降薪几乎是不疼不痒的。

    For one , it was near painless .

  14. 之前,《纽约时报》已经报道过他的降薪新闻。

    News of Price 's pay cut was reported earlier by the New York Times .

  15. 没有什么能阻止一名球员降薪2500万美元的。

    There is nothing stopping a player from taking a $ 25 million pay cut .

  16. 希腊的公务员可能不得不去适应降薪和延迟退休带来的影响。

    Greek civil servants may have to get used to pay cuts and longer working lives .

  17. 在经济低迷时期,很多人为了保住工作而选择降薪。

    In a recession , many people would rather take a pay cut than lose their jobs .

  18. 他们庆祝的方式不仅包括给自己加薪,还包括给其他所有人降薪。

    And not only do they celebrate by paying themselves more , they pay everyone else less .

  19. 其他球员会不会因为减少了自己的市场价值以实现降薪而感到更舒服呢?

    Will others feel more comfortable eschewing their market value to take pay cuts of their own ?

  20. 如果他们想对杜兰特的这个降薪决定有所反应就没有那么幸运了。

    If there is a similar reaction to this Durant decision , they will have no such luck .

  21. 就第一点而言,贝尔特拉蒂和他在联合圣保罗银行的一些同事已自愿降薪三分之一。

    On the first count , he and some of his colleagues at Intesa Sanpaolo have taken a voluntary one-third pay-cut .

  22. 菊池洋称,尽管全公司的平均工资可能下调,但降薪细节尚未敲定。

    Kikuchi said details of the pay cuts have not been decided , although the overall average is likely to decline .

  23. 作为削减措施的一部分,政界人士和公共部门经理将降薪5%。

    As part of the cuts , politicians and public sector managers will see their salaries fall by five per cent .

  24. 中国六大交易所,商品和期货交易所发表公告,将对交易所三分之二的高管进行降薪。

    Six stock , commodity and futures exchanges in China have issued pay reductions of up to two-thirds to their executives .

  25. 詹姆斯早在2014年就说清楚了,2010年他降薪之后现在他想要顶薪合同。

    LeBron made it clear in 2014 that he wanted the max after he himself took a pay cut in 2010 .

  26. 该国以近乎空前的力度出台了财政紧缩计划,削减政府支出、增税并降薪。

    The country has adopted an austerity programme of near-unprecedented severity , cutting government spending , raising taxes and depressing salaries .

  27. 业内人士表示称包括沪深交易所在内的交易所也都将于一月份开始降薪。

    A person familiar with the decision said the salary cuts which included the Shanghai and Shenzhen bourses were backdated to January .

  28. 但是,如果你是因不正当的理由被降薪了,你就可以在辞职的时候享受失业福利。

    But , if your pay has been cut by an unreasonable percentage , you may be able to quit and still collect unemployment benefits .

  29. 英国《金融时报》当时报道称,摩根士丹利准备在2013年年初进一步降薪裁员,以降低经营成本。

    The FT reported then that the investment bank was preparing more pay and job cuts in early 2013 in its effort to reduce costs .

  30. 勇士队面临着新的实力被看轻的情况,意味着他们对那些愿意降薪追求总冠军戒指的老将们不再有吸引力。

    The Warriors ' newfound underdog status meant they were no longer a destination for veterans willing to take a pay cut to chase a near-guaranteed ring .