
jiànɡ jià fú dù
  • price cut percentage;range of drop in prices
  1. 初代iPhone上市才一年多时间,苹果就推出了199美元的3G版iPhone,降价幅度达到66%。

    And just over a year after the original release , Apple shipped the iPhone 3G at $ 199 , a 66 % price reduction .

  2. 百仕通总裁托尼詹姆斯(tonyjames)表示,考虑到售价的降价幅度,这些贷款债权的购买者可能获得高达30%的收益。

    The buyers of the loans could make returns of up to 30 per cent , given the markdowns on the sale prices , said Tony James , President of Blackstone .

  3. 中方谈判代表中国钢铁工业协会(Cisa,简称:中钢协)拒绝接受上述降价幅度,而要求价格削减40%至45%。

    The China Iron and Steel Association ( Cisa ), Beijing 's negotiator , has rejected those cuts and is instead seeking a 40-45 per cent cut in prices .

  4. 该决定也预示着,未来的竞争可能更为激烈,降价幅度也可能更大。

    It also raises the prospect of greater competition and deeper price cuts .

  5. 我们的降价幅度为正常(标准)价格的10%。

    We give 10 % off our normal price .

  6. 1%!你的降价幅度太小了。4%怎么样?

    1 % ! Your reduction is too modest . What about 4 % ?

  7. 为了保持利润水平,诺基亚降价幅度较小,从而牺牲了市场份额。

    In an effort to maintain margins it left its prices higher at the expense of market share .

  8. 生意社预计此次降价幅度在450元/吨至500元/吨。

    Business Club expected to cut prices between the 450 yuan per ton to 500 yuan per ton .

  9. 炼钢厂或许会绕过中钢协,与澳大利亚矿商议定临时价格,获得与日本类似的降价幅度。

    Individual mills might try to circumvent CISA by paying Australian miners provisional prices to match the Japanese reduction .

  10. 当产品价格越低,降价幅度越大时,消费者内部参考价下降越大。

    When the product price is lower , the cut prices is higher , consumer ' internal reference price decline more .

  11. 行业官员表示,随着对铁矿石和钢铁的需求骤降,日本钢铁制造商也在寻求40%至50%的降价幅度。

    Industry officials said Japanese steelmakers were also seeking a 40-50 per cent cut as demand for ore and steel was plunging .

  12. 虽然目前的集中采购计划将进一步提高采购量,但是降价幅度却不确定,应根据项目成本进行权衡。

    Although current plans for pooled procurement will further increase purchase volumes , savings are uncertain and should be balanced against programmatic costs .

  13. 一些分析人士说,苹果电脑在设计上没有重大的改变,降价幅度也不是很大,他们对此感到失望。

    Some analysts said they were disappointed that there were no major changes in design and that the price cuts weren 't bigger .

  14. 在澳大利亚,汽油价格也出现下降。不过,由于澳元兑美元走软,所以澳大利亚汽油降价幅度有限。

    In Australia , gasoline prices have retreated , although falls have been limited because of the weakness of the Australian dollar against its American counterpart .

  15. 梅赛德斯在8月3日发表声明,称降价幅度最高达到29%,涉及逾1万个型号的部件。

    In a statement issued on August 3 , Mercedes said the cuts would be as much as 29 per cent and affect more than 10,000 parts .

  16. 这类海滩住房的降价幅度甚至更大,其售价中值从去年的82.5万美元降至73.5万美元,降幅达11%。

    The price drops were even steeper for these beach homes , whose median price fell 11 per cent to $ 735000 , from $ 825000 last year .

  17. 文章首先通过小样本预调研,确定促销产品价格水平(高、低)、降价幅度水平(高、低)。

    First this article determines price level ( high and low ) and cut prices ( high and low ) of promotional products through the small sample investigation .

  18. 贸易商与分析师们表示,矿业集团希望降价幅度保持在20%或更少。在2008至2009年度的价格谈判中,它们获得了85%的创纪录涨幅。

    Traders and analysts said the miners were hoping for a cut of 20 per cent or less after securing a record 85 per cent increase in the 2008-09 negotiations .

  19. 分析师们表示,中国在谈判中讨价还价的能力一天比一天小。他们警告,北京或许需要接受与其他国家相同的降价幅度。

    Analysts said that China 's bargaining power in the negotiations was diminishing by the minute , warning that Beijing may need to accept a similar cut to other countries .

  20. 中钢协表示,力拓的降价幅度没有客观真实地反映国际铁矿石市场形势,将造成中国钢铁生产企业全面亏损。

    Cisa said Rio Tinto 's price cuts do not objectively reflect conditions in the international iron ore market , and would result in overall losses among China 's steelmakers .

  21. 在一年一度的铁矿石基准价格谈判中,中国和日本的钢铁制造商要求的降价幅度达创纪录的40%,但这面临来自矿业集团的抵制。

    Chinese and Japanese steelmakers have demanded a record 40 per cent cut in iron ore prices in annual benchmark pricing negotiations , but are facing resistance from mining groups .

  22. 在整个调查过程中表现得更低调的宝马,尽管近年来降价幅度较大,但此次仅自愿下调了约2000种零部件的价格。

    BMW , which has managed to keep a lower profile throughout the investigation , volunteered cuts on only about 2,000 components , having lowered its prices more aggressively over recent years .

  23. 结果:本次抗微生物和寄生虫类招标药品降价幅度为29%,国产药品降价幅度大于进口和合资药品。

    Results : The price of the bidding medicine of anti-infection this time reduced by29 % , and the price of medicine made in China reduced lower than that of import and joint investment .

  24. 交易员与分析师表示,中国有可能为其拒绝接受33%的降价幅度而付出代价,因为铁矿石现货价格已经超过了基准价格,而且今年晚些时候还有可能进一步上涨。

    Traders and analysts said China could pay a price for its reluctance to accept the 33 per cent deal as spot prices are already above the benchmark prices and are likely to rise further later this year .

  25. 矿业公司警告中国称,它们不会制定低于现货价的基准价格,而如果它们同意北京提出的高达50%的降价幅度,就意味着基准价格将低于现货价。

    The miners have warned China that they will not settle benchmark prices below spot prices which would be the result if they agreed to Beijing 's request for a cut of up to 50 per cent in benchmark prices .

  26. 但至少在短期内,这项调查可能已适得其反,把现货价格推高至超过现行基准价位的水平,进一步削弱了中方的主张,即它应当在2009-10年度合约中得到40%至45%的降价幅度。

    But at least in the short term , the probe may have backfired , driving spot prices above the current benchmark level and further undermining China 's argument that it should win a 40-45 per cent cut in contract prices for 2009-2010 contracts .

  27. 中国钢铁工业协会继续扮演其坏警察角色。昨天该协会表示,不会接受30-35%的降价幅度。韩国和日本钢厂似乎正接近以这一降幅与矿业企业达成协议。

    Cisa , for its part , continues to play its bad cop role , saying yesterday it would not settle at a 30-35 per cent cut , the level at which South Korean and Japanese mills appear close to an agreement with the miners .

  28. 方法:对2002年南京市医疗机构第一次药品集中招标采购情况进行分类分析。结果:本次抗微生物和寄生虫类招标药品降价幅度为29%,国产药品降价幅度大于进口和合资药品。

    Methods : Analysis the range of concentrate bid of Nanjing Hospital in 2002 . Results : The price of the bidding medicine of anti-infection this time reduced by 29 % , and the price of medicine made in China reduced lower than that of import and joint investment .

  29. 并且降价的幅度已经扩大到所有型号和容量的机器。

    The price cuts extend to all models and capacities .

  30. 一个住宅项目的销售经理SusanYang说,她的老板正打算隐性降价,折扣幅度可能达到30%,这样就可以在不破坏楼盘高端形象的同时保持竞争力。

    At one project , sales manager Susan Yang says her bosses are considering ' stealth price cuts ' rebates , of maybe 30 % that would keep the development competitive without undercutting its high-end image .