
  • 网络Price band;price range;Price Zone
  1. 最早的波音747飞机不过在两年前才开始运营,但很快一批新航线就将为人们熟知,并以低廉的价格带我们飞向尚不为人所知的地方。

    The first 747s had taken passengers on board just two years earlier , and soon a host of new airlines would become familiar names , flying us to undiscovered places and doing it at delightfully low prices .

  2. 苹果仍然保留了iPad2,但它不会对平板电脑新品构成威胁。iPad2不仅发布时间较久,而且价格与带视网膜屏的iPadmini相近,这使它不会成为大多数消费者的选择。

    Apple has retained the iPad 2 , and while it might be a non-threatening option for those coming to the tablet space , its age and similar price to the iPad mini with Retina Display rules it out for the majority of consumer sales .

  3. 该扫描仪在价格上与带读卡器的扫描仪比起来更有优势,同时不再需要卡和辅币。

    Its price is comparable to that of a card reader , and it eliminates the need for cards or tokens .

  4. 设计的天线结构简单、尺寸紧凑,价格低、带宽宽,具有很高的实用价值。

    The designed antenna has a high practical value in addition to simple and compact structure , low price and wide bandwidth .

  5. 由于钢丝绳的柔性好,且为标准件,价格比环形带便宜,采用钢丝绳代替环形轧制环型钢带;

    For the steel wire have good flexility which is standard component cheaper than metal ring , so we use the steel cable take the place of the metal ring named patch metalV-belt ;

  6. 好吧,多么之后这?我们采取你提供的价格,提供你带我们提供的质量。

    Well , how 's this ? We take the price you offered , provided you take the quality we offered .

  7. 价格继续强力上升的趋势并在趋势线A和趋势线C之间的价格交易带内运行的可能性很大。

    There is a high probability price will continue to trend strongly upwards , moving in the trading band between trend line a and trend line C.