
  • 网络Price Monitoring
  1. 价格监测的基本任务是调查和分析重要商品、服务价格,以及相关成本与市场供求的变动情况;

    The basic tasks of price monitoring are to survey and analyze the prices of important commodities and services , the variation of relevant costs and of market supply and demand ;

  2. 物价部门关注如何建立和完善价格监测和调控体系,指责药价虚高。

    Price-controlled departments take on how to establish and perfect the price controlling system , price monitoring and regulation .

  3. 基于UML的医药价格监测管理系统开发

    The Price Inspection Management System Based on UML

  4. 介绍了应用UML对医药价格监测管理系统进行系统建模分析、设计及实现的具体过程。

    The paper takes the analysis and design of the price inspection management system as an example and introduces the practical modeling course of UML in detail .

  5. 本文描述了国家粮食价格监测预警系统中软件部分的设计与实现,并着重阐述了系统的开发模式、UI设计、技术特点、业务处理方法和系统测试与部署。

    The article describe the design and development about Price Detection and Early Warning System of State 's Grain , including the mode of software develop , UI design , transaction processing , software test and distribution .

  6. 农本收益调查与价格监测信息管理系统的统计

    The Agricultural Product Cost Investigation and Price Monitor Information Management system Designing

  7. 贝叶斯动态线性模型(BDLM)在水产品价格监测中的应用

    The Application of the Bayes ' Dynamic Liner Model in the Price Forecast of Fishery

  8. 从市场价格监测浅析开阳生猪产业发展的对策

    Preliminary Analysis on Countermeasures of Live Pig Industrial Development by Monitoring Its Market Price in Kaiyang County

  9. 全面了解全国中医类医院成本核算的现状,影响医院开展科室成本核算的因素分析,并遴选出中医类医院成本核算与价格监测网络建设单位。

    Understand the status of the public traditional Chinese medicine hospital cost accounting , factors affecting the cost accounting to carry out and selected construction units of traditional Chinese medicine hospital cost accounting and monitoring network price .

  10. 建立粮食巿场价格的监测预警系统;

    Establishing monitoring and early-warning system of food market price ;

  11. 最后一点,考虑价格因素选择监测体系。

    The final point to consider when choosing a monitor system is price .

  12. 同时,我国要加快利率市场化步伐,合理运用证券市场信用控制,完善股票质押贷款管理办法,运用窗口指导,将股票价格作为辅助监测指标。

    Stock mortgage loan ; the central bank 's window operation ; the stock market be an auxiliary monitoring index .

  13. 并通过地价监测点数据与地籍系统集成,实现对土地价格的动态监测与地价监测点资料的即时更新。

    Furthermore , it can actively monitor land-price and update data of land price monitoring points in time by integrating data of land price monitoring system and cadastral information system .

  14. 它是宏观经济分析和调控、价格总水平监测以及国民经济核算的重要指标,其变动率在一定程度上反映了通货膨胀或通货紧缩的程度。

    CPI is an important index of macro economic analysis and regulation , monitoring of the general price level and national economic accounting . To a certain extent , its rate of change reflects the degree of inflation or deflation .

  15. 在防范市场价格风险方面,具体措施为:加大生猪市场价格监测力度;加强行业信息引导;制定生猪价格波动调控措施;形成全国统筹的调控措施。

    Against market price risks in the specific measures : to increase the market price of live hogs monitoring efforts ; strengthen trade information guide ; to develop control measures fluctuations in hog prices ; to form a national co-ordination of control measures .

  16. 例如价格规制法律有漏洞,价格听证制度不完善,价格监测体制不健全,价格违法行为的法律责任不完整。

    For example , there are loopholes in the price regulation law , deficiency of price hearing system , weak points of price monitoring system , and incomplete legal responsibility about the illegal price behavior .

  17. 价格总水平调控的价格手段主要有:重要商品储备制度、价格调节基金制度、保护价政策、价格监测制度、价格的临时干预措施和紧急干预措施。

    The policy of protected price ; the system of pricing supervision ; the method of price 's temporary and urgent interference measures .

  18. 要进一步提高生猪价格调控政策的效果,政府应从以下几方面努力:完善生猪价格形成机制、构建合理的利益分配机制、健全生猪价格监测预警机制和建立生猪价格调控反馈机制等。

    In order to improve its effects further , some measures should be taken by our government , like perfecting pig price formation mechanism , constructing reasonable interest distribution mechanism , perfecting the monitoring and warning mechanism of pig price and establishing the feedback mechanism of pig price control policies .