
  • 网络price difference
  1. 发达国家的产品差异化主要表现在价格差异化、开发新产品以及服务差异化上。

    The developed countries product difference are price difference , new product and service difference .

  2. 在市场差异化方面,通过优质优价的价格差异化,短渠道、高覆盖、知识营销的渠道差异化,让用户认知和接受差异化价值,并为此支付差异化溢价。

    Concerning the issue of market differentiation , increase users ' differentiation awareness through price differentiation of high quality and reasonable price ; short-channel , high-coverage and knowledge marketing , to form channel differentiation , and make buyers accept then pay for a premium price .

  3. 特殊市场的假设垄断者测试须考虑价格歧视和差异化产品市场情形。

    Special market test to be considered hypothetical monopoly price discrimination and differences in product market conditions .

  4. 在许多行业,产品的同质性越来越明显,依靠产品质量、价格以及市场差异化等传统手段已经越来越难以在市场竞争中取胜。

    In many vocations , it is difficult for the companies to win in competition just depending on the quality , price and the difference .

  5. 分析三阶段Bertrand-Stackelberg市场价格竞争与产品差异化选址策略,将之与Bertrand-Nash市场均衡进行静态比较;

    This paper analyses the three-period Bertrand-Stackelberg market price competition and the strategy of product differentiation location , and makes a static contrast with Bertrand-Nash market equilibrium ;

  6. 双寡头垄断市场的价格竞争与产品差异化策略&一个博弈论模型及其扩展

    Price competition and strategy of product differential location : Game theory and its extension

  7. 价格竞争策略&差异化背景下价格策略是为了获得持久的竞争优势和追求合理的利润;

    Price tactics is taken under the different culture background to gain sustainable competitive advantage and reasonable profit .

  8. 随着国内彩电行业竞争的加巨,市场的竞争已从传统的价格竞争向技术竞争转变,竞争策略也从单纯的价格战发展到差异化策略、价格策略、集中化策略并存的局面。

    In colored TV industry , along with the aggravation of competition , the traditional competition on price has been changed to competition on technology . Consequently , the competition strategy has been developed to the diversity strategy , price strategy , concentration strategy .