
  • 网络Price survey;RSPI;FAPI
  1. 直到最近,中国还从未参与过将国内生产总值(gdp)精确转换为购买力平价美元所需的详尽价格调查。

    Until recently , China had never participated in the careful price surveys needed to convert accurately its gross domestic product into PPP dollars .

  2. 按部门经理要求完成产品和价格调查。

    Complete product and price survey as department manager 's requirement .

  3. 城市土地价格调查与地价动态监测体系建设

    Urban Land Price Investigation and Construction of Land Price Dynamic Monitoring Information System

  4. 中山市2009年上半年城乡建筑业自来水预算价格调查报告

    Investigation report on the estimated cost of water supply in construction in Zhongshan 2009 1st half

  5. 城市土地分等定级有关问题探讨&太原市城市土地价格调查的思考

    Algorithmic Issues in Urban Land Gradation & Ponder over the investigation of land value in Taiyuan city

  6. 本文是在作者参加国土资源部项目《呼和浩特城市土地价格调查》基础上进一步研究、整理、完善之后完成的。

    Basing on the project of ministry of land and resources - the author researches ulteriorly , then wrote this thesis .

  7. 这与农业部发布的食品价格调查结果吻合,这些调查显示,5月份中国食品价格呈逐步下降趋势。

    This is in-line with food price surveys released by the Ministry of Agriculture , which showed a gradual price decline during the month .

  8. 根据里昂证券的奢侈品价格调查,12个月前在东京售卖的商品要比在香港便宜20%——与长期以来东京比香港贵20%的情况相去甚远。

    According to CLSA 's luxury price checks , goods in Tokyo 12 months ago were about 20 per cent cheaper than in Hong Kong - far from their long-run average of being about 20 per cent more expensive .

  9. 地价信息网建设是新一轮国土资源大调查城市土地价格调查项目的重要组成部分,其目的是实现地价动态监测与地价信息社会化服务体系。

    The building of land price information network is an important part in the item of the new round national land and resources investigation city land price investigation , as is for achieving the land price dynamic monitoring and the land price information sociality service system .

  10. 通过对昆明市2009-2010年的商品住宅价格进行调查收集,运用GIS空间插值技术得出房价分布等值图及三维模型。

    And it has collected the price of commercial housing In Kunming from 2009 to 2010 ; used GIS derived Price contour maps and three-dimensional model spatial interpolation techniques to analyze .

  11. 当纽约大陪审团传遍行政官员们作证时,对钢铁价格的调查也在加紧进行。

    Steel price probe heats up as New York grand jury calls executives to testify .

  12. 方法对4个省的7家药店和8家医院门诊药房的药品品种和价格进行调查和比较分析。

    Methods The types and prices of drugs in 7 pharmacies and 8 hospital outpatient pharmacies in 4 provinces were studied and compared .

  13. 此次住房价格指数调查中仅有二手单体别墅被包括其中,这是经济学家认为的最可信赖的住房价值数据。

    Only previously owned , single-family homes are included in the Case-Shiller survey , which economists consider the most reliable indicator of home values .

  14. 价格水门调查认为:如此的基于千篇一律的性别习惯所采取的歧视政策,可能是非法的,这当然与大多数员工的生产效率背道而驰。

    The Price-Waterhouse decision suggests that such discrimination based on cultural sex stereotypes may be illegal , and is certainly counter to maximum employee productivity .

  15. 对邯郸市17处住宅小区的多层和小高层住宅价格实地调查的基础上,分析了邯郸市住宅的价格变化特点以及影响因素。

    According to the price of17 multilayer and high residence buildings at HanDan city , we analyze the characteristic of price diversity and influencing factors .

  16. 方法对某二级医院药物价格进行调查,将价格分为若干层次,分析各层次中的药品品种数目、销售金额及所占比例。

    Methods The drug prices in a2nd class general hospital were divided into several levels and analyzed in respect of the varieties , sale amount , and percentage of each variety .

  17. 据路透社15日报道,一份关于世界主要旅行地酒店价格的调查显示,新加坡是亚太地区酒店房价最贵的城市。

    Singapore is the most expensive city in the Asia-Pacific region for hotel rooms , according to a survey of hotel prices in major destinations across the world , Reuters reported Wednesday .

  18. 到目前为止,对涉嫌合谋及操纵汇率价格的内部调查,已导致11家银行及英国央行(BoE)的25名员工被停职、强制休假或解雇。

    Those internal probes into allegations of collusion and price rigging have so far prompted the suspension , placing on leave , or firing of 25 staff across 11 banks and the Bank of England .

  19. 价格变化;调查改水情况。

    The prices ; Investigation for circumstance of change the source .

  20. 议会对价格稳定的调查上个礼拜开始了。

    The Congressional probe into price fixing began last week .

  21. 282种中成药日均价格的分层调查与分析

    Stratified Analysis on Daily Average Prices of 282 kinds of Chinese Patent Medicines

  22. 议会对价格稳定的调查。

    A congressional probe into price fixing .

  23. 农村药品监督与药品供应网络建设对药品价格影响的调查

    Investigation of the Effect of the Construction of Countryside Drugs " Two Nets " on their Price in Jiangxi

  24. 他补充称,在价格垄断案件调查过程中的跨境合作意味着,犯罪个人和企业现在面临比以前更严重的后果。

    He added that cross - border co-operation in the investigation of cartels meant guilty individuals and companies faced greater consequences than ever .

  25. 国际上,针对价格操纵的调查多数是由申请宽大处理的某家企业引发的,作为交换,该企业将提供对其他企业不利的证据。

    Internationally , most probes into price fixing are triggered by a company filing for leniency – in exchange for providing evidence against others .

  26. 被调查产品的出口价格是指调查期内被调查企业向中国海关报关申报单据中载明的被调查产品的出口销售价格。

    Export price of the product under investigation means the export selling price of such product prescribed in the documents provided by the entity thereof when reporting to China Customs during the period of investigation .

  27. 本章阐述了企业服务价格指数的调查内容,分析了中国企业服务价格指数的统计分类,编制企业服务价格指数的具体步骤和编制方法。

    This chapter elaborates the content of the enterprise service price index , analyzes the statistical classification of Chinese enterprise service price index , and implementing the specific steps and establishment methods of enterprise service price index .

  28. 消费者事务部对纽约市实体店和网络销售的90多个品牌的近800种商品价格进行了调查,结果发现,在5大领域里,女性产品价格平均要比男性产品高出7%。

    Comparing nearly 800 products from more than 90 brands sold in store and online , DCA found that on average and across five industries , women 's products cost 7 % more than similar products for men .

  29. 对河北省高碑店市10个村50位失地农户自1994年以来三次大规模征地的土地征用价格进行实际调查显示,土地征用后的用途是影响土地补偿价格的重要因素。

    An investigation of the prices of land expropriation for the fifty land-expropriated farmers in ten villages of Gaobeidian , Hebei province shows that the purpose after the land expropriation is an important factor that influences land compensation prices .

  30. 对影响征地补偿价格相关因素的调查与分析

    An Investigation and Analysis of the Factors Affecting Land Expropriation Compensation Prices