
  • 网络price dispersion
  1. 结论在10%显著性水平上,F值是显著的。这意味着信誉确实能解释网络市场上价格离散。

    The results are significant at 10 % critical value , indicating that reputation can be help to explain the price dispersion on internet .

  2. 但对于价格离散,网上图书市场的离散度大于传统市场,而网上CD市场的离散度小于传统市场。

    However , with respect to price dispersion , the dispersion degree of online book markets is larger than that in traditional markets and the dispersion of online CD markets is lower than that in traditional markets .

  3. 网络市场效率与价格离散研究

    The On - line Market Efficiency and The Price Dispersion

  4. 价格离散、信息搜寻与团购行为

    Discrete Price , Information Search and Group - buying

  5. 产品的价格离散问题的研究无疑具有理论和现实的双重积极意义。

    Research of price dispersion will have significance undoubtedly for both theory and practice .

  6. 另外还有网络外部性、网络价格离散等等特征。

    There are also the characteristics of network externalities , the network price dispersion .

  7. 价格离散程度的收敛与扩张;

    Convergence and expansion of price dispersion ;

  8. 价格离散问题的实证研究。

    Empirical study of e-commerce market .

  9. 价格离散与信息不对称

    Discrete Prices and Asymmetric Information

  10. 电子商务市场价格离散问题研究

    Price Dispersion of E-commerce Market

  11. 本文首先综述国内外研究现状,对价格离散理论进行深入分析和探讨;

    First , it summarizes the research of price dispersion and analyzes and discusses theory of that .

  12. 在线市场的价格离散现象研究

    Price Dispersion in Online Market

  13. 然而近来国外的研究表明,电子商务市场价格离散并没有缩小。

    But the result of recently research abroad show that it was not be narrower in the e-commerce market .

  14. 在商品市场中,由于各种原因,商品的市场价格离散现象广泛地存在,且各种商品的价格离散的原因也不尽相同,各有其自身的特点。

    There is comprehensive price dispersion phenomenon in commodity market , while the reason of different commodity is distinct respectively .

  15. 价格离散性对低频数据样本而言不是重要的问题,因为它可以作为一个连续过程的近似。

    It is not an important question to low frequency data , because it can be used as a continuous process approximatively .

  16. 一般认为,产生传统市场价格离散的原因是由于信息搜索成本太高,消费者放弃搜索而形成的价格均衡现象。

    In general view , the price dispersion of the traditional market is the appearance of price balance as the customer for high searching costs .

  17. 论文的实证分析结果显示,产品市场特征是影响电子商务市场价格离散的主要因素,零售商提供服务的异质性仅对电子商务零售商间价格差异有部分责任,不同聚类电子零售商价格制定的依据也不同。

    The heterogeneity in the services offered by e-tailers is only responsible for a limited portion of variation in the e-tailer prices and that the drivers of e-tailer price are different across the clusters .

  18. 价格离散是指在同一市场同一时间不同卖家同种商品的价格分布,是综合反映市场结构、信息流动状况的指标。

    Price dispersion , defined as the distribution of prices of an item across sellers in one market at a given point time , is the comprehensive reflection of market structure and the information flows state .

  19. 实际上,对日内高频交易数据样本而言,价格离散性是个严重的问题,因为价格变动的观测值仅为有限的几个数值,所以在连续性假定下建立的模型也不再适用。

    In fact , to high frequency transaction data sample , price discreteness is a serious problem , because the observation value of price movements is limited , so in continuity assumption the model also no longer apply .

  20. 再试图用简单的两个变量&经销商数量及经销商信誉来对线性模型、非参数模型及偏线性非参数模型进行回归比较,以说明哪个模型在能更好的解释网络市场价格离散。

    For simply , we use two Independent variables : the number of sells and the reputation of sellers on internet and attempt to compare which method are better , linear model or nonparametric method or Partial linear nonparametric model .

  21. 在电子零售商属性当中,进入市场时间对与价格离散显著正相关,而履约可靠度、物流与配送、存货水平、消费者意识、第三方认证则对于价格离散没有影响。

    In the electronic tradesman attribute , the duration in the market shows the positive relation to the price dispersion , but the reliability in fulfillment , shipping and handing , inventory position , consumer awareness and third party attestation show no relation to the price dispersion .

  22. 由于信息不完全,现实市场中价格总是离散的。

    Due to incomplete information , price dispersion is a common phenomenon in the market .

  23. 按照传统微观经济学的观点,在网络市场上伴随着搜寻成本的下降,价格的离散应该下降。

    According to the view of the traditional microeconomics , the price dispersion in the cyber-markets should descend along with the dropping of research cost .

  24. 在证券价格服从离散时间算术布朗运动的假设下,得到资产流动性风险最优控制策略,并对该策略进行有关参数的敏感性分析。

    Under the assumption that the security ′ s price follows the discrete-time arithmetic Brown motion process , the optimal control strategy of the asset ′ s liquidity risk is proposed and the parameters sensitivity of the strategy is analyzed .

  25. 通过将材料类型而不是材料的多个属性、零件规格而不是零件的几何和价格属性定义为离散变量,大大降低了优化问题的复杂程度。

    In the mathematical model , the type of material , rather than a number of properties of materials , parts specifications , rather than part geometry and the price properties , are defined as discrete variables , which greatly reducing the complexity of optimization problems .

  26. 价格指数的变化是连续性的,而虚拟变量只能描述价格指数的离散变化,比如在销售淡季虚拟变量法就不能提供精度较高的分析结果。

    Dummy variables can only describe the discrete changes of price index , for instance , using dummy variables in sales off-season can not provide upper precision estimating result .