
  • 网络value thinking
  1. 传统武术价值思维方式研究

    Study on the Value Thinking Way of Traditional Wushu

  2. 研究中国传统武术的价值思维方式,可以加深我们对中国传统武术的认识,更好地发展中国传统武术。

    By studying the value thinking way of traditional Wushu , we can deepen our understanding of traditional Chinese Wushu , and develop traditional Chinese Wushu better .

  3. 因此,文化开始转型必然会引起价值思维的整体变化。

    Therefore , cultural began transition will inevitably lead to value the overall change thinking .

  4. 本研究是从人学的视野对传统武术价值思维方式进行的思想研究。

    Using the theory of human-study , The paper studied the mode of thinking of value in traditional Wushu .

  5. 民俗文化的选择是人类群体在社会生活需要的推动下产生的一种价值思维判断。

    The choice of folk cultures is a kind of thinking judgment on value produced by human groups under the motivation of social living necessity .

  6. 同时,研究中国传统武术的价值思维方式,可以使中国传统武术不断获得新的生命活力,从而推动中国传统武术的发展。

    Besides , the study on the value thinking way of traditional Wushu can inject new life to traditional Wushu , and accelerate the development of traditional Wushu .

  7. 李清照是宋型文化的标准产儿,是中唐到北宋文化转型的新文化观念、新价值思维所孕育的一位新型女性的代表。

    Li Qingzhao was a standard-bearer of the Song-type culture , a representative of the new concept of the transformational culture from the Mid-Tang Dynasty to the Northern Song Dynasty .

  8. 和谐思维是一种具体的思维,现代和谐思维是求实思维与价值思维的统一、矛盾思维与系统思维的统一、逻辑思维与非逻辑思维的统一。

    Harmonious thinking is a kind of concrete thinking , and modern harmonious thinking is the unification of factualistic thinking with value thinking , the unification of paradoxical thinking with systematic thinking , and the unification of logical thinking with illogical thinking .

  9. 我国大型体育场馆建设与营运的价值工程思维分析

    To Analyse on VE Thinking for Sports Stadiums Building and Operating of China

  10. 价值工程思维在企业内刊建设中的作用分析:一个案例剖析

    Analysis on the Effect of the Enterprise Journal in the Organizational Culture Construction Based on VE : A Case Study

  11. 一般认为数学教育具有知识价值、思维训练价值和应用价值三种基本的价值取向。

    It is generally believed that mathematics education has three kinds of value orientation : knowledge , thought , and application .

  12. 批判地接受黑客的创造价值的思维方式,以及黑客能倡导的价值观念,将有助于完善网络伦理和树立网络时代的精神。

    Critically accepting the hacker ethic thought and its social values will contribute to improvement of hacker ethic and the establishment of the network age .

  13. 非物质文化遗产是人类的宝贵财富,蕴含着民族特有的精神价值、思维方式和文化意识。

    Non-material cultural heritage is a valuable asset of mankind , containing the unique spirit of national values , way of thinking and cultural awareness .

  14. 摩尔和弗莱的影响使伍尔夫开始关注主观直觉的艺术价值和思维的原始形式。

    Moore and Roger Fry have greatly influenced Woolf who was able to see the artistic value of intuition and the power of " primitive forms " .

  15. 我国农村文化遗产蕴含着中华民族特有的精神价值和思维方式,是不可再生的珍贵资源。

    The cultural heritage in the countryside of our country contains the unique spiritual value and the thinking mode of Chinese nation , and is the precious non-renewable resources .

  16. 以客户为中心的现代投资价值链思维是文化资源产业开发的现代投资思维模式,其思想基础是具有现实性和可操作性的顾客价值管理理论。

    The modern investing value chain concentrating on clients is the model of modern investing value conceptions , its theory basis is the re-alistic and operable client value management theory .

  17. 基于我国风险社会逐步形成的社会背景以及刑法价值与思维的调整,我国刑法修正案增设了危险驾驶罪。

    Based on the social background of gradually formed risk society and the adjustment of the value of criminal law , the Criminal Law adds the crime of dangerous driving .

  18. 但是在青春期结束的时候,大脑关闭一半的能力,仅仅保留了那些大约在生命最开始的十几年时间里似乎是最有价值的思维方式。

    At the end of adolescence , however , the brain shuts down half of that capacity , preserving only those modes of thought that have seemed most valuable during the first decade or so of life .

  19. 课堂文化是课堂生活的基础,课堂生活中的一切既建基于一定的文化之上,又是通过知识、价值、思维方式等因素对文化进行选择与生成的过程。

    The classroom life lays the foundation in the certain culture and it is also a process to choose and develop the culture through the knowledge under the guideline of some kind of concept of values and thought methods .

  20. 本文从思维和反思性思维的涵义及价值、思维五步和教学五步以及思维训练与教学活动的关系等方面分析论述了杜威的反思性思维与教学理论。

    This article was discussed Dewey 's reflective thinking and teaching theory from the meaning and value about thinking and reflective thinking , " five steps in thinking " and " five steps in teaching ", the relationship between the training for thinking and the teaching activity .

  21. 我国文化遗产蕴含着中华民族特有的精神价值、思维方式、想象力,体现着中华民族的生命力和创造力,研究文化遗产对于研究人类文化的演变具有重要的意义。

    Chinese cultural heritage contains a unique spiritual value of the nation , way of thinking , imagination , and could reflect the vitality and creativity of the Chinese nation , so the study of cultural heritage is of great significance for the study of the evolution of human culture .

  22. 文章从民族文化的价值取向、思维方式和民族精神分析了对E-learning的负面影响,并提出了建构与E-learning相适应的文化心理结构设想。

    This paper analyzes its adverse influences on E-learning from the view of value inclination , thinking way and national spirit , and brings up the assumption of constructing cultural psychology structure in accordance with E-earning .

  23. 英汉文化中价值观念和思维模式的差异与英语学习

    The Different Value & Thinking Model in English-Chinese Culture and English Learning

  24. 药学服务中的价值链管理思维

    Thinking of value chain management of pharmaceutical care

  25. 语用失误,即语言语用中使交际行为中断或失败的错误。不同的国家有不同的文化背景,价值体系及思维方式;

    Different countries have different cultures , systems of values and ways of thinking .

  26. 从实用价值到理性思维方式&兼论公众对科学的理解

    From Pragmatic Value to Rational Way of Thinking

  27. 中国文化和西方文化的思想根源、价值观念、思维模式和环境文化的不同是造成沉默信息价值差异的主要原因。

    Thought , value concept , thought mode and context culture result in the difference .

  28. 隐喻语言具有丰富的人文教育价值;隐喻思维具有认知功能和创造功能。

    Metaphor language has profound humanistic education value , and metaphor thinking has cognition and creation function .

  29. 它集中反映了大学师生共同的价值取向、思维方式和行为规范,构成校园富有特色的团体意识和精神氛围。

    It focus on the common value , sense , and behavior of college teachers and students .

  30. 不过,可以肯定的是,经济现代化必须符合中国人的价值观和思维习惯。

    However , we can affirm that our economic modernization corresponds with Chinese values and thinking customs .