
  1. 强渗透和弱渗透&科学认知过程中的观察渗透理论

    Strong Ladenness Weak Ladenness " Theory-Ladenness of Observation " in the Cognitive Processes of Science

  2. 这是一次哥白尼式的认识方法上的转变,从而开启了科学哲学历史学派研究的进路,汉森的名字也与观察渗透理论这一名词相联系了起来。

    This is a Copernican change of recognizing method and opens a way for the school of history about science philosophy .

  3. 观察渗透理论这个经典命题是存在问题的,它否认了观察的客观性的存在。

    " The theory-loaded theory ", the classical proposition exists some questions , because it has denied the objectivity of observation .

  4. 文章论证了,科学哲学中的观察渗透理论论题其实只在很有限的情况下才成立,它完全不足以让库恩得出现象论的结论。

    This dissertation argues that the thesis that observation is " theory-laden " is tenable only in very limited cases , and that it does not have enough supportive force for Kuhn to draw his phenomenalistic conclusions from it .

  5. 观察一定渗透理论吗?

    Does the Observation Load Theory Really ?

  6. 汉森结合科学史的考察,对科学发现的模式进行了研究,他对观察和理论关系的解答是:观察渗透理论。

    Combining the examination of the history of science , Hansen made a research about the model of science discovery , and his answer about the relationship between observation and theory is : Theory-Laden .