
  1. 在此基础上,针对目前我国水产品加工业在人力资源管理中存在的观念管理落后、投资不足、制度不健全及结构不合理等问题,进行全面深入地研究、剖析了其根源并提出解决方案。

    On this basis , in view of the universal existence phenomenon and problems of human resource management of aquatic product processing industry in our country , this paper in-depth research , analysis of its causes and propose solutions .

  2. 近年来,ERP系统及其业务的迅速发展,对传统的企业管理观念和管理模式形成了巨大的冲击。

    In the recent years , ERP system has made great development , which strikes against the traditional conceptions and models of business management .

  3. 快速公交系统(BRT)是一种融合了先进的公交技术、公交运营新观念和管理技术于一体的系统。

    Bus Rapid Transit ( BRT ) is a system involving advanced technology of public transit , bus operation new idea and management technology .

  4. 一种加强安全观念的管理模式

    A Kind of Management Model on Strengthening the Conception of Safety

  5. 更新护理观念改进管理方法提高护理质量

    Renew Nursing Concept , Improve Management Methods Elevate Nursing Quality

  6. 以新的观念改革管理企业

    The new idea to reform and manage the business enterprise

  7. 孔子信伦理观念的管理价值

    The Management Value of Confucius ' Sincerity Ethics Idea

  8. 他们指责那种用新模式套旧观念的管理制度。

    They accused the management of dressing up old ideas in a new format .

  9. 加强以利润为导向的观念与管理策略。

    Enforce the profit-oriented concept and management strategy .

  10. 其次是高师中文教育内部的教育观念、管理体制(包括评价考核体系)、课程设置、师资力量和教师水平等存在的问题,也相当严重;

    Secondly , there is something wrong with the Chinese educational system in normal colleges ;

  11. 由于该公司缺乏市场观念、管理不能与时俱进,导致自有品牌产品的销售连年亏损。

    Lacking marketing and management experience , Chengdu Shahe dairy company failed in market for years .

  12. 最后,围绕企业情商,对管理观念和管理制度方面提出一些针对性的措施和建议。

    On this ground the author gives some suggestions in terms of managerial conceptions and managerial system .

  13. 企业文化是一个企业的价值观念、管理制度、行为规范和文化活动的总和。

    Enterprise culture is the integration of an enterprise 's value notion , management system and culture activity .

  14. 也就是根据政治教化、道德伦理观念来管理和约束乐舞。

    In other words , music and dances were managed and limited with political aims and moral ethics .

  15. 当前,我国人事档案管理面临着管理观念、管理功能、管理力度的矛盾。

    Currently binary antinomy of management concept , management function and management strength exists in personnel files management .

  16. 新疆民考民非英语专业大学英语学习者管理观念与管理策略动态调查研究

    A Developmental Research on English Learning Management Strategies and Management Beliefs Employed by MKM Non-English Major University Students in Xinjiang

  17. 文章指出并分析了当前中国青少年足球运动存在的主要问题,并针对性的提出了解决问题观念与管理措施。

    This article points out major problems of present Chinese juvenile football and puts forth measures to solve the problems .

  18. 医学科技创新会促进医院管理观念、管理方法与管理组织等发生变革;

    The Innovation of medical science and technology can promote reforms in conceptions , methods , and organizations of administration .

  19. 当然,简历不能完全反映我的观念和管理能力。

    There is , of course , much about my conceptual and management abilities that cannot be reflected in print .

  20. 要解决上述问题应在观念、管理、服务、培训等方面进行改革和创新。

    Reform and innovation are required in ideology , management , service and training if such problems are to be solved .

  21. 更新观念创新管理用科学发展观指导三北防护林工程建设

    Renew Concept and Innovate Management Taking Science Development Concept to Guide the Construction of the " Three-North " Shelterbelt Development Program

  22. 新世纪,图书馆的管理应从三个方面考虑:首先是更新管理观念和管理理论;

    In consideration of library management and its theory , first of all we should renew the concept of management and its theory .

  23. 由于体制、观念以及管理等方面原因,高校科研经费管理存在着诸多问题。

    Due to the reasons of system , awareness and management , there are many problems about the management of university 's research funds .

  24. 然而物流在我国的发展尚处于起步阶段,传统观念和管理粗放的问题比较突出。

    However , the development of logistics is still at the beginning phase in our country that the traditional conception is a grave problem .

  25. 高校自身在教育观念、管理体制及教学方式上存在问题是大学生作弊蔓延的重要原因。

    The problems of colleges and universities in the educational concept , management system and teaching methods lead to the popularization of students ' cheating .

  26. 第四章讨论了飞利浦的案例,介绍了飞利浦的平衡计分卡体系,以及论述了如何利用平衡计分卡观念进行管理审计。

    Chapter 4 discusses the case of Philips , introduces the BSC in Philips and expounds how to use the BSC methodology in management audit .

  27. 作者认为缺少文化层面所建立的生育观念的管理是没有理论和合理观念的无原则管理。

    The author holds that , being short of a cultural dimension , fertility management will decay toward non-principled management with neither theory-backups nor rational ideas .

  28. 并根据其特点探析了小城镇器乐音乐教学在教学观念、管理,教学形式、内容,教学评价与艺术实践等方面发展中的问题与不足体现。

    And the problems of it in teaching concepts and management , teaching form and content , teaching evaluation and other aspects of artistic practice were analyzed .

  29. 外资进入房地产领域会带来先进的观念和管理模式,刺激国内房地产开发企业通过使用先进技术和设备、创新经营机制与管理理念来降低开发成本、提高产品品质。

    They will bring in advanced ideas and management model , and will stimulate domestic development businesses to reduce development costs and improve the quality of products .

  30. 调查结果表明:各学校班级管理者基本都意识到教育观念和管理模式的更新已迫在眉睫;

    The results of the survey indicate that class managers of each school are almost aware that the renewal of educational ideologies and managing patterns is quite urgent .