
hòu qín ɡōnɡ zuò
  • rear service work
  1. 学校后勤工作具有服务与管理两种功能。

    The school rear service work has two kind of functions .

  2. 该条例共40条,为进一步规范军队后勤工作、建设强大的现代化后勤提供重要遵循,为有效履行新时代军队使命任务提供有力保障。

    The 40-article document will set rules regarding the standards of the military 's logistics work and the building of a strong and modernized logistics system for the military , ensuring that the military effectively performs its missions and tasks of the new era .

  3. 据NPR新闻的杰森·鲍勃恩从马尼拉带来的报道,援助急需帮助受灾民众的后勤工作遇到了困难。

    NPR 's Jason Beaubien in Manila reports logistics of getting aid to those who needed are staggering .

  4. 高校后勤工作是一项基础性、全局性和保障性工作。

    College rear-service work is fundamental , overall and service-oriented work .

  5. 学校后勤工作的再思考

    At School Reflection on the Service Department Work at Colleges

  6. 浅谈高校后勤工作的责任成本管理

    On the Management of Liability Cost of University Logistic Work

  7. 创新是高校后勤工作社会化发展的强大动力

    Renewal Is a Strong Initial Power in Rear-service Socialization Development in Colleges

  8. 我校对后勤工作改革进行了有益的探索。

    Our college makes a good search in the logistic work reform .

  9. 新形势下对高校后勤工作的再思考

    Afterthought of Logistics in Colleges and Universities under New Conditions

  10. 高校后勤工作的性质、特征、地位和作用

    The Nature , Features , Position , Role of College Logistic Work

  11. 论军队后勤工作整体适应市场经济

    On overall adaptation of logistic work to the market economy

  12. 切实加强管理努力提高高校后勤工作水平

    Strengthen Management Work Improve the Service Work of University

  13. 协助行政助理开展行政后勤工作。

    Assist Executive Assistant in administrative affairs and logistics .

  14. 第五,关于后勤工作问题。

    Fifth , the question of the support services .

  15. 我要留在这里,我需要做一些后勤工作

    I 'm gonna stay here , I 'm gonna do some administrative work

  16. 协助人力资源经理开展行政后勤工作。

    Assist HR Manager in administrative affairs and logistics .

  17. 地矿主管机关后勤工作的根本出路在于深化改革

    Deepen the reform & the fundamental way for rear-service development in geological administrative departments

  18. 本文以如何提高高校后勤工作水平为中心议题,从确定管理目标;

    In this paper we have mainly discussed improve the service work of university .

  19. 高校后勤工作中的服务接触

    Logistic Service Contact in Higher Educational Institutes

  20. 提高医院后勤工作水平的几点做法

    Practice to increase hospital logistic service level

  21. 后勤工作之我见

    My Ideal of The Work of Supply

  22. 战时后勤工作应遵循的三项原则

    Three principles of logistic work in wartime

  23. 要运输食物与补给品到战区的后勤工作是极度复杂的。

    The logistics of transporting food and supplies to the war zone are extremely complicated .

  24. “我们将为此全力做好后勤工作,保障你们的研究顺利进行”

    We will provide better supporting services so as to ensure the smoothness of your research works

  25. 由于这是一次混合真实感活动,因此后勤工作类似于真实活动。

    Since this was a mixed-reality event , logistics were similar to a live real-world event .

  26. 面向大学生德育和素质教育的高校后勤工作

    On Morality-and-Quality-Cultivation-Based Logistic Work in Universities

  27. 后勤工作在高校居于重要地位,后勤职工在高校工作中发挥着重要作用。

    Logistic work plays an important role at universities and colleges , so is logistic staff .

  28. 日本高校后勤工作考察

    Survey of Logistics in Japanese Universities

  29. 先把桌面共享相关的后勤工作做好,给别人省点麻烦和时间吧。

    Save everybody some grief and time by taking care of desktop sharing logistics up front .

  30. 用科学发展观指导党校后勤工作的改革发展

    Reform and Development of Party School 's Logistic Work with the Guidance of Scientific Development Concept