
  • 网络the disadvantage of backwardness;Backwardness Disadvantages
  1. 我国作为世界上一个重要的发展中大国,把后发劣势的研究同现实国情联系起来,有着极其重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    China being an important developing country in the world , it is of great theoretical and practical significance to combine the disadvantage of backwardness study with our own national realities .

  2. 国内外学者对比较优势和后发优势已经做了比较深入的研究,而对后发劣势的研究较少,需要进一步的探索。

    Much and though study has been done in the advantage of comparativeness and backwardness in social and economic development by scholars at home and abroad , however , less has been done in the disadvantage of backwardness , which requires further exploration .

  3. 论中国近代从属资本主义与后发劣势

    On Modern China 's Subordinate Capitalism and Its Disadvantages of Slow Development

  4. 后发劣势研究述评

    The review of the research about disadvantage of backwardness

  5. 试析我国制度安排的后发劣势

    Our country late-start disadvantages of system arrangement

  6. 如果不能够克服这些技术性后发劣势,中国就无法建成真正具有国际竞争优势的世界工厂。

    Unless these disadvantages are overcome , China will not build in itself a genuine world wide manufactory with the global competitive advantages .

  7. 中国作为一个工业承载基础薄弱又处于后发劣势的发展中国家,需要一个像房地产行业那样能大范围带动经济尤其是落后地区经济的支柱型产业。

    As a developing country with weak industrial base and late development , China requests pillar industries which can spur the economy development , especially in backward area .

  8. 但是我国信息化面临信息技术、数字鸿沟和人力资本短缺三大因素构成的障碍,又不能不使我国处于信息化的后发劣势。

    But our national information faces the three obstructions , namely , shortage of information technology , digital gap and human resource , which keep our informationization in the late developing disadvantageous situation .

  9. 一方面构建企业网络是其发展经济和改变其在空间结构中地位的不二选择,一方面企业网络的构建又存在很强的后发劣势。

    A building the enterprise network is the development of economy and the change in its space structure in the position of choice , on one hand the enterprise network construction has very strong late inferior position .

  10. 因此怎么避免后发劣势构建企业网络是边缘区域经济发展的核心,市场不能给予任何的帮助,似乎政府成了唯一的救命稻草。

    Therefore , how to avoid late inferior position enterprise network is on the edge of the core of region economy development , the market does not give any help , the government seems to become the only life-saving straw .

  11. 迟发展理论对于红色旅游区的启示是,红色旅游区应突破后发劣势的障碍,以创新思维整合各种后发优势,在科学发展观的指导下,寻求创新对策,实现跨越式发展。

    The enlightenment of the late comer effect theory is that the red-tourism region should break through the barrier of the disadvantage of the late comer , combine all kinds of advantage backwardness so as to find innovative countermeasures to achieve tremendous development under the Scientific Development View .

  12. 后发优势、劣势与发展中国家经济的快速发展

    The Advantage of Backwardness , Disadvantage of Backwardness and the Rapid Development of Developing Countries ' Economy

  13. 先对新疆的资源环境和经济发展情况进行简单介绍,然后分析了新疆的一些后发优势和劣势。

    It first gives a brief introduction to the resources , environment and economic development of Xinjiang , and then explores some advantages and disadvantages of the Xinjiang .

  14. 后发优势与后发劣势的转换:对发展中国家追赶问题的重新认识

    Change-Over Between Later Mover Advantage & Disadvantage : Rethinking Catching-Up Issues in Developing Countries

  15. 经济发展中的不平衡性,导致出现后发优势和后发劣势。

    Here comes the after-ad vantage and after-disadvantage due to the imbalance in the development of economy .

  16. 分析了西部地区信息资源建设的后发优势和后发劣势,探讨了加速西部信息资源建设的途径。

    Study the Advantage of Backwardness in the North Jiangsu Province and Find Ways to Carry It into Effect ;

  17. 首先对我国少数民族地区经济发展和资源环境的现状进行了描述,然后着重探讨了少数民族地区的后发优势与后发劣势问题。

    It first describes the present situation of economic development , resources and environment in minority areas in China , and then emphasizes on the advantages and disadvantages of backwardness in minority areas .

  18. 从技术和制度的角度,辩证后发优势和后发劣势之间的相互联系和相互作用,将有助于我们在经济改革中的关注角度,并最终有利于我们的经济发展。

    In view of skill and system , the dialectical study of after-advantage and after-disadvantage on the relation and action to each other will be helpful to us to concern about the economic reform and finally do good to the development of economy .

  19. 在实践方面,揭示了中超足球俱乐部经济发展缓慢的原因,指出了当前中超足球俱乐部经济发展中的后发优势与后发劣势,并依据后发优势理论提出了相应的对策和建议。

    In practice , reveals the reasons for the slow development of the economy , and points out the late-development advantage and late-development disadvantage of the current Chinese super league football clubs ' economy . At the same time provides the corresponding measures and suggestions according the late-development advantage theory .

  20. 显在的“后发优势”表现为技术模仿,“后发劣势”表现为制度改革的滞后。

    While the main advantage comes from the possibility of technological imitation , the most conspicuous disadvantage lies in their lag in reform of the system .

  21. 实际上,发展中国家不仅存在着经济发展的比较优势和后发优势,同时还客观存在着严重的后发劣势。

    As a matter of fact , there lie not only advantage of comparativeness and backwardness in economic development of developing countries , but also severe disadvantage backwardness .