
  • 网络Logistics management;Logistics;management;logistic management
  1. 基于J2EE和ORACLE的山东商务职业学院后勤管理系统设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the Logistics Management System for the Handong Business Institute Based on J2EE and Oracle

  2. 实现的基于ALE接口规范的RFID应用系统,成功应用于我军某部的后勤管理中,提高了军事物流保障管理的水平。

    Based on the ALE interface standards , RFID system has been successfully applied in logistics management of the army , improving the military freightage management .

  3. GIS支持的南京师范大学新校区后勤管理信息系统

    Logistics MIS of New Campus of Nanjing Normal University Base on GIS

  4. 该方法以ERP的思想构造普通高校后勤管理信息系统;

    With the idea of ERP , this method constructs the system mentioned above ;

  5. 职业任务子项中,学校后勤管理人员任务过重(RO)低于教师组;

    The role overload ( RO ) level among the administrators was lower than that among the teachers .

  6. ISO9000质量管理体系是目前国际上通用的质量管理标准体系,采用这个标准规范高校后勤管理和服务工作,能够提升管理服务水平,实现学校后勤管理规范化、标准化。

    As a comprehensively used quality management standard system worldwide , ISO9000 can be adopted to improve management and service levels towards formalization and standardization .

  7. 基于ColdFusion实现高校后勤管理系统

    Implementation of coldfusion-based university logistics management system

  8. 阐述了用ColdFusion开发Web应用程序的特点,将ColdFusion与ASP、ASPNet进行比较以及介绍如何利用ColdFusion实现基于Web的高校后勤管理系统。

    This paper expatiates the characteristic of ColdFusion developing Web application program , comparing ColdFusion with ASP & ASP ~ . NET and introducing how to use ColdFusion to implement university logistics management .

  9. 方法应用职业紧张量表(OSI-R)对中小学教师830例、后勤管理人员154例,共984例,进行对比研究。

    [ Methods ] Comparative study was conducted with OSI-R on 830 primary and middle school teachers and 154 administrators .

  10. 作者具有从事十多年高校后勤管理工作的经验,又经过两年MBA专业理论的学习,深感有责任对高校后勤社会化改革进行分析和研究,并提出合理化建议。

    The author has more than ten years ' experience of university rear-service management , and has studied MBA specialized theory for two years . Therefore , the author assumes that it is up to him to analyze and study university rear-service socialization reform and put forward rational proposals .

  11. 本文研究的内容是规避高等学校后勤管理中的法律风险。

    The thesis is evading institutions logistics management of legal risks .

  12. 高校后勤管理模式的历史选择要求

    Historical Choice Requirements of Logistics Management Patterns in Universities and Colleges

  13. 对期刊的科学评价,能够正确引导医院后勤管理和技术人员,以及信息人员获取所需信息。

    Evaluation journal could lead researchers and managers to get information .

  14. 后勤管理比较研究是后勤管理研究的一个较新课题。

    The research of logistic comparative management is a new subject .

  15. 论我国医院的后勤管理改革

    Discussion on the Reform of Hospital Supporting Service in China

  16. 论高校后勤管理体制与运行机制的转变

    Realizing Operating Mechanism Transformation of Logistics Systemin Colleges and Universities

  17. 构建以人为本的高职院校后勤管理模式的思考

    Consideration of Constructing the people-oriented logistics management model in higher vocational colleges

  18. 政府机关后勤管理模式改革研究

    Study on the Reform of the Government Logistic Management Mode

  19. 军事指挥系统中的数字高程模型省军区部队后勤管理浅探


  20. 适应改革开放加强医院后勤管理

    Adapting Hospital Rear-Service Work to Conditions of Reform and Opening

  21. 试论新时期军队后勤管理与建设

    Study on Management and Construction of the Military Logistics in New Period

  22. 浅谈院校行政后勤管理服务工作的四性原则

    On Four Principles of Management Service of Administration and Logistics in Colleges

  23. 病人的建议集中在后勤管理方面。

    The suggestion of the patient was to improve the logistic service .

  24. 学校后勤管理信息系统规划

    Design of information system for logistics management of a school

  25. 地方行政机关后勤管理体制创新研究

    The Innovation of Logistic System Reform of Local Administrative Organs

  26. 运用现代管理思维方法建立我军后勤管理制度

    Establishing the logistic management system by the modern management thinking

  27. 循证医学原理对医院后勤管理工作的指导作用

    Functions of evident based medicine theory for hospital logistic management

  28. 海豚式管理在高校后勤管理中的应用

    The application of " dolphin-style " management to the management of university logistics

  29. 高水平大学背景下高校后勤管理的创新

    On innovating Universities'Rear service management under the background of constructing high level universities

  30. 中、美军队后勤管理比较研究

    Comparative Study on Logistic Management of China and American