
  • 网络post-figurative culture;postfigurative;postfigurative culture;prefigurative;prefigurative culture
  1. 美国著名人类学家玛格丽特?米德的三喻文化理论开启了后喻文化和代际传承研究的先河。

    Three pre-figurative culture proposed by The famous American anthropologist Margaret Mead ' is a starting point of the study of post-figurative culture and Intergenerational inheritance .

  2. 前喻文化、并喻文化和后喻文化是教育人类学家米德(M.Mead)提出的文化传递过程的三种模式。

    Postfigurative Culture , Cofigurative Culture and Prefigurative Culture are the three models of culture communication proposed by Magaret Mead .

  3. 后者则是要追求至高的善,以建成一个现代合理性的社会。这种冲突也代表着一种文化典范的转换以及传统的后喻文化传递方式向并喻、前喻文化传递方式的转型。

    This conflict also represent the transformation from the Postfigurative Culture to the Cofigurative Culture and the Prefigurative Culture .

  4. 在后喻文化的影响下,多以同辈价值观自居,他们的参与意识较强,迫需话语权。

    And more to peer itself , and their strong sense of participation , forced to be right to speak .

  5. 不同的历史时期文化传递方向是有差异的,表现为:在典型的农业社会中,文化由长辈向晚辈传递,形成一种后喻文化;

    The direction of Culture Transfer is different in different period : it transfers from elder ship to junior and forms a kind of Post figurative culture in the typical agriculture society ;

  6. 玛格丽特·米德(M.Mead)在《文化与承诺》一书中,把人类文化的发展分为三种形态:前喻文化、互喻文化、后喻文化。

    In her book Culture and Commitment , M . Mead classifies the development of human culture into three forms : the pre-metaphor culture , the mutual metaphor culture and the post-metaphor culture .

  7. 他们同上一代的父母在思想文化、思维习惯、行为习惯、价值理念都存在了较大差异,在当代社会下具有显著地后喻文化特征。

    Ibid generation of parents in their ideology and culture , thinking habits , behavior , values . there a big difference , in contemporary society , after being significantly under the figurative culture characteristics .

  8. 在道德社会化模式方面,总体而言都表现为后喻型文化由垄断地位变为逐渐与前喻型文化及并喻型文化共存与整合。

    Patterns of socialization , in general , have shown for " the post figurative culture " becomes gradually and by the monopoly ," the former figurative culture " and " the Parallel figurative culture " coexistence and integration .