
  1. 行使后履行抗辩权的合同法解释

    Explanation of contract law on performance of the right of plea

  2. 有学者认为,除此之外,还同时设立了后履行抗辩权和预期违约制度,这是对传统理论的挑战。

    Some scholars argue that it is a defy towards the conventional theory to establish right to defense of advance or follow-up performance and the system of anticipatory breach of contract .

  3. 我国《合同法》规定了三种抗辩权,即同时履行抗辩权、后履行抗辩权、不安抗辩权。

    There are three kinds of defense right in the contract law in our country : the counterargument right for simultaneous performance , counterargument right for security , right of plea against the advance performance .