
jīnɡ yínɡ quán
  • management right;the right to manage;managerial authority;power of management
  1. 第七章为应用论,运用行政特许的基础理论,以出租车经营权为例进行实证分析。

    Chapter 7 uses the basic theories of administrativefranchise ; it takes the power of management of taxi as the empirical analysis .

  2. 合作方式:客方参与投资建设或建成后经营权转让。

    Method of cooperation : Investors may participate in the construction , or transfer of power of management after completion of construction .

  3. 在改组过程中南方电视公司失去了特许经营权。

    In the reorganization , Southern Television lost their franchise .

  4. 餐饮特许经营权已授予一家私人公司。

    Catering has been franchised to a private company .

  5. 据传,新加坡航空公司正在争取签下两家机场的经营权。

    Singapore Airlines is rumoured to be bidding for a management contract to run both airports

  6. 要想得到比萨店的特许经营权,需要支付一大笔钱。

    It takes hundreds of thousands of dollars to get into the franchised pizza business .

  7. 她最近向其他公司出售了公司业务的特许经营权。

    She has recently franchised her business

  8. 申请比萨饼店的品牌特许经营权的最低启动资金估计为25万到31.5万美元。

    The minimum start-up capital for a Pizza franchise is estimated at $ 250,000 to $ 315,000 .

  9. 尽管只有在加利福尼亚才有这项服务,其创立者迈克尔·凯恩表示计划在其他州出售特许经营权。

    Though the service is available only in California , its founder Michael Cane says he plans to franchise it in other states

  10. 本月早些时候,VirginTrains失去了英国CrossCountry铁路特许经营权。

    Virgin Trains lost its Cross Country UK rail franchise earlier this month .

  11. 加入WTO后实行的进出口经营权登记备案制使出口退税监管难度进一步加大。

    The registration system of import and export rights has further increased the difficulty of monitoring of the export drawback system after WTO accession .

  12. 就民营企业投资环保排水项目BOT建设模式中存在的投资风险进行了分析,并对相关风险着重在《BOT项目特许经营权合同》中提出防避措施。

    Analyzed investment risk of environmental protection project in BOT mode . Some countermeasures of avoiding investment risk are also put forward .

  13. 目前,全球对第三代移动通信(3G)经营权的争夺已硝烟四起。

    At present , the battle for the right to operate the third genera-tion ( 3G ) mobile telephone service has risen from all directions .

  14. 中国于2001年底加入WTO后,承诺在5年内给予外资商业银行以国民待遇,对外资商业银行取消经营权、地域和设立形式等方面的限制。

    China joined WTO in the end of 2001 , and Chinese government promised to WTO that National Treatment will be offered to foreign commercial banks with non-restriction of operation rights , location and business establishment modes .

  15. 经济全球化的加强和中国加入WTO,加上中国国际工程公司实施走出去战略,对外经营权的进一步下放,我国的国际工程承包业将面临一个前所未有的发展机遇。

    The globalization of world economy and Chinese entering WTO , " go out " strategy in Chinese international engineering enterprise , more freedom of dealing with foreign countries , there is a unprecedented opportunity to our international construction enterprises .

  16. 目前,全球对第三代移动电话(3G)经营权的争夺已硝烟四起,各国已拍卖或即将拍卖的每张3G的经营执照都达到几十亿美元之巨。

    At present , the rivalry for the right to operate the business of the 3G mobile telephone is going on everywhere in the globe . Every license of the 3G mobile telephone has been sold or will be sold by auction for billions of dollars .

  17. 由于所有权和经营权的分离,产生了代理理论,由此,国内外学者也纷纷开始对代理成本进行研究,在这方面最早进行研究的代表是Jensen和Mecking(1976)。

    Because of the separation of proprietary rights from management rights , many scholars has begun to research on agency cost , producing the agency theory . Jensen and Meck-ling ( 1976 ) are the two typical representatives in this area .

  18. 但同时BOT投资方式也存在较高的融资费用、大量外汇流失、在特许权期限内政府将失去对项目所有权及经营权控制等潜在的负面效应。

    But at the same time BOT also has the latent negative effects : to lose higher returns of investment , to lose a large number of foreign exchanges and also the government will lose its ownership and the control of operating authority for the project in the concession period .

  19. REITs是一种产业投资基金的集合投资产品,它具有税收优惠、专业化管理、所有权和经营权相分离、投资门槛低、有限的投资风险、稳定的投资回报等方面的优势。

    REITs is a collection investment products of industrial investment funds . It has the unique advantage in tax incentives , professional management , separation of ownership and management rights , high liquidity , low investment threshold , limited investment risk , stable investment returns .

  20. 矿业权是一种具特许经营权的无形资产,其评估价值是矿业权交易的基础。

    The mineral titles are intangible assets with franchise business right .

  21. 外贸经营权开放的市场效应分析&兼论对国有外贸企业的挑战和对策

    A Market Efficiency Analysis of Open Policy in Foreign Trade Management

  22. 论记名经营权和实际经营权的关系

    On the Relationship Between Sign-name Business Rights and Actual Business Rights

  23. 关于出租旅客列车经营权的建议

    A Suggestion on Leasing the Management Right of Passenger Train

  24. 论土地承包经营权流转制度及其完善

    The System of Shifting the Land Contracting Right of Management

  25. 浅论农村土地经营权流转的法规制度建设

    On Law and Regulation Construction in Conversion of Rural Land Managerial Power

  26. 特许经营权资产价值的形成及评估方法探讨

    The Value Composition of Business Concession Assets and Valuation Approaches

  27. 城市公立医院所有权与经营权分离的经济分析

    Economic analysis of separating ownership and operational right in urban public hospitals

  28. 旅游资源经营权转让的四个原则

    The Four Principles in the Transfer of Managerial Authority of Touring Resources

  29. 论家庭承包取得的土地承包经营权抵押

    On the Mortgage of Land Contract Management Right Acquired by Family Contract

  30. 第四是,农村土地承包经营权的承包期和承包金问题。

    Fourthly , period and expense of rural land responsibility manage rights .