
  1. 论非公有制经济发展权的公法保障

    The Public Law Protection of Non-state-owned Economy Development

  2. 本文中心任务是探讨非公有制经济发展权的公法保障问题。

    This thesis is about the public law protection of the non-state-owned economy development .

  3. 民族地区人民的发展权&特别是经济发展权的实现是一个关系到国家整体、全国各族人民发展权的大问题。

    The right to development of people in autonomous regions , especially the economic development rights , is related to development of the whole country and minority .

  4. 文章运用系统分析、比较分析、实证分析等多种研究方法,对非公有制经济发展权公法保障的基本概念、理论基础、国家义务进行了系统讨论。

    The author makes a thorough analysis , using systemic , comparative and positive analyzing methods , on the basic conception , theory foundation and state obligations of the public law protection issue of the non-state-owned economy development .

  5. 矿产资源开发关系到社会稳定与经济发展,矿业权出让是矿业权进入市场的第一环节。

    The development of mineral resources related to social stability and economic development , and the transfer of mineral rights is the first link if mineral rights to enter the market .

  6. 经济的发展决定著作权制度的产生,市场机制的发展制约着著作权制度的完善程度。

    The development of economy brings about copyright system , and the development of market mechanism restricts its improvement .

  7. 随着商品经济的发展,撤销权适用范围的拓展是必然的趋势。

    With the development of commodity economy to revoke the right to expand the scope of application is an inevitable trend .

  8. 随着知识经济的发展,商标权与其他标识性知识产权的权利冲突日益明显。

    With the development of intellectual economy , the rights conflict between trade mark and other marked intellectual property rights become more and more obvious .

  9. 法定代表人制度具有它自身的优点,但随着市场经济的发展,代表权被滥用的现象大量出现,突显出这一制度自身的不足与弊端。

    The legal representative system has its merit but , with the developing of market economy , abuse of representative right appears and the malpractice of this system appears .

  10. 随着经济的发展,人格权日益受到人们的重视,一些与人身利益密切相关的事物或者行为开始成为合同的标的,同时追求精神利益和精神愉悦的合同也在逐渐增多。

    As economy develops , the right of personality has won increasing attention from people , and thus , some behaviors closely related to personal interests start to become the contract objects .

  11. 随着社会经济的发展,收费权质押已经是许多大型项目进行资金融通的一种重要手段,同时也已经成为银行业普遍关注的一个热点问题。

    With the development of community economy , charging rights pledge has become an important means of financing for lots of large projects and a hot spot widely concerned by the banking industry as well .

  12. 产权制度是一项基础性的经济制度,土地发展权是顺应时代发展的产物,我国创设土地发展权是与国际接轨的具体表现。

    Property rights system is a basic economic system , land development rights follows the development of the times , the creation of land development rights in China is a concrete expression of international standards .

  13. 近几年来,随着我国矿业经济的发展,矿业权交易频繁,矿业权市场也有了长足的发展,许多地方得以完善。

    In recent years , along with the development of mining industry in China , the mining right trade is more frequent than before , and mining right market also has been promoted in many places .

  14. 提出网络化环境下图书馆事业创新发展的三种新理念,即支撑知识经济发展、成为著作权制度的平衡器、引入知识管理思想改造图书馆。

    The author proposes three new concepts of creative library development in a networking environment such as supporting the development of knowledge-based economy , fulfilling the copyright law and reforming the libraries with ideas of knowledge organization .

  15. 因为经济增长将进一步导致环境的恶化,特别是发展中国家和发展中地区的经济发展将对环境权的未来提出挑战。

    Because economic growth will further lead to the deterioration of the environment , and particularly in developing and developed countries , the growth of economic development will bring about a challenge to environment rights .

  16. 研究认为:我国耕地保护经济补偿对象主要是拥有土地承包经营权的农户、耕地未承包到户的农村集体经济组织、拥有地方经济发展权的且过多承担耕地保护任务的地方政府。

    The paper considers that the object of economic compensation for cultivate land preservation in China is farmers having the right to land contractual management , the rural collective economic organizations that land is not contracted households , governments with local economic development and commitment to farmland protection responsibilities .

  17. 科技人才是高素质的人力资源,在经济全球化的进程中,谁拥有高素质的人力资源,谁就能充分发挥人力资源的作用,谁就能把握经济发展的主动权,从而在全球竞争中占据优势。

    Sci-tech talent is high quality human resource . In the process of economy globalization , which owns the high quality , which can develop the human resource enough and win the advantage in world compete .