
jīnɡ jì xué rén
  • economist
  1. 经济学人上的文章都是不署名的,但这并不意味着它们是编辑独自工作的结果。

    Articles in the economist are not signed , but they are not all the work of the editor alone .

  2. 去年在接受《经济学人》采访时,太空旅游公司维珍银河首席执行官乔治·怀特塞兹将自己的公司归入后一类。

    In an interview last year with The Economist , George Whitesides , chief executive of space-tourism firm Virgin Galactic , was placing his company in the latter category .

  3. 约18万人已经加入了《经济学人》在facebook上的官方“读者主页”(fanpage)。

    About 180000 people have joined its official " fan page " on Facebook .

  4. 《经济学人》(TheEconomist)杂志指出,这在某种程度是种碰巧。

    As the economist suggests , this was partly coincidental .

  5. 另据经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnitstudy)近期开展的一项研究,公司声誉受损带来的风险几乎是恐怖主义和自然灾害所带来的风险的三倍。

    According to a recent Economist Intelligence Unit study , reputation risk is nearly three times greater than the risk of terrorism and natural disaster .

  6. 据经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)数据,从1980年以来,尼日利亚政府获得石油收入约1.3万亿美元。

    Nigeria 's government has collected about $ 1.3 trillion in oil revenue since 1980 , according to the Economist Intelligence Unit .

  7. 前几天我偶然碰上了在《经济学人》(theeconomist)时的一个朋友。

    The other day , I bumped into a friend from my days at the economist .

  8. 如今,这种模版式的免责声明不仅律师在用,银行家、顾问甚至经济学人集团(TheEconomistGroup)等传媒机构都在使用。

    Boilerplate disclaimers are used not just by lawyers , but also by bankers , consultants , and even media organizations like the Economist Group .

  9. 近期《经济学人》(Economist)和美联社(AssociatedPress)刊发的文章认为,打骂医生的原因是患者觉得没有得到足够的治疗,因此不信医生,心生怨恨。

    Recent articles from the Economist and the Associated Press cite mistrust and anger over perceived inadequate treatment as reasons for the assaults .

  10. 大约10年前,我不小心进入了这种角色,当时,我为《经济学人》(theeconomist)写了一篇封面故事,题为《遏制中国》(containingchina)。

    About 10 years ago I inadvertently slipped into this role , when I wrote a cover story for the economist headlined : " containing China " .

  11. 《TheBrowser》的编辑是罗伯特科特雷尔,他之前曾在《金融时报》和《经济学人》任职记者。

    The Browser is edited by Robert Cottrell , a former journalist at The Financial Times and The Economist .

  12. 而在经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)和旅游购物退税公司环球蓝联(GlobalBlue)合作发布的欧洲城市消费指数排行中,马德里和巴塞罗那并列第二,仅次于伦敦。

    in a shopping index ranking of European cities put together by the Economist Intelligence Unit and Global Blue , a tourism shopping tax refund company .

  13. 《经济学人智库》(economistintelligenceunit)表示,日本公司属于发达国家中盈利能力最强、杆杠率最低、资本结构最好的企业。

    According to the Economist Intelligence Unit , Japanese companies have among the highest profitability , lowest leverage and strongest capitalisation in the developed world .

  14. 在50年代,《经济学人》(theeconomist)的一位主编曾建议他的记者简化,然后夸大。

    An editor of The Economist in the 1950s once advised his journalists to simplify , then exaggerate .

  15. 全球化,这个词汇曾经被著名的《经济学人》杂志(theeconomist)称之为21世纪被滥用词语之最。

    Globalization once was called one severely-abused word in the 21st century by the famous magazine the Economist .

  16. 独立智囊机构经济与和平学会(instituteforeconomicsandpeace)与总部位于英国的经济学人智库(economistintelligenceunit)共同编制了全球和平指数。

    The global peace index is drawn up by the Institute for economics and peace , an independent think-tank , together with the UK-based Economist Intelligence Unit .

  17. 报告还参考了经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)的通胀数据,以此考量被调查国家薪酬的实际涨幅。

    The report also draws on inflation data from the Economist Intelligence Unit to determine just how effective the salary increases will be for each country surveyed .

  18. 曾任《经济学人》(theeconomist)首席执行官的亚历山大并非唯一有这种想法的人。

    MS Alexander , a former chief executive of the economist , is not the only person who thinks so .

  19. 《经济学人》在Twitter上也将积极得多,并且将有专人全职负责,爱德华兹表示。

    The Economist will also be a lot more active on Twitter , which will be a full-time job , Mr Edwards said .

  20. 事实上,最新预测认为,这一富有象征意义的时刻将提早到来。《经济学人》《theeconomist》最近给出的预测是2019年。

    Indeed the latest projections suggest that this symbolic moment will happen rather sooner . Recent projections by The Economist pointed to 2019 .

  21. 所以我第一次真正见到乔治奥斯本是在1997年,当时他来应聘《经济学人》(theeconomist)的一份工作,而我是面试官。

    So the first time I really met George Osborne was when I interviewed him for a job at The Economist in 1997 .

  22. 《经济学人》的mba排行榜中,英国mba项目的平均课堂人数在去年下降了11%。

    The average class size of the British MBA programmes ranked by the economist has decreased by 11 % over the past year .

  23. 但是,这位被《经济学人》(theeconomist)称之为“沉静的美国人”的男子,接下来让人们对美国领导地位的稳固性产生了怀疑。

    But the man whom the economist dubbed the " Quiet American " had in turn raised doubts about the firmness of US leadership .

  24. 另一家英国媒体《经济学人》(TheEconomist)的主编近期也将离任,他们的员工在Twitter上则更加克制。

    At The Economist , the other British media outfit to have lost an editor last week , tweeting activity by staff was more restrained .

  25. 中国关切欧元区形势的演变。金立群在《经济学人》杂志(Economist)主办的一次会议上表示。

    We in China are concerned about the unravelling of the situation in the ( euro ) region , Jin told an Economist magazine conference .

  26. 经济学人智库(economistintelligenceunit)为商业软件联盟(businesssoftwarealliance)编制的全球“it竞争力指数”,可以针对这些关键领域给各个国家打分,从而帮助企业决定项目或部门的选址。

    A global " it competitiveness index " compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit for the business software alliance could help businesses decide where to locate projects or departments by scoring countries on these key areas .

  27. 一般认为,随着制造业外流,中国吸引的外来直接投资(FDI)将会减少。但根据经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)新近发表的一份报告,这种常见观点是错误的。

    But the conventional wisdom that China will attract less foreign direct investment ( FDI ) as manufacturing moves away is wrong , according to a new report from the Economist Intelligence Unit .

  28. 比如在委内瑞拉,根据经济学人信息部(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)的预测,其非石油政府收入明年将占国内生产总值12%,是石油收入的两倍。

    Next year in Venezuela , for example , forecast non-oil government revenues of 12 per cent of gross domestic product will be twice that of oil revenues , according to the Economist Intelligence Unit .

  29. 经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)进行的一项调查显示,机构投资者计划今年扩大在亚洲的投资,尽管他们中有许多人承认,自己缺乏有关该地区的知识和专业技能。

    Institutional investors plan to increase their exposure to Asia in 2010 even though many admit that they lack knowledge and expertise in the region , according to a survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit .

  30. 《经济学人》(TheEconomist)近期载文称,1979年,柯达高管之间流传过一份报告,其中详细描述了到2010年,摄影市场将如何从胶片时代永久地转变为数码时代。

    As the economist reported recently , a report circulated among senior executives in 1979 detailed how the market would shift permanently from film to digital by 2010 .