
  1. 第四部分创造性地构建出理想网络竞争情报系统模型,并探讨该模型的理论意义与应用价值。

    The fourth one is to construct the CIS model .

  2. 网络竞争情报源的开发利用

    Exploitation and Utility of Network Competitive Information Source

  3. 面向主题的网络竞争情报采集系统

    Topic-focused Web Competitive Intelligence Acquisition System

  4. 摘要本文分析了网络竞争情报的内涵,从几个方面阐述了网络竞争情报的特性,归纳了网络竞争情报的原理与技术,进而指出网络竞争情报是传统竞争情报向网络化发展的一种趋向。

    The paper analyzes the connotation of online competitive intelligence , interpreting the characteristic of online competitive intelligence from several aspects , summarizing the principle and technology of online competitive intelligence and points out that the developing trend from traditional competitive intelligence to online competitive intelligence is ongoing .

  5. 网络组织竞争情报研究述评

    Summary and Commentary about the CI Research of Network Organization

  6. 网络组织竞争情报共享与泄露研究

    On the Competitive Intelligence ( CI ) Sharing and Leak of Network Organizations

  7. 基于链接的企业网络人际竞争情报分析

    Network Human Competitive Intelligence Analysis Based on Hyperlink

  8. 本文对三个类型的网络组织竞争情报研究进行了综述,并进行了简要的评论。

    The three kinds of the study of CI of network organization are reviewed in this paper .

  9. 人际网络是竞争情报和企业发展的一种社会资本。

    Social network , as a form of social capital , has great effect on the development of entrepreneurs .

  10. 人际情报网络对竞争情报在企业内部的挖掘具有重要作用。

    The human intelligence network plays an important role in the course of digging the competitive intelligence within the organization .

  11. Internet网络和企业竞争情报

    Internet & Competitive Intelligence of Enterprise

  12. 网络环境下竞争情报系统的开发流程

    Development of the competition information system under the environment of network

  13. 人际网络分析为竞争情报工作开创了一个新的研究方向。

    Social network analysis cultivates a brand new research field for competitive intelligence .

  14. 社会网络对企业竞争情报团队学习能力影响的个案研究

    The Impaction of Social network on the Competitive Intelligence Team Learning Ability : A Case Study

  15. 基于网络的战略性竞争情报识别

    Network-based Stratagem Competition Intelligence Identification

  16. 接着重点分析了网络环境下竞争情报系统的信息资源建设、各功能子系统的设计以及部分功能的具体技术实现;

    Then , this article put emphasis on analyzing the information construction , design and realization of some parts of CIS under the network-based environment .

  17. 本文介绍了竞争情报系统的基本情况,探讨了在网络环境下竞争情报系统的开发的理论与技术问题。

    In this paper is introduced the basic condition of competition information system , and investigated the development theory and the technology problems of the competition information system under network circumstance .

  18. 人际网络在企业的竞争情报活动中起到很重要的作用。

    Human network has great effect on enterprise competitive intelligence .

  19. 人际网络结构特征对竞争情报工作的启示

    Some Implications from Competitive Intelligence Research Based on Social Network

  20. 论述了在网络条件下搜集竞争情报的原则与策略。

    This paper discusses the principles and methods of the competitive intelligence collection based on network environment .

  21. 提出了竞争情报搜集的底线原则、最大化原则、最小化原则和均值原则的观点,并就计算机网络、销售网络和情报网络3种网络条件下的竞争情报搜集策略作了详细的阐述。

    Puts forward the publicity principle , maximum principle , minimum principle and impartiality principle of competitive intelligence collection . And expounds the different collection methods based on computer network , selling network and information network .

  22. 在网络成员弱联系关联和结构洞开拓的背景中,(集群)网络组织之间的竞争情报活动得以开展和扩展。

    On the background of the weak ties and structural holes , the CI occurs in inter-network organizational boundaries .

  23. 本文论述了网络信息挖掘的意义,介绍了网络信息挖掘的过程及内容,分析了网络信息挖掘在竞争情报工作中的应用。

    This paper discusses the significances of network information mining , introduces the process and contents of network information mining , analyzes the applications of network information mining on competitive intelligence work .

  24. 人际情报网络作为获取和传播情报的重要途径和工具,是现代商业竞争的重要战略资源,因此,分析人际情报网络是竞争情报研究的一个重要内容。

    As a main approach and tool of gaining and disseminating intelligence , human intelligence network is an important strategic resource in modern business competition . So analyzing human intelligence network is a significant research content of competitive intelligence .