
  • 网络Network communication;internet communication;new media;webcasts
  1. 本文主要介绍作为在传统的网络传播基础之上产生的新媒介形式Blog,尽管有着自己新颖的与众不同的传播特点和方式,可是依然是对于传统媒体形式的一种延伸和补充。

    This paper mainly introduces Blog to readers , which is a new medium based on Internet Communication .

  2. 大学生网络传播行为嬗变的实证研究

    Empirical Research of Transmutation of University Students ' Internet Communication Behavior

  3. 因特网语料自动下载分析软件的设计利用P2P网络传播技术上传和下载文件行为到底是侵权还是合法?

    The Design of software for Downloading and Analysing web-pages Automatically Are the downloading and uploading by P2P software legal or illegal ?

  4. 判断利用P2P网络传播技术上传和下载行为是合法还是非法,必须深入探讨它背后存在的法律关系,必须研究这种法律关系主体之间合理的权利义务配置。

    We should study the law relationship of the network broadcasting by P2P software and the allocation of right or responsibilities as to judge whether these activities are legal .

  5. 上周,中国政府吊销了新浪公司(SinaCo.,SINA)的《互联网出版许可证》和《信息网络传播视听节目许可证》,导致其股价在两天内下跌10%。

    Last week , Beijing stripped portal site Sina Corp. of some publishing licenses over pornographic material , sending shares down 10 % over two days .

  6. 信息网络传播权是中国略别于WIPO公众传播权的一项权利创设。

    The media right of information network is a right creation which has a little different to the right of mass media of WIPO .

  7. 本文的主要工作内容为如下几个方面:一,利用基于网络传播的交互三维建模的新软件标准X3D来构建系统中大坝三维场景文件;

    The main works of this paper are as follows : 1 . Building the 3D scene through the new networking-based interactive 3D modeling software standard & X3D .

  8. 网络传播对青年民警思想政治工作影响的新思考

    Internet Influence on the Ideological and Political Work of Youth Policemen

  9. 网络传播的兴起对传统版权法提出了全新的挑战。

    Network communication has posed new challenges to traditional copyright law .

  10. 网络传播与安徽人文资源开发研究

    A Research on Network Communication & the Exploration of Anhui Humanities

  11. 信息网络传播权&数字图书馆应予以关注的权利

    Information Network Propagates Right & The Right Digital Library Concerns

  12. 1996-2004:中国大陆网络传播研究的历史和现状

    History and Contemporary Situation of the Research of Computer-mediated Communication

  13. 网络传播对大学生的影响分析及对策思考

    The Analysis and Countermeasure on Influence of Undergraduate in Internet

  14. 信息网络传播权集体管理立法价值

    Legislation Value on Collective Management of Information Network Propagation Right

  15. 论限制网络传播权应遵循的原则

    On the Principles of Restriction of Right of Internet Communication

  16. 网络传播环境下的企业危机预警管理研究

    The Research of Forewarning Management on Enterprises ' Crisis in Network-Communication Surroundings

  17. 简析网络传播中受众角色的变化

    A Brief Analysis on the Change of Audience Role in the Cyber Communications

  18. 其二,网络传播的比较。

    Second , the comparison of the network marketing .

  19. 网络传播也引起了一些社会问题。

    But at the same time network communicating results in some social problems .

  20. 网络传播的出现与传统媒体的回应

    Network Communications and the Response of the Classical Media

  21. 网络传播与人的现代化

    On the Web Communication and Man 's Modernization

  22. 论网络传播的影响力&天山网英语频道内容分析

    On Influence of Net Communication & Content Analysis of English Version of Tianshan Net

  23. 网络传播对经济社会的影响

    The Effect of Network Communication on Economy Society

  24. 虚拟的真实&浅谈网络传播与营销

    Fictitious Reality & Dissemination and Market of Network

  25. 目前我国网络传播教育存在着两种层次三种形态。

    Nowdays there are two levels and three forms of our internet broadcasting education .

  26. 网络传播受众与传统大众传播受众的心理特征比较

    A Psychological Comparison between the Information Receiver of the Traditional Media and the Internet

  27. 文化全球化带来了新的发展机遇,同时文化全球化也给我国民族文化带来了严峻的挑战,如发达国家强势文化的渗透、中西价值观的碰撞、网络传播和英语全球化的影响。

    The cultural blending and collision bring both opportunity and challenge to our national culture .

  28. 图书馆现代化建设与网络传播

    Construction of Library Modernization And Network Dissemination

  29. 在权利内容上,信息网络传播权也有其特殊之处,包括网络出版和复制行为。

    As the content of right , it is special in including publishing and duplication .

  30. 网络传播的发展与控制

    The Development and Control of Internet Communication