
  1. 建立在实物媒介的信息载体逐渐被虚拟信息载体代替,变化的结果是信息传播速度的加快以及信息传播渠道的多样化。

    The original information carrier built on physical media is gradually replaced by virtual information carrier , which results in the speed up of information transmission and the diversification of information dissemination channels .

  2. 普适计算的核心思想:人们可以在工作和生活的任何场所获得信息服务;信息交互方式轻松、自然、有趣并结合实物媒介,交互过程更加符合人的心理与生理特点。

    The core of Pervasive Computing includes getting information service anywhere , easier and more interesting information interaction combined with tangible vector which is more in line with the psychological characteristics of human beings .

  3. 关键问题在于我们生活在一个物理的世界里,我们的娱乐产品直到不久以前,也是以实物为媒介的。

    The main problem , if that 's the word , is that we live in the physical world and , until recently , most of our entertainment media did , too .