
  • 网络index in kind;physical indicator
  1. 但实物指标和以购买力平价为基础的收入比较的结果表明可能GDP的情况不全是误导性的。

    Yet physical indicators ( such as electricity consumption ) and the results of income comparisons based on purchasing-power parity suggest that the GDP picture may not be entirely misleading .

  2. 现有实物指标数据采集管理系统存在着定位难、测量难、记录难的问题。

    Existing physical indicators data collection and management system has the problem of positioning , measurement and record .

  3. 浅谈水库淹没实物指标与移民安置规划

    On index of property inundated by reservoir and settlement plan for emigrants

  4. 水利工程征地移民实物指标复核质量监控的探讨

    On quality control of object index check for immigration of hydraulic works

  5. 浅析丹江口大坝加高水库淹没实物指标调查的成功经验

    Investigation for the Inundated Object Index After the Dam-Heightening of Danjiangkou Reservoir

  6. 实物指标调查包括农村、城镇、工业企业和专业项目。

    The material-object index includes the countryside , towns , industrial enterprises and special items .

  7. 水电工程征地移民实物指标管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Land Acquisition and Immigration 's Entities Indexes Management System for Hydropower Project

  8. 中小型水库移民工作实物指标调查与补偿问题的研究

    Study on Investigate the Physical Indications and the Compensation Problem of Small and Medium-sized Reserviors ' Immigration Work

  9. 少数民族地区水库移民实物指标调查研究及管理系统开发

    Research on Investigation of the Physical Indicators of Reservoir Migration in Ethnic Minority Areas and Programming of the Manage Information System

  10. 库区淹没实物指标调查和分解工作是水库移民安置工作中的一个重要前提和组成部分。

    Investigation and decomposing of the real object index of the reservoir submersion region is an important part in reservoir migration-relocation setting .

  11. 货币指标和实物指标的完整指标体系;是城市环境卫生行业技术标准体系的一个重要组成部分;

    It is an important part of environmental sanitation standard system , the essential basis of the composting plant design , construction and operation .

  12. 居民体育消费水平的具体测定(调查)指标有4个:体育消费实物指标,体育消费价值指标,体育消费服务指标和体育消费质量指标。

    Four indexes are index of sports consumption goods , index of sports consumption value , index of sports consumption service and index of sports consumption quality .

  13. 该生产线采用国内一流的设备和最佳的工艺参数,其产品的实物指标全部达到了国家标准,接近国际先进国家标准要求。

    With domestic first - class facilities and best technology parameter , the object index of products has come up to the state standard and approaching the requirements of internationed advanced countries .

  14. 企业价值报告应由财务价值信息、人力资本价值信息和企业治理结构信息构成,并采用货币指标、实物指标和文字说明等表达方式。

    The report of enterprises ' value should include the information of finance , human capital value and the enterprise 's governance , and be expressed in money , physical index and words .

  15. 本系统的开发,不但改变了传统的水电工程征地移民实物指标管理信息系统工作方法,而且也为移民专业工作人员和管理人员提供了一个科学、高效的工具。

    The development of this item not only changes the traditional work method of immigrant objects management information system of hydroelectric engineering , but also provides a scientific and efficient tool for immigrants and management staff .

  16. 亚洲铜市的实物指标表明,铜需求达到了一年多来最强劲的水平,原因是中国交易商认为,铜价自8月以来已下跌30%,目前正是买入良机。

    Physical indicators in the Asian copper market are pointing to the strongest demand for the metal in more than a year , as Chinese traders see the 30 per cent fall in prices since August as a buying opportunity .

  17. 水利移民实物指标数据是水利移民工作的数据基础和事实依据,其数据量大、种类繁杂,前期需对数据统计汇总分析,后期也有管理需求。

    The water conservancy immigration physical indicator data is the basis of data and factual of the work of water conservancy immigrants , it has the large amount of data , complex types , the needs of statistical summary analysis primevally and management in the later period .

  18. 全社会用电量增长7.5%,货运量增长9.9%,主要实物量指标与经济增长相互匹配。

    China 's total electricity consumption increased by 7.5 % , and the volume of freight transport rose by 9.9 % . Main real physical indexes matched economic growth .

  19. 一些国家根据自身实际选择最相关的部分指标,特别是实物量指标进行核算的结果可比性较弱。

    In some countries , some indexes most concerning the actual choices , especially the index of material volume , are selected , thus the comparability of the accounting results is rather weak .

  20. 与欧洲钢管公司类似产品实物质量指标进行了对比,对相应钢板和钢管标准提出了改进建议。

    Compared the quality index of finished pipes of Europe Pipe Co 's similar products with that of the above mentioned pipe and put forward improved suggestion to the related plate and pipe 's specification .