
  • 网络real growth rate;actual growth;actual growth rate
  1. 另外,本文从实际增长率对潜在增长率的偏离的角度衡量了增长的稳定性。

    In addition , the paper analysis the stability of growth based on actual growth rate deviation from potential growth rate .

  2. 保证企业平衡增长的增长率就是企业的可持续增长率,只有在企业的实际增长率与可持续增长率保持一致时,才说明企业的财务资源得到了充分合理的利用。

    The increase rate which ensue enterprises ' balanced growth is sustainable growth rate . Only when the actual growth rate is consistent with sustainable growth rate , the financial resource is fully and reasonably used .

  3. 综合上述各个方面,我们预计2011年GDP实际增长率降至9.3%,2012年降至8.7%

    In all , we project real GDP growth to slow to9.3 percent in2011 and8.7 % in2012 .

  4. 这里的出手太慢意味着,除非决策者让中国GDP的实际增长率大幅降至近年来的一般增速以下,否则中国就可能面临通胀失控的风险。

    Being too slow means that unless policy makers bring real GDP growth sharply below trend , China is at risk of runaway inflation .

  5. 宏观经济预测顾问公司LombardStreetResearch对中国GDP季度实际增长率做了自己的估测,结果表明,官方数据可能对今年第一季度经济增长放缓的程度有所淡化。

    Lombard Street Research estimates its own quarterly real GDP growth for China , which suggests that the official data could be understating the extent of the slowdown in the first quarter .

  6. 为了便于讨论,我们给出下述预测:到2013年底,美国国内生产总值(gdp)平均实际增长率与通胀率均为2.5%,失业率降至6%。

    For the sake of argument , plug in average real GDP growth and inflation of 2.5 per cent and an unemployment rate that falls back to 6 per cent by the end of 2013 .

  7. 上周五,中国第一次发布了有关GDP季度实际增长率的统计数据。数据显示,中国实际GDP增长率从去年第四季度的2.4%减缓至今年第一季度的2.1%。

    China published quarterly real GDP growth for the first time last Friday , showing growth slowed to 2.1 % in the first quarter of this calendar year from 2.4 % in the fourth quarter last year .

  8. 为了实现7%的GDP预期增长率,(公共及私人)消费必须以9%的实际增长率增长,投资则须以4.6%的增长率增长。

    To achieve the expected 7 per cent GDP rate of growth , consumption ( public and private ) needs to grow at a real rate of 9 per cent while investment grows at 4.6 per cent .

  9. “经济正在放缓过程中,第二季度实际增长率数据明确地证明了这一点,”咨询公司环球通视(ihsglobalinsight)的布莱恩贝休恩(brianbethune)表示。

    " The economy is in the process of slowing down , as clearly evidenced by the second-quarter real growth numbers , " said Brian Bethune at the consultancy IHS Global Insight .

  10. 现在,假定趋势实际增长率仅为1%,通胀率为2%(与欧洲央行的目标一致),在这种情况下,名义GDP的年增长率应该达到3%。

    Now assume trend real growth was a mere 1 per cent and inflation 2 per cent ( in line with ECB targets ) . In that case , nominal GDP should have been growing at 3 per cent a year .

  11. 通过最终加快人民币升值速度,并且坚持实施其它紧缩举措,中国可能将GDP实际增长率逐渐放缓至10%以下。目前看来,这在一定程度上乃是抑制通胀的必要之举。

    By finally accelerating the speed of its currency appreciation , and persisting with other tightening measures , China may be on the verge of slowing real GDP growth below 10 per cent , something which now seems necessary to help bring inflation under control .

  12. 国民生产总值和人口实际增长率的估计数

    Estimates of the real rates of growth of GNP and population

  13. 利率、通胀率以及实际增长率都会产生影响。

    The interest rate , inflation rate and real growth rate all matter .

  14. 过去10年,日本经济年均实际增长率为0.8%,看起来很一般。

    In the past decade , Japan has averaged real annual growth of 0.8 per cent .

  15. 最重要的是,日本必须提高潜在经济增长率&不管是实际增长率还是名义增长率。

    Above all , Japan needs to raise its potential growth rate , both in real and nominal terms .

  16. 新加坡政府预测今年经济增长率将达1.5%至2.5%,而去年实际增长率为1.7%。

    The government projects the economy will expand 1.5-2.5 per cent this year , compared with 1.7 per cent last year .

  17. 事实上,根据高德纳公司的数据,苹果本季度的实际增长率达到了4.3%,而其他主要厂商都出现了负增长。

    In fact , apple boasted real growth of 4.3 % this quarter , according to Gartner , while major vendors slumped .

  18. 统计模型显示,实际增长率已从去年11月的4%放缓至今年1月的3%。

    Statistical models suggest that the real growth rate has slowed from 4 per cent in November to 3 per cent in January .

  19. 当中小企业实际增长率与可持续增长率存在差异时,应采用相应的财务组合策略。

    When there exist the differentiation between the actual growth and the sustainable growth rate , enterprises need take the corresponding combined financial strategies .

  20. 十一五时期,我国经济的潜在增长率为9%-9.5%,实际增长率应保持在8%左右。

    The potential increase rate of China 's economy is 9 % - 9.5 % , the real increase should be around 8 % .

  21. 过去五年的目标为7.5%,但同期中国的实际增长率却超过11%。

    A target of 7.5 % for the past five years did not stop China growing by more than 11 % over that period .

  22. 如果日本已经像经合组织声称的那样不存在产出缺口,那么提高实际增长率的唯一方法将是实施结构性改革。

    If Japan is already at its growth potential as the OECD contends , then the only way of raising real growth will be through implementing structural reforms .

  23. 中国经济增速的幅度与精确度或许可以商榷,但在未来几年,8%到10%的实际增长率应该是可以实现的。

    The magnitude and precision is perhaps questionable , but certainly rates of growth between 8 and 10 per cent in real terms for the next few years should be quite achievable .

  24. 利用财务可持续增长模型,将其作为公司发展速度的参照标准,与公司实际增长率相比较,分析可能出现的财务问题,为其实现可持续发展提供适当的财务策略。

    Using financial sustainable growth model , the speed of development as the reference standard , compared with company growth , analyzes the financial problems may occur , for its sustainable development provides adequate financial strategy .

  25. 再加上中国近10%的趋势实际增长率,表明中国股市的潜在整体收益率为两位数(用股息收益率加上增长率,得出一个总体真实收益率)。

    Adding in China 's trend real growth of nearly 10 per cent implies a potential all-in yield for Chinese stocks in double figures , once any dividend yield is added to growth to give a total real yield .

  26. 它在“基准”预测中认为,减税方案将按期结束,国会不会取消已经出台的削减支出计划,并预计美国经济明年的实际增长率为1%。

    Its " baseline " projection , which assumes that tax cuts wind down as scheduled and that Congress does not cancel enacted spending cuts , forecasts that the economy would actually grow by 1 per cent next year .

  27. 让我们用整数来说明这个问题:如果中国的潜在实际增长率为每年10%,要使中国的经常账户盈余在5年内消失,其实际国内支出必须每年增长12%。

    Let us put this in round numbers : if potential real growth in China is 10 per cent a year , real domestic spending must grow at 12 per cent a year if the surplus is to disappear over five years .

  28. 那么,公司的可持续增长率是如何决定的呢?公司的实际增长率与可持续增长率发生偏差时,公司应该如何采取措施来保证平衡增长呢?本文对此进行了详细的分析和研究。

    Then , how to make up the sustainable growth rate of the companies ? What measures should be taken to make sure the balanced growth when the actual growth rate is deviant form the sustainable growth rate ? This paper carried out a detailed analysis and study .

  29. 相比之下,过去10年中实际GDP增长率为1.7%。

    This compares to the actual real GDP growth rate over the last ten years of 1.7 % .

  30. 这是中国未来五年国内生产总值(GDP)实际年增长率的新目标。

    It is the new target for real annual growth in gross domestic product in the forthcoming five-year plan .