
pínɡ jūn lì rùn lǜ
  • average profit rate
  1. 由于民航业平均利润率不超过4%,单靠行业自身经营资金的积累远不足以满足未来飞机引进的资金需求。

    But the average profit rate of the industry is less than 4 % , the own capital accumulation could not meet the requirement of future aircrafts purchase .

  2. 这些问题是可以在坚持马克思主义劳动价值论以及平均利润率下降规律前提下,在本文的理论框架内得以解决。

    All these problems can be solved within the theoretical framework of the thesis under the premise of sticking to Marxist labor theory of value and rule of declining average profit rate .

  3. 基于平均利润率的中国市场化改革绩效分析

    Analysis of China market reform performance basing on average interest rate

  4. 平均利润率趋向下降的规律

    Law of the falling tendency of the average rate of profit

  5. 实行员工持股计划的公司在劳动生产率提高、平均利润率提高和员工的收入方面都有所提高。

    They had improved their productivity , profit margin and the income .

  6. 平均利润率规律在市场经济条件下的作用

    Functions of the Law of Average Rate of Profit under Market Economy

  7. 信用制度促进了资本的重新配置,从而促进了社会平均利润率的提高。

    Credit system promotes to redeploy capital and enhance averaged rate of profit .

  8. 劳动复杂程度的演变与平均利润率形成趋势的变化研究

    On the Evolvement of Labor Complexity and the Change of the Formation Tendency of Average Profitability

  9. 对此,该文提出了预付费备用容量交易模式和基于平均利润率的容量定价机制。

    Then , the paper presents a prepaying transaction mechanism and a price strategy based on average profit margin .

  10. 而社会平均利润率的下降是货币流通速度递减的根本性原因。

    And the fall of social average rates is the basic reason of the progressive decrease of the currency circulation speed .

  11. 中国纺织业的平均利润率为3.9%,但这个数字掩盖了中国较差纺织企业的困境。

    The profit margin for the industry averaged 3.9 per cent but that masked pain among China 's weaker textile companies .

  12. 介绍了剩余价值转化为利润,平均利润率的确定以及形成。

    Introduces the transforms form the surplus value to the profit , determination and formation of average rate of profit as well as .

  13. 他表示:一辆车的平均利润率是6%,这是一场高端游戏,是一个郑重承诺。

    The average margin on a car is 6 per cent , this is a high-level game and a huge commitment , he says .

  14. 钢构件在制作与安装过程中存在着大量的返工、修整以及报废事件,这对于原本平均利润率就不高的钢结构产业其利润空间更是所剩无几,甚至造成行业大面积的亏损。

    There are a lot of repair and scrapped events in the steel production and installation process , which reduced profits or even losses to the steel industry .

  15. 对于关联交易的账务处理,提出用分行业计算各行业平均利润率,进而限定关联交易价格的上限和下限;

    Thirdly , as to the accounting transactions , the thesis makes a calculation of average return ratios of different industries in order to limit the trade price of RT.

  16. 在1997年亚洲金融危机之后,中国国有企业平均利润率跌至接近零点,许多国企出现巨额亏损。

    In the aftermath of the 1997 Asian financial crisis , average profit margins in Chinese state companies fell to close to zero , and many reported huge losses .

  17. 如今我国的零售行业利润率已变得越来越低,行业平均利润率仅为1%~2%,并且仍在继续下降。

    Chinese retail industry has become more and more low profit margins , the industry average profit margin is only 1 % to 2 % , and continues to decline .

  18. 我国产业结构的调整迫切需要发挥平均利润率规律的作用,充分展开对投资场所的竞争,只有如此,才能根本解决产业结构不合理的问题。

    Unless we follow this guiding principle of Marx and allow adequate competitions for investement , we would find it impossible to solve the problem of irrationality in the industrial structure .

  19. 随着生产规模不断扩大,平均利润率呈下降趋势,资本家为了保证自己的利润,进行全球扩张,对自然资源进行最大限度的开发和利用。

    As the production scale unceasingly expands , the average profit margin decline , in order to guarantee the capitalists ' profit , they use technology to dig natural resources for maximum utilization .

  20. 本文先从理论上分析了影响工业企业资金利润率的因素:经济体制、金融体制、企业融资机制、企业所有制、劳动生产率和其他因素导致的社会平均利润率的变化趋势。

    This paper first theoretically discusses the important factors which are economic mechanism , finance mechanism , financing mechanism of enterprise , system of enterprise ownership , productivity and the trend of social profit rate .

  21. 总结和分析了对马克思平均利润率理论理解上的一些疑惑,探究了这些疑惑存在的原因,并对如何正确理解该理论进行了阐述。

    This paper sums up and analyzes some doubts on Marx 's theory of average profit rate , probes into the reasons why these doubts exist , and expounds how to understand correctly this theory .

  22. 在这个阶段,马克思预言的平均利润率下降规律在自动化程度高的重工业、高技术产业与直接劳动占主体的服务业之间发挥了作用。

    In this stage , the rule of declining average profit rate predicted by Marx plays a part in highly automatized heavy industry and high-tech industry as well as service industry with direct labor as main body .

  23. 美国实行员工持股计划的企业与同类企业相比,劳动生产率高三分之一,平均利润率高50%,平均工资高25-60%。

    Compared with similar enterprise , those which carry out the ESOP are 1 / 3 higher on labor productivity , 50 % higher on the average rate of profit , 25-60 % higher on average of the salary .

  24. 事实表明,2000年以后的装载机市场高速增长带来的一个负面结果就是行业平均利润率持续下滑,这与波及全行业的价格战有很大关系。

    Facts show that a negative result from the high-speed increase of the loader market after 2000 is the continuous decline of the average industrial profit margin , which is related with the price battle spreading to the whole industry .

  25. 特别是美国的私人银行业务,平均利润率超过35%,年利润增长率一般为12%至15%。目前,全球百万富翁的人数以每年超过7%的速度增长。

    Particularly , the average margins of private banking business of U.S.A. surpass 35 % and its annual growth rate is between 12 % and 15 % . The population of millionaires increases annually at the rate of 7 % or more .

  26. 从绩效模型的回归结果来看,较高的市场集中度和进入壁垒都会提高企业的平均利润率。

    From the regression results of performance model , the higher degree of market concentration will increase the average profit margin of the firms ; the higher barriers to entry also make the industry average profit margin maintained at a higher level .

  27. 从利润率角度来看,金砖国家表现出了极强的活力,许多行业的平均利润率甚至远远超过了传统发达经济体,具有相当的发展前景。

    From the perspective of profitability , " BRICs " has shown strong vitality , even average profit margin of many industry are far beyond that of the traditional " Developed Economies " . The " BRICs " has considerable development prospects .

  28. 马克思的这一理论提出之后,引起了西方经济学界庸俗经济学家的质疑和批评。有的经济学家认为,马克思所说的平均利润率根本就不存在,尤其在资本主义发展到垄断阶段以后。

    After this theory proposes by Marx , it causes questioning and the criticism by Western economist ' s. Some economists believed what Marx said the average rate of profit does not exist , especially develops after the monopoly stage in the capitalism .

  29. 在过去的几年里,美国银行业个人理财业务每年的平均利润率已高达35%,年平均盈利增长率达12%&15%。

    In the past son year , the American banking industry personally managed finances the service every year average rate of profit oneself to reach as high as 35 % , the annual mean profit rate of increment reaches 12 % one 15 % .

  30. 根据国家信息中心的数据,2004年连锁零售企业平均利润率仅为0.85%,连锁超市百强的净利润率为1.22%,而国外连锁超市平均利润率为2.22%。

    According to the data of State Information Center , in 2004 chain retail enterprises average profit margin was only 0.85 % and the top 100 chain stores net profit rate was 1.22 % . But foreign supermarket chains and the average profit margin was 2.22 % .