
  • 网络Average stock price
  1. 同期,由所有上市钢铁公司股价构成的全球钢铁股价格综合指数,表现超过所有上市公司平均股价表现近4倍。

    Over this period the global composite stock price index of all quoted steel company shares has outperformed the average stock price of all quoted companies by nearly four times .

  2. 工行所收购的标准银行股权,一半来自新股,一半来自现有股票,收购价较周二之前30个交易日的平均股价溢价15%。

    Half of ICBC 's stake is to come from the issue of new shares and half by the acquisition of existing shares at prices equivalent to a 15 per cent premium to the average stock price in the 30 trading days before Tuesday .

  3. 复星表示,这一出价较过去6个月ESS的平均股价溢价31%。

    The bid represents a premium of 31 per cent above the average share price over the previous six months , Fosun said .

  4. 特克-科明科公司的出价,将国际镍业的价格定为每股78.50加元,较该公司过去一月平均股价高出约四分之一。

    Teck 's offer , valued at c $ 78.50a share , is about a quarter more than inco 's ruling share price over the past month .

  5. 55亿美元的收购价格并不高:较标准银行此前30日的平均股价溢价约15%。

    The $ 5.5bn purchase price does not appear inflated : it represents a premium of about 15 per cent on the previous average price of Standard Bank Group shares .

  6. 相比之下,在2007年9月至2008年4月的可比区间(这期间高盛的平均股价要高得多),高盛合伙人卖出了约4.38亿美元的股票。

    By contrast , for the comparable period between September 2007 and April 2008 , when Goldman 's average share price was substantially higher , Goldman partners sold about $ 438m in stock .

  7. 最后,本文根据三阶段现金流量模型对电力类上市公司的价值进行了计算,将其与企业最近两年的平均股价进行了比较并提出了针对电力类上市公司的投资建议。

    Finally , with the foundation three stage cash flow model this text calculate the value of listed company to electricity , compare it with the enterprise average stock price for most recent two years against electricity and put forward suggestions for investment of listed company to go on .

  8. 第一部分是“专注于便宜、安全、优质的股票”,即波动性低于平均水平、股价与每股账面价值之比(市净率,一种净值衡量指标)不高的股票。

    The first is a ' focus on cheap , safe , quality stocks , ' defined as those that have exhibited below-average volatility and sport low ratios of price-to-book value -- a measure of net worth .

  9. 第一部分是专注于便宜、安全、优质的股票,即波动性低于平均水平、股价与每股账面价值之比(市净率,一种净值衡量指标)不高的股票。

    The first is a ' focus on cheap , safe , quality stocks , ' defined as those that have exhibited below-average volatility and sport low ratios of price-to-book value & a measure of net worth .

  10. 它们的价格相对于每股账面价值的比率低于平均水平,衡量股价与大市联动程度的“beta系数”也低于平均水平。

    The ratios of their prices to per-share book values are below average , as are their ' betas ' -- a measure of the extent to which their prices move in lock step with the overall market .