
  • 网络p/e ratio;PER;pe ratio;ttm
  1. 用市盈率分析股市泡沫,最关键的是明确市盈率的合理水平是多少,即确定合理市盈率。

    Judging the bubble of stock market by PER , it is crucial to determine a reasonable PER .

  2. 最后将上述一系列结果用于分析1995~2000年4月深圳股票市场的合理市盈率状况。

    Finally , it analyses the rational PER of Shenzhen stock market from 1995 to 2000 with the above series of results .

  3. 目前,上证综指(ShanghaiComposite)的市盈率为25.7倍,高于一年前的区区9.7倍。

    The Shanghai Composite now trades at 25.7 times current earnings , up from just 9.7 times a year ago .

  4. 与之形成对比的是,谷歌(Google)的市盈率仅16倍。

    Google ( GOOG ) , by contrast , is trading at 16 times earnings .

  5. 不过,根据英国经济研究机构capitaleconomics的研究,在过去的14次衰退中,股市的最低市盈率平均为11倍。

    Still , in the past 14 recessions , the average trough valuation has been 11 times , according to capital economics .

  6. 研究所涉及的亚洲企业的平均市盈率(p/e)去年也出现下降,降幅为19.9%。

    The average price / earnings ratios of the Asian companies in the study also declined last year , by 19.9 per cent .

  7. 这其中也许已经把政治风险包括在内(美国高科技领袖谷歌(Google)增长率更低,市盈率却为18倍)。

    Political risk may be priced in ( US tech leader Google trades on an 18 times multiple for slower growth ) .

  8. 因此,该蓝筹股指数的历史市盈率(p/e)仅为12.9,而中型股指数为18.9,小型股指数为40.7。

    Consequently the historic price / earnings ratio of the blue-chip index is just 12.9 , compared with 18.9 for the mid-cap index and 40.7 for the small caps .

  9. 泡沫经济指标测度有金融相关率、马歇尔K值系数、市盈率比率和Q值等。

    The estimating indexes of bubbling economy include financial interrelations ratio , Marshall 's " K ", P / E ratio , Tobin 's Q , etc.

  10. 依据雅虎2014年预期息税折旧摊销前收益计算的市盈率目前为25.5倍,与科技公司估值相当,差不多是谷歌(Google)的两倍。

    These now sport a tech-like multiple of 25.5 times 2014 earnings before interest , taxes , depreciation and amortization , about double that of Google .

  11. 你应该渴望变得像可口可乐(Coca-Cola)那样,拥有20倍的市盈率。

      You should aspire to be like Coca-Cola and have a 20 times p / e.

  12. 目前股权估值模型很多,有现金流贴现法、EVA方法、市盈率模型以及市净率模型等等。

    There are many valuation models such as CDF , EVA model , P / E model and P / B model etc.

  13. 如果Facebook的估值最终达到1040亿美元,则其交易价值将是2011年营业收入的28倍,而市盈率达到104倍。

    If Facebook ends up valued at $ 104 billion , it would trade at 28 times its 2011 revenue and 104 times earnings .

  14. 据德意志银行(deutschebank)计算,目前新兴市场的追溯市盈率(trailingpe)为16.6倍,而发达市场为17.3倍。

    According to Deutsche Bank , emerging markets currently trade on a trailing price / earnings ratio of 16.6 , versus 17.3 for developed markets .

  15. 这些证券本质上是具备股票优势的债务,其基础是IPO以2007年那种膨胀的市盈率超出预期收益30倍进行。

    Essentially debt with equity upside , they were predicated on initial public offerings at bloated 2007-style multiples , upwards of 30 times projected earnings .

  16. msci的数据显示,印度的市盈率为22.9倍,而中国是48.8倍。

    MSCI shows India Trading at a multiple of 22.9 and China at 48.8 .

  17. 在确定了影响因素的指标后,通过逐步回归分析法建立起中小企业板上市公司的IPO市盈率多因素回归模型。

    Determine the impact of factors of indicators , through the analysis of factors affecting to IPO price-earnings ratio of listed companies to build multiple regression model .

  18. 可比的企业很少,但新加坡上市的midasholdings具有更小、更多元化的业务,其市盈率为11.5倍。

    Comparable companies are few , but Singapore-listed Midas holdings offers a smaller , more diversified proxy and trades at 11.5 times .

  19. 目前,谷歌的市盈率为18倍,这表示,在近期,Facebook要拥有谷歌五倍左右的增长潜力。

    Google currently trades at 18 times earnings , which implies that Facebook should have roughly five times the growth potential than Google will have in the near future .

  20. 市盈率低于均值的IBM公司和惠普都充满信心地预测,(受益于云计算等新计划),公司的年利润增长率一直到2014年都将维持在11%。

    IBM and HP which both struggle with below-average P / E ratios are confidently projecting profits to grow 11 % a year through 2014 , thanks to new initiatives like cloud computing .

  21. 但投资者本可以在2008年(价格飙升以前),以相当于目前市盈率一半水平的价格购买Ace或Robinson的股票。

    But investors could have bought either Ace or Robinson at half their current p / e in 2008 – before prices took off .

  22. 结论表明我国的IPO定价主要决定于发行市盈率,且市场波动性,整体经济运行对IPO定价影响有一定时滞性。

    The conclusion shows that the IPO pricing in China mainly lies on issuing market payoff rate , and market fluctuation and overall economic operation make IPO pricing lagged .

  23. 历峰集团、蒂芙尼(Tiffany)和斯沃琪(Swatch)等珠宝及腕表企业的预期市盈率更为合理,在14倍左右。

    Jewellery and watch groups such as Richemont , Tiffany and Swatch are more reasonably rated on around 14 .

  24. 深圳股市2016年预期市盈率为30倍,两倍于美国纳斯达克指数(Nasdaq),尽管它提供较高的盈利增速。

    Shenzhen trades at 30 times 2016 earnings estimates , half again as much as the US Nasdaq , although it offers more earnings growth .

  25. 这些衡量标准包括经过周期调整的市盈率(考虑10年期间的利润)和托宾Q比率(Tobin'sQ,比较股价与资产重置价值)。

    These are the cyclically adjusted p / e ratio , which looks at profits over a ten-year period , and Tobin 's Q , which compares share prices to the replacement value of assets .

  26. 去年,桑坦德以9倍市盈率的隐含估价收购了巴西雷亚尔银行(bancoreal),而霍伊兰表示,在巴西当地市场实际市盈率为13倍。

    Last year , it bought Banco real of Brazil at an implied valuation of nine times earnings in the local Brazilian market , says hoyland , it was 13 times earnings .

  27. 其他涵盖中国海外上市股票的指数例如摩根士丹利资本国际指数(msci),预期市盈率约为12倍。

    Other indices of foreign-listed China shares , such as the MSCI , show prices closer to 12 times forward earnings .

  28. O-F模型与合理市盈率研究&中国股市泡沫的实证分析

    A Study of the O-F Model and Rational P / E

  29. 其中与股票相关的因素,包括已发行股份,股份总额,募集资金,发行市盈率P/E,上市地区,行业,对IPO的预期收益对回报有重大影响。

    Among the stock related factors , issued shares , total shares , raised fund , issuance P / E , listing place , industry , expected return have significant influence on IPO return .

  30. 波音公司(boeingco.)目前的股价在40美元左右,是近5年来的最低水平;市盈率为8倍,股息率高于4%。

    Boeing ( BA ) is at its lowest share price ( about $ 40 ) in nearly five years . Its P / E is 8 , its yield is more than 4 % .