
  1. 基于我国国债回购市场的利率预期理论检验

    Expectation Hypothesis on Interest Rate of Chinese TB Repo

  2. 当代马克思主义经济学家应当重视研究市场结构,借鉴预期理论,完善AS&AD模型,创新和发展马克思的通货膨胀理论。

    The contemporary Marxist economists shall focus on the study of market structure , and improve AS-AD model with expectation theory so as to innovate and develop Marx 's inflation theory .

  3. 第二章首先概述了学术界在发现有效市场假说和预期效用理论的不足后,如何形成以期望理论为基础的行为金融学的简要过程。

    Chapter 2 briefly introduces the birth of Behavioral Finance , which emerges with the foundation of Prospect Theory after academia finds out the defects of Efficient Market Hypothesis and Expected Utility Theory .