
  • 网络Market Value Method;Market Value Approach
  1. 传统的无形资产评估方法一般均为财务会计法,主要有市场价值法、现金流量法和重置成本法3种。

    The traditional method of evaluating intangible capital is Financial Accounting , including Market Value method , Cash Flow method and Replacement Cost method .

  2. 针对各个评估指标给出了价值的估算方法,其中物质产品价值大多采用市场价值法,即将物质产品的产出量乘以各产品的市场价值;生态服务价值多采用替代市场法。

    Estimating method is given for each indicator . The value of material goods which is given the market value method and the serving value of ecology is given the alternative market value method .

  3. 本文参照Constanza等的思路与方法,以内蒙古典型草原生态系统有机物生产为基础,分别采用市场价值法、替代市场法等估算其主要服务功能的经济价值。

    Referring to the methodology of constanza et al , and based on the biomass of Inner Mongolia steppe , authors of this paper assessed the total value of the steppe ecosystem services by various economic calculative methods .

  4. 具体说来有两大类:直接市场价值法和替代市场法。

    There are two categories in details : direct marketing value method and substitutable marketing method .

  5. 可采用直接市场价值法和间接评估法对效益进行估算。

    The direct marketing value method and the indirect evaluating method should be adopted in the evaluation of the benefit .

  6. 根据人力资本法、市场价值法等方法,计算了徐州市区2003年大气污染对人体健康、农业、建筑材料等造成的损失及增加的清洗费用。

    The economic losses caused by air pollution in Xuzhou city in2003 are estimated by using market value method , human capital method etc.

  7. 传统的价值评估的方法主要有四种:调整帐面价值法、市场价值法、直接比较法和折现现金流量法。

    There are four traditional means of valuation . They are book value adjusted , market value , directly comparing , discount cash flow .

  8. 首先介绍了企业价值的衡量方法包括历史成本法、期权定价法、收益现值法和市场价值法等。

    First introduced the measure includes historical cost method of enterprise value , options , pricing , profit present value method and market valuation method .

  9. 论文的重点放在环境间接收益的确定上,论述了一些环境价值评估方法的使用,如市场价值法、资产价值法、旅行费用法、人力资本法等。

    It gives more points on discussing the calculation of indirect benefit , for example Market valuation method , Human capital Approach , Travel cost Method .

  10. 简要的介绍了传统风险管理方法&资产负债管理方法,包括当前收益法、市场价值法、敏感性分析法。

    Briefly introduces the approach of traditional risk management-asset liability approach such as the current earning approach , the market value approach and the sensitivity analysis approach .

  11. 运用市场价值法、替代工程法、影子价格法和机会成本法等方法对内蒙古阴山北麓风蚀沙化区农业生态系统服务功能的价值进行了经济评估。

    In this paper , the agroecosystem services and their economic value were estimated in wind-erosion region near the northern foot of Yinshan mountain in Inner Mongolia .

  12. 利用生态经济评价中经典的市场价值法和机会成本法对该流域的坡改梯和筑坝淤地等工程治理措施的经济效益进行了定量分析。

    Using classic Market-Value Method and Opportunity-Cost Method , it quantitatively analyses the economic benefits of engineering projects , which increase the production of food and conserve water and fertilizer .

  13. 以政府为经济主体的效益主要从经济效益、社会效益、生态效益三方面进行评估,采用直接市场价值法和间接评估法对效益进行估算,定性与定量相结合,研究宅基地置换的综合效益。

    To government , this paper adopts the direct marketing value method and the indirect evaluating method , combines qualitative and quantitative research to evaluate the economic 、 social and ecological benefit .

  14. 同时,基于森林资源调查资料,运用市场价值法、机会成本法、影子价格法和替代工程法估算了林区主要森林生态系统的服务功能价值。

    At the same time , the methods of Market Price , Opportunities Cost , Shadow Price and Replacement Engineering were taken to evaluate the ecological value of ecosystem services of the main forest ecosystems .

  15. 在市场价值法的基础上,构建模型测算环境基础设施投资对其影响产业的投资乘数。

    It includes that the YPLL is tried to used in Human Capital Approach , and based on the Market valuation method it conceives a model to calculation the investment multiplier of urban infrastructure of environment .

  16. 本研究比较了国内外多种污染损失的计算方法,包括人力资本法、机会成本法、工程费用法、替代市场价值法、恢复费用法、调查判断法等等;

    This research compared various domestic and foreign calculating methods of pollution loss , including human capital method , opportunity cost method , engineering expense method , replacement of market value method , recovering expense method , investigation judging method , etc. ;

  17. 而持续期缺口管理和凸度缺口管理则属于市场价值法,强调的是利率波动的风险对商业银行市场价值或股东权益的影响,是一种长期的利率风险管理方法。

    The duration gap management and the convexity gap management all belong to the market value approach , which emphasize that interest rate risk have an effect on market value of commercial bank , so they are long-term interest rate risk management technologies .

  18. 首先,运用假设市场价值评估法(CVM)分析了通过意愿调查而得出民族文化价值的全过程。

    First of all , I studied the whole process of national cultural values using Contingent Valuation Method ( CVM ) .

  19. 农地非市场价值条件评估法及其应用

    An Application of CVM in the Assessment of Non-Market Value of Agricultural Land

  20. 登上事业高峰之人,对于所处市场的价值创造法,知之甚详。

    People with extraordinary careers understand in great detail how value is created in the marketplace in which they work .

  21. 第二、市场价值总是围绕期权法所得到的评估价值上下波动,说明期权法得出的评估价值可以作为企业的内在价值。

    Second , the market value of the option method is always around the assessment of the value obtained by fluctuations shows that the assessment method to get the value of options can be used as the intrinsic value of companies .

  22. 在英美法国家,人们从事一项创新首先考虑的是是否为法律的明确禁止,灵活的判例法传统和法官以市场为价值取向的法的解释为人们的创新活动提供了思想和制度保障;

    In Common law system , an innovation is allowed unless it is forbidden by law . And case law tradition and the flexible interpretation of law by judge also provide the ideological and institutional guarantee for the people 's creative activity .