
  • 网络Effective interest method;effective-interest method;Effective interest rate method
  1. 实际利率法的核算是新会计准则的难点。

    The accounting of effective interest rate method is difficult in our current system of accounting standards .

  2. 出租人应当采用实际利率法计算确认当期的融资收入。

    The lessor shall calculate the financing income at the current period by adopting the effective interest rate method .

  3. 用实际利率法摊销债券的折价和溢价。

    Amortize bond discount and premium by the effective-interest method .

  4. 实际利率法下融资租赁出租人对未实现融资收益核算的方法研究

    Research on Calculation Method of Unrealized Financing Profits by the Lessor of Finance Leases Under Effective Interest Rate Method

  5. 系统地介绍了实际利率法下长期债券投资溢价、折价摊销的计算过程及其账务处理,阐述了实际利率的计算原理及其计算过程。

    This essay discusses the real interest rate of the overflow and discount sales of the long term bond .

  6. 在此基础上分析了现行的实际利率法的不足,并提出了新的实际利率法。

    Based on it , the paper points out insufficiency of current actual rate of interest method and puts forward a new method .

  7. 实际利率法应用中关键数据逻辑关系分析&以应付债券后续计量为例

    Analysis on the Logic of Critical Data in the Application of Effective Interest Rate Method & A Subsequent Measurement to Bonds Payable for Example

  8. 采用实际利率法计算的可供出售金融资产的利息,应当计入当期损益;

    The interests of the sellable financial assets calculated according to the actual interest rate method shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period .

  9. 持有至到期投资以及贷款和应收款项,应当采用实际利率法,按摊余成本计量。

    The investments held until their maturity , loans and accounts receivable shall be measured on the basis of the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual interest rate method ;

  10. 对于将来应付金额大于重组债务账面值这种情况,美国准则是作为债务重组加以规范,并规定采用实际利率法进行处理。

    In the case which the amounts payable in the future is more than the carrying amount of the debt restructured , the FASB regulates it as the debt restructuring and measures it with actual rates .

  11. 债券溢(折)价摊销新方法探讨债券溢折价实际利率摊销法的再探讨

    Research on New Amortization Method with the Premium or Discount of Bonds Probe into the Practical Rate Amortization in Bond 's Premium Price and Conversion into Money