
  • 网络Real Time Enterprise;Real-Time Enterprise;rte;Realtime Enterprise
  1. 实时企业&一种新型的企业模式

    Real Time Enterprise & A New Type of Enterprise Model

  2. 所谓的实时企业、实时管理,就是要企业的资源及时的知道。

    The so-called real time enterprise , real-time management , is to the resource of the enterprise know in time .

  3. 企业信息化是我国的发展战略,实时企业(RTE)是未来企业经营管理的发展趋势。

    Enterprise informatization is a strategic objective in China . A Real-Time Enterprise will be the development trend in the future .

  4. 基于智能物件的实时企业复杂事件处理机制

    Complex event processing of real time enterprises based on smart items

  5. 创新信息管理成就实时企业

    Innovation in Information Management to Accomplish a Real-Time Enterprise

  6. 实时企业具有完全授权的企业文化。

    It has a total-empowerment enterprise culture .

  7. 为公司会议或实时企业目录数据打造自动生成的图表。

    Cook up some automatically generated graphs for your organizational meetings or live enterprise directory data .

  8. 传统企业文化阻碍技术创新,实时企业组织支持技术创新;

    Traditional enterprise culture is an obstacle to technological innovation but the rapid response organizations support technological innovation .

  9. 实时企业本质上是事件驱动的,需要集成的信息系统的支持。

    Real time enterprise is by nature an " event-driven " firm , and require the supports of integrate information system .

  10. 任何实时企业IT环境都涉及一组不同的应用程序,这组应用程序被部署到不同的运行时环境,公开不同的接口。

    Any real world enterprise IT landscape includes a set of disparate applications that is deployed into differing runtime environments , exposing disparate interfaces .

  11. 财务管理模块作为ERP系统的中枢,通过与企业的生产模块、销售模块、采购模块、库存模块、人力模块的集成,实时采集企业信息,对企业的经营活动进行有效的事前预算与事中控制。

    As the center of ERP system , financial management module integrates the production module , sales module , purchasing module , inventory module and human modules together , collects enterprise information on time , so the pre-budget and matter of control in business activities are effective .

  12. 通过时间分析,帮助用户实时监测企业员工的工作时间的变更与发展趋势。以便实时地进行决策控制。

    By time analysis , help users implement real-time monitoring over the changes and development trends of employee working , so as to make real-time decision-making control .

  13. 现代企业管理更强调动态地对企业执行控制,实时分析企业动态利润,掌握即时信息。

    The modern business management stressed that dynamic carries out the control to the enterprise , the real-time analysis business movement profit , has the immediate information .

  14. 通过安装在现场的能源采集终端,实时采集企业电力、水、氮气、压缩空气等各类能源信息,构建企业能效实时数据库。

    Through the installation of the energy data acquisition terminal at site , constructs a real time database of power , water , nitrogen , compressed air and other types of energy information .

  15. 管理驾驶舱系统是商务智能系统的高层决策支持系统,通过详尽的指标体系,实时反映企业的运行状态,将采集的数据形象化、直观化、具体化。

    The management cockpit system is a high-level decision support system for business intelligence system , reflecting the real-time running , the collected data visualization , intuitive , concrete , detailed index system .

  16. 这个过程让他举行一个“虚拟”的摄像头,它指向的演员,并视它为实时的企业管治,并确保他们人物,他得到了正确的投篮。

    This process allowed him to hold a " virtual " camera , point it at the actors , and see them as their CG characters in real-time and make sure he got the right shots .

  17. 如何正确反映企业集团各个项目的财务核算信息,使管理者能够实时掌握企业财务状况和经营成果,对项目进行实时监控,是众多企业集团力图解决但又很难解决好的问题。

    Enterprises want to solve the problem but it is very difficult how to reflect correctly the financial assessment information of every project of theirs , so they can know the financial situation and management performance promptly and supervise them .

  18. 提出了一种通过GPRS无线网络的VPN隧道技术,企业人员可以通过GPRS移动终端在线的实时的对企业进行物流管理,以增强企业竞争力。

    The paper puts forward a VPN tunnel technology by GPRS wireless networks . The workers of enterprises may implement online , timely logistics management through GPRS mobile terminals .

  19. 考虑到一般的供应链应急管理只强调在突发事件后通过实时地改变企业运营计划,但这往往具有很大的不可预测性。

    Considering the fact that general supply chain emergency management in the incident emphasizes the real-time change of enterprise operating plan . It often has great unpredictability .

  20. 主要讨论在需要进行大宗数据实时处理的企业级计算环境中影响系统处理性能的主要因素,以及如何通过优化处理方式规避这些因素、降低I/O并发冲突和提高系统实时处理性能的方法。

    This paper discussed the main factors which will impact on the system performance , while dealing with big amount data in enterprise environment and how to evade them through optimal process to reduce I / O intercurrent collision .

  21. 该系统可以动态实时地收集企业内外的各种生产信息,为实时优化提供最新的产品和原料价格,使其能根据市场信息及时地调整工艺操作参数。

    This system can not only collect production information inside and outside corporation , but also provide the newest product and material prices for optimization to ensure that it can regulate operational parameters with reference to market information always .

  22. 第三,针对税收征收的信息不对称性,提出应搭建能源用量和产品价格动态信息数据库,实时地掌握企业的生产经营情况,为税务机关更好地核定应纳税款提供真实依据。

    In third , for the collection of information asymmetry , put forward to build the energy consumption and the product price dynamic information database , real-time grasp the production and operation of enterprises , tax authorities approved for better be paid to provide the real basis .

  23. 电网实时信息在电力企业MIS系统中的应用

    Applications of Real-time Information in the Power Enterprise MIS

  24. 实时数据库PI在企业MES系统中的应用

    Application of Real-time Database PI in Enterprise MES System

  25. 介绍了基于软构件形式的实时监测的乳品企业ERP系统的系统结构、基本功能,以及其基于ASP。

    It is concise for the basic architecture and function of the real time supervision and inspection dairy enterprise ERP system with software component , based on ASP .

  26. 各销售分支机构通过Internet与企业总部实时连接,为企业管理分布全国的销售网点,提供了一个功能强大、成本低廉、操作简便的企业管理解决方案。

    All sale branches can be kept in real-time connection with the headquarters through Internet . It provides enterprises an ideal managing method of powerful functions , low costs and convenient operations for managing all their sale branches across the country .

  27. 通过KPI指标汇聚使能器,企业管理者能够实时动态的了解企业的运营状况,并且能够根据当前的运营状况做出决策,从而有效的控制企业运营。

    Enterprise managers can master the enterprise condition in time through the KPI aggregator , and they can make decision and control the enterprise effectively .

  28. 论实时控制系统与企业信息系统的集成

    Integration of Realtime Control System and Information System

  29. 实时数据库在石化企业中的应用

    Application of Real Time Database in Petrochemical Enterprise

  30. 目前,随着互联网和计算机技术的发展,基于网络的实时监测系统成为企业对监测系统追求的新目标。

    At present , with the development of internet and computer , real time monitoring system emerges as the new target of enterprise .