
shù jù fēn xī
  • data analysis
  1. 微机多元数据分析BASIC语言通用程序包

    The basic general purpose program package of multivariate data analysis

  2. BP算法在煤谱数据分析中的应用研究

    Application of Back Propagation Algorithm in the Coal Spectra Data Analysis

  3. 数据分析发现,母亲每周的工作时长一般为119小时,其中的40小时可以拿到标准工资、79小时可以拿到加班工资。在对1000名母亲(孩子都未满18岁)进行调查后发现,这些妈妈通常早上7点开始工作,一直到晚上11点才结束。

    By analysing the numbers , it found the average mother works 119 hours a week , 40 of which would usually be paid at a standard rate , 79 hours as overtime . After questioning 1,000 mothers with children under 18 , it found that , on most days , mums started their routine work at 7am and finished at around 11pm .

  4. 利用自行研制的CT肺功能定量软件进行数据分析。

    A CT pulmonary functional quantitative software designed by the authors was used to analysis all images .

  5. 阐述了DM技术的基本原理,分析了它在体育领域中进行数据分析的应用。

    The paper presents basic principal for Data Mining and application of PE data analysis .

  6. 现代企业的建立的数据分析系统按照架构不同,可以分成B/S和C/S两种模式。

    According to different implementations on the client side , enterprise analyzing and disposal systems could be divided into two kinds which are B / S and C / S.

  7. HT-7装置实验数据分析与可视化集成软件开发

    Development of a data analysis and visualization software for the HT-7 tokamak experiment

  8. 金融高频数据分析&扩展ACD模型实证研究

    An Analysis of High Frequency Data in Finance & An Empirical Study on Extensive ACD Model

  9. 数据分析的结果前端展现能以统计图或报表形式输出,并能够打印和以BMP格式保存。

    And results of data analysis can be presented in forms of statistical charts or be saved as a BMP chart and printed .

  10. 因此,利用地理信息系统(GIS)强大的空间数据分析显示功能,进行基于GIS的液化气船泄漏事故大气扩散模拟研究具有重要的理论意义和实际意义。

    By taking advantage of the GIS 's capacities of analysis and visual expression on spatial data , the research on atmosphere diffusion simulation of spilled liquid gas based on GIS has important theoretic and practical significance .

  11. 建立了尾矿坝监测数据分析的RBF神经网络模型,并利用实际数据对此网络进行了训练和检验。

    A RBF ( radial basis function ) neural network model for analyzing the monitoring data of tailings dam was established , and then trained and tested using practically collected data .

  12. 然而,传统的分布式入侵检测系统大多采用Sensor/Manager框架,sensor的监控和数据分析都集中在中心控制台上,不仅加大了控制台的处理负担,还会因为中心控制台的失效造成整个系统的瘫痪。

    But traditional DIDS is always based on sensor / manager architeture , the monitoring and data analysis are all placed on the control center , which not only increases its process burden but also causes single point failure for the whole system .

  13. 采用瓶颈模型对G公司生产流程的瓶颈进行了分析,并提出改进措施,数据分析表明,所提出的改进方案对提高企业有效产出率有效。

    This paper uses bottleneck model to carry on the analysis in the production process bottleneck of G Corporation , and improving approaches are proposed . The data shows that the approach proposed has a effect on enhancing enterprise effective throughput .

  14. 根据企业软件公司SAP的数据分析集团的分析显示,人们可能忽略了价格的季节性波动。

    According to analysis by the data analytics group of the business software company SAP , the numbers tell a different story & one that suggests that people are forgetting the seasonality of pricing .

  15. 主题包括数据分析,相关技术,回归,统计分析和预测。(原MGT796WS)。

    Topics include data analysis , correlation techniques , regression , statistical inference , and forecasting . ( Formerly MGT796WS ) .

  16. 控制器实现人机接口、数据分析和控制。

    Controller achieves human-machine interface , data analysising and controling .

  17. 基因芯片数据分析过程:从原始数据到生物学意义

    The Microarray Data Analysis Process : from Raw Data to Biological Significance

  18. 医学资料分析与检索系数据分析、捕捉、检索

    Medical literature analysis and retrieval system data analysis , capture , retrieval

  19. 多通道管道变形检测数据分析算法及软件系统

    Multi-Channel Pipeline Deformation Detection Data Analysis Algorithms and Software System

  20. 关于终身参与社会意识的中日比较研究&日本山口县与中国上海市嘉定区的调查数据分析

    A Comparative Study on Chinese and Japanese Social Consciousness of Lifelong Participation

  21. 图书馆管理系统数据分析功能及其实现

    Analytical function on datum of library management automation systems and its realization

  22. 环境监测数据分析和监测网设计中SPSS10.0的应用

    Application of SPSS 10.0 to Environmental Monitoring Data Analysis and Network Design

  23. 数据分析包括标码,分类和总结。

    Data analysis involved coding , categorization and summarization .

  24. 土工实验数据分析方法探讨

    Studies on Analysis of the Datum from Soil Test

  25. 剥离强度测试数据分析的理论研究

    Theoretical research of analyzing test data of peeling intensity

  26. 几种微阵列基因表达数据分析方法的比较

    Comparison of approaches in microarray gene expression data analysis

  27. 数据分析和结果建议。

    Third , data analysis and corresponding proposals .

  28. 医学博士学位论文中的实验设计及数据分析错误辨析

    Errors about experimental design and data analysis in dissertations of MD : a discrimination

  29. 军队医院药品消耗数据分析

    Analysis of Drug Consumption Data of Military Hospitals

  30. 成份数据分析方法应用于医院管理

    Application of Compositional Data Analysis in Hospital Management