
  • 网络number mark
  1. 微机操作系统:微机操作程序;已注册的数字研究商标;一个操作系统。

    CP / M : Control Program for Microcomputers ; a registered trademark of Digital Research ; an operating system .

  2. 修改将主要针对以下方面:增加三维标志、颜色组合、字母和数字作为商标注册的规定;

    Modifications would mainly be made to the following aspects : to include the trademark registration of three-dimensional symbols , combinations of colours , alphabets and figures ;

  3. 与形状匹配和识别相关的应用越来越多(如数字识别、商标检索、行为识别、人体姿态估计),人们希望能有更好的算法来处理研究中所面临的问题。

    Along with the increase of practical application ( such as character recognition , trademark logo retrieval , activity recognition , human pose estimate ) which associated with shape matching and recognition , more efficient shape matching and recognition algorithms are needed to handle these problems in researches .

  4. 一种数字签名密码防伪商标的JAVA实现

    The JAVA Implementation of a Digital Signature Brand against Forge

  5. 根据检测算法,采用可重用设计方法,实现了基于数字水印技术的商标真伪检测器的实际系统。

    Based on our scheme , we implement the Portable Watermark Detector based on FPGA .