
  • 网络Unregistered trademark;unregistered trade mark
  1. 第五章对中国未注册商标保护的制度构建提出了若干设想。

    The chapter five is about some legislation advice an unregistered trademark protection in China .

  2. 本文研究的是普通未注册商标的保护问题。

    The thesis that the article studied now is the law protection of ordinary unregistered trademark .

  3. 《巴黎公约》、TRIPS协议以及其他一些国家的法律规定在一定条件下对未注册商标进行保护。

    Paris Convention , TRIPS and some countries ' laws protect unregistered trademarks under certain conditions .

  4. 对未注册商标使用权法律保护的深层思考

    On the Legal Protection of the Right to Use Non-registered Trademarks

  5. 由此,未注册商标被任意使用、恶意抢注现象十分突出。

    So the arbitrary use and vicious vie fot registration is highly serious .

  6. 使用未注册商标存在一定的合理性,但总的来说存在的弊端却很多。

    There exist more problems than justifications to the use of unregistered trademarks .

  7. 普通未注册商标保护浅探

    Analysis of the Protection of Common Unregistered Trade Marks

  8. 未注册商标在绝大多数情况下不受保护。

    The unregistered trade marks are not protected by the law in most cases .

  9. 未注册商标是商标注册制度的必然结果。

    The system of registration results in non-registered trademark without filing to trademark office .

  10. 在我国目前的商业实践中,存在着大量的未注册商标。

    In our current business practices , there are a large number of unregistered trademarks .

  11. 作为识别性标记,未注册商标同样能够传达商品信息。

    As sign with recognition , non-registered trademark can also convey the information of goods .

  12. 论注册原则下未注册商标的法律保护商标注册是很复杂的。

    On the Legal Protection of the Unregistered Trademarks under the Principle of the Register ;

  13. 其他所有注册和未注册商标,这是唯一的各自所有者的财产。

    All other registered and unregistered trademarks herein are the sole property of their respective owners .

  14. 大陆法系是以德国、日本及台湾对未注册商标的法律保护及原则进行分析,德国对未注册商标的保护比较完备,有很多可借鉴与研究的方面。

    Continental law analyzes unregistered trademarks legal protection and principle of Germany , Japan and Taiwan .

  15. 第三章,完善我国未注册商标保护的建议。

    Chapter three puts forward the advice of improving the legal protection for the unregistered trademarks .

  16. 第四章阐明了未注册商标在注册体制下存在的合理性,探讨了未注册商标保护面临的困境,考察了两大法系国家对未注册商标保护问题的状况。

    The chapter four discuss the justifications of using unregistered trademark , the difficulty of protecting unregistered trademark .

  17. 我国未注册商标形态可以散见于商标法、反不正当竞争法等法律规范中。

    In our country , both trademark law and law against unfair competition stipulate the non-registered trademark protection .

  18. 从范围上对受保护的未注册商标进行界定,将未注册商标与注册商标进行比较分析。

    Defined from the scope of the protected unregistered trademarks , unregistered trademarks and registered trademarks of comparative analysis .

  19. 在先使用的未注册商标保护论纲&兼评商标法第三次修订

    Protection for the Senior User 's Non-well-known Unregistered Trademark-Comments on the 3rd Amendment to the Trademark Law of the P.R.China

  20. 未注册商标能否依照商标法获得保护取决于法律对注册制度的态度。

    But whether the non-registered trademark is protected under Trademark Law is up to the attitude to the system of registration .

  21. 反淡化保护的对象不应仅限于驰名商标,还应扩大到著名商标和未注册商标;

    The objectives of protection should not be confined to famous trademarks but be extended to well - known and non-registered ones .

  22. 我国实行商标注册原则,对未注册商标的保护问题一直是我国商标法的薄弱环节。

    Since China adopts the registered principle , the protect for the unregistered trademarks is proved to be a weak point in China .

  23. 质言之,从根源上解决未注册商标保护难题需要综合考虑商业标志整体立法框架。

    In other word , it must comprehensively consider the legislative frame of commercial sign for resolving the matter of non-registered trademark in origin .

  24. 普通法系是以英国和美国对未注册商标的法律保护及原则进行分析寻找可借鉴的法律规定。

    Common law is based on British and American legal protection of unregistered trademark and principles , from the analysis of which can draw lessons .

  25. 由于其门槛多、规定宽,在实际操作中难以把握,故没能担当起对未注册商标兜底保护的作用。

    But because its threshold is high and it is hardly to grasp in practice , so it does not wholly protect the unregistered trademarks .

  26. 本文就如何更好地解决商标权与在先使用的未注册商标利益的冲突,提出了一些构想和建议。

    This article put forward some ideas and suggestions on how to resolve the conflict between trademark rights and the interests of prior unregistered trademark .

  27. 因此,在商标法的相关规定中,没有出现关于对侵犯未注册商标权利人商誉损害的赔偿规定。

    Therefore , there was no goodwill damages for infringement of unregistered trademark rights to compensation in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Trademark Law .

  28. 具体来说,我国对未注册商标保护的不足体现为保护方式的被动性、保护对象的不全面性以及保护时间的有限性。

    Specifically , the deficiencies reflect the way for the protection of passive object of protection is not comprehensive and the protection of the limited time .

  29. 第四章未注册商标在我国的保护现状及分析,分析了我国对未注册商标进行法律保护立法的不足。

    Chapter IV of the protection of unregistered trademarks situation and analysis , analysis of China on the legal protection of unregistered trademarks of inadequate legislation .

  30. 第一小节论证了未注册商标享有商标权利的具体内容,然后结合相关法律提出立法建议。

    Section one demonstrates the specific rights of the trademark which unregistered trademarks should be provided , and then combines the relevant laws and makes legislative recommendations .