
  1. 我国商标法并未从正面直接保护未注册商标权人的商誉,其对在先权利的保护实际上是对商标权注册取得主义进行的修正。

    Trademark Law of China has not directly from the front to protect the goodwill of the owner of the trademark is not registered , their prior rights protection is actually a registered trademark correction doctrine .

  2. 对未注册商标使用权法律保护的深层思考

    On the Legal Protection of the Right to Use Non-registered Trademarks

  3. 通过论述未注册商标使用权的权利性质,指出未注册商标使用权是一项合法的民事权利。

    By stating the nature of the right to use non-registered trademarks , this paper points out that the right to use non-registered trademarks is a lawful civil right .

  4. 另一方面,《商标法》还应对商标的在先使用利益给予充分的保护,构建未注册商标先使用权制度。

    On the other hand , the Trademark Law also should protect the benefit of prior use of trademark and build the system of prior usage right of unregistered trademark .

  5. 而在采注册原则的国家,对在先使用的未注册商标提供先用权保护,在理论论证上却破费周折。

    But in countries that adopt the registered principle , it is too hard to provide the prior user with the Right of Prior Use of Trademark in theory .

  6. 其次,如果认真研究未注册驰名商标的商标权人的权利和义务,会发现二者之间并不对称,有违权利义务相统一的原则和商标注册自愿原则之嫌。

    And the definition of some rights are still lack of clarity . Secondly , if carefully studying the rights and obligations of the owner of unregistered well-known trademark , asymmetry will be found .