
wén zì shānɡ biāo
  • words trademark;trademark in words
  1. 文字商标的设计趋向

    Trend of Written Trademark Design

  2. 这些基本形式可应用于文字、商标、标志、徽章、封面、广告、包装等的设计。

    These basic form can be used in design of writing , trademark , sign , badge , front cover , advertisement , packing , ect .

  3. 现代汉语的语音和文字对外来商标词的影响

    The Influence on Foreign Brand Word from Modern Chinese Pronunciation and Character

  4. 商标局坚持只有两种文字可以在商标上使用。

    The Trademark Bureau insists that only two languages be used on the labels .

  5. 购买商品销售打出商标文字不构成商标侵权&兼谈保护注册商标权的有关理论和法律制度

    Printing Words in Trademarks on Product for Sale Does Not Constitute Trademark Tort & also on related theories and legal systems with the protection of registered trademark rights

  6. 随着经济的飞速发展,商标形式也在不断创新,从传统的文字、图形商标到立体商标、颜色商标,甚至出现了气味商标。

    With the rapid economic growth , the trademark forms have been undergoing innovation , with a tendency from the traditional word , figurative trademark to Three-Dimension , color trademark and even to the scent trademark .