
  1. 区域文化产业战略与空间布局原则

    The Industrial Strategy of Regional Culture and the Principle of Space Distribution

  2. 新模式、新思路、新策略和新方法在文化产业战略的大背景下显得益发突出和紧迫。

    New mode , new thinking , new strategy and method has becoming more and more prominent and urgent in the context of cultural industry in China .

  3. 张家口市文化产业发展战略的SWOT分析及对策

    SWOT Analysis and Countermeasures of the Developing Strategy of Zhangjiakou Cultural Industry

  4. 在全国大力推行文化产业发展战略之际,深圳市宝安区委、区政府和GL街道创建国际版画原创产业基地。

    On the occasion of vigorously promoting cultural industries in the national development strategy , Bao ' an District , the district government and the GL neighborhood build a national original print base .

  5. 江苏省文化产业发展战略构想

    The Strategic Thinking of the Development of Jiangsu 's Cultural Industries

  6. 论湖南文化产业发展战略与对策

    Study on the Strategy and Countermeasure for Hunan Culture Industry Development

  7. 技术预见与我国文化产业发展战略的构建

    Technology Foresight and Construction of Development Strategy of China 's Cultural Industry

  8. 重庆文化产业发展战略研究

    Strategic Research on Development of Chong Qing 's Culture Industry

  9. 比较优势:湖南文化产业创新战略的立足点分析

    Comparative advantage : an analysis of Hunan culture industry innovation strategy foothold

  10. 文化产业的战略地位与发展途径

    Strategic Position and Developing Ways to The Culture Industry

  11. 关于21世纪中国文化产业发展战略的思考

    Reflections on the Developing Strategy of the Chinese Culture in the 21st Century

  12. 独山玉雕历史地位及南阳玉文化产业发展战略研究

    The Historical Status of Dushan Jade Carving and the Strategic Study of the Development of Nanyang Jade Cultural Industry

  13. 许多国家和地区结合自身特点制定了各种文化产业发展战略和发展规划。

    Many countries and regions draw up various culture industry development strategies and development plans in light of their own characteristics .

  14. 中西部地区文化产业发展战略研究&以山西省为例

    A Study on the Development Strategy of Cultural Industry in the Central and Western Regions of China & A Case Study of Shanxi Province

  15. 近年来文化产业的战略地位越来越高,文化产业已成为我国国民经济的支柱产业。

    The strategic position of cultural industry is becoming higher and higher in recent years , which has become the pillar industry of our national economy .

  16. 环长三角文化创意产业战略竞合下的浙江抉择&兼论浙江文化创意产业发展的原则

    The Choices for Zhejiang in the Strategic Competition-Cooperation Framework of Cultural and Creative Industry in the Greater Yangtze Delta Region & A Research on the Development Principles for the Cultural and Creative Industries in Zhejiang

  17. 中国网络文化产业的发展战略研究

    Research on the Development Strategies for Chinese Internet Culture Industry

  18. 我国文化创意产业发展战略中的公共政策研究

    Public Policy Research for the Development Strategy of Cultural Industries in China

  19. 信息文化产业发展的战略思考

    The Stratagem Consider to Development of Information Culture Industry

  20. 合肥经济技术开发区旅游文化产业发展的战略思考

    Strategic Thought of Developing Tourism Cultural Industry of Hefei Economy Technology Development District

  21. 文化产业化的战略问题

    On the Strategy of Cultural Industrialization

  22. 发展文化产业具有重大的战略意义。

    It is of great strategic significance to develop cultural industry .

  23. 河南文化旅游产业发展的战略思考

    Strategic Thinking about Culture Tour Industry Development in Henan

  24. 传媒产业化是我国文化产业发展的基本战略。

    Media industrialization is one of the focuses among the development strategies of our cultural industrialization .

  25. 主要是从宏观、中观和微观三个层面分别提出了发展西安市文化创意产业竞争力的战略对策,这部分是论文的结论。

    Mainly from government , industry , business separately by the three levels of the development of creative industries in Xi ' an competitive strategies .

  26. 纵观整个世界,凡是经济发展到一定阶段的国家和地区,都纷纷将文化创意产业定为战略的重要发展目标。

    Throughout the world , all economic development to a certain stage countries and regions have cultural and creative industries as strategy important development goals .

  27. 这一合作区域的建立不仅是实施中国文化产业发展走出去战略的重要实践,更有助于中国文化产品和服务在东南亚市场的拓展。

    The establishment of " The Zone of Cultural and Industrial Cooperation of China and ASEAN " will help carry out the overseas development strategy of China 's culture industry and popularize China 's culture products and services in Southeast Asia .

  28. 随着社会不断进步,文化产业在国家发展战略中的地位越来越突出,主要体现在它不仅推动了国民经济的发展,而且涉及国家的政治安全和文化安全。

    Cultural industry plays a more and more important role in the national development strategies with the continuous progress of society . It not only expedites the development of national economy but also relates to the political and cultural security of a country .

  29. 发展民俗文化产业是未来云南文化产业发展战略不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    Development of folk custom is an important part of Yunnan future strategy in opening its cultural industry , which has its own advantages and disadvantages .

  30. 具有里程碑意义的文化产业振兴规划意味着发展文化产业上升到国家战略高度。

    The developing planning of cultural industries with landmark Significance means the development of cultural industries up to the national strategic level .