
  • 网络text link;Text AD;Contextual Advertising
  1. 一个主要的不同在于Google投放的文字广告是与页面的内容相分离的。

    A major difference is that the text ads that Google delivers are clearly separated from the content .

  2. 据奥多比系统公司(AdobeSystemsInc.)旗下的研究公司说,相比常规的文字广告,搜索者对这类产品广告的点击量要高出34%。

    Searchers click on product ads 34 % more frequently than regular text ads , according to Adobe Systems Inc. 's research arm .

  3. 比文字广告高出80%。

    Up to80 % more to imagery rather than words .

  4. 这就是文字广告表现出众的原因。

    That 's why text ads perform so much better .

  5. 选择两个图片广告和文字广告。

    Opt in for both image ads and text ads.

  6. 注意:文字广告通常比标志广告的点击率高。

    Notice that text-links have a much higher click-trough ratio than advertising banners .

  7. 在所有类型的广告中,文字广告最能吸引阅读。

    Text ads were viewed most intently , of all the types we tested .

  8. 大约有一半站点在正文中插入文字广告。

    About half of the 25 sites we reviewed inset ads into article text .

  9. 您只会看到相关的文字广告和指向您感兴趣的相关网页的链接。

    You see only relevant text ads and links to related web pages of interest .

  10. 詹姆斯说,相比过去的文字广告,这种产品列表广告毫无疑问是释放价值的一种途径。

    ' They are definitely a way to unlock value compared to old text ads , ' Mr. James says .

  11. 我们将提出一个句子或以上将包含文字广告,它会插入一个现有的文章您的网站。

    We will be submitting a sentence or more that will contain the textual advert and it will be inserted in an existing article of your site .

  12. 谷歌通过对消费者提供有的放矢的文字广告,建立起一个令人慕的赚钱机器,但依赖谷歌运作的网站很少有这种好事出现。

    Google has built an enviable economic engine on the back of its targeted text ads , but the sites on which they run rarely feel as flush .

  13. 而统计一次垃圾内容的共同特征(如带有文字广告、图片等),再将其分类,这个过程更是需要几天的时间。

    To accomplish the common features ( such as text ads , pictures , etc. ) statistics and classifications of a spam , it would needs a few days more .

  14. 以介绍书籍内容、特点、刊刻底本、校勘水平以及树立品牌形象为主的文字广告和插图广告是书坊广告的主要表现形式。

    To introduce the book content , features , publishing Dibon , collation level and establish a brand image-based ads are text ads and illustrations Bookstore main form of advertising .

  15. 某人每次点击其文字广告时,一家企业越愿意多付钱,这则广告就能在与搜索结果同时显示的赞助商链接上排位越高。

    The more a business was willing to pay each time someone clicked on its text advert , the higher that ad would appear in the sponsored listings returned with search results .

  16. 文字广告的目的是将产品、企业、服务等美的品质、美的形象推荐给消费者,激发他们需求的欲望。

    The purpose of advertising copies is to introduce the beautiful qualities of products or services and beautiful images of enterprises to the customers and thus urge them to pursue the products or services .

  17. 这种广告更像亚马逊面向购物者投放的广告,而非谷歌那种典型的基于文字的广告。用谷歌搜索iPhone,会显示一系列相关广告,用户可以滑动屏幕进行查看。

    The ads more closely resemble what Amazon shows shoppers than Google 's typical text-based ads. The same search on an iPhone shows a carousel of such ads that users can swipe through .

  18. 而E-mail营销、文字链广告、搜索引擎结果文字链、网络图片广告、搜索引擎结果登录、搜索引擎竞价排名等这些因特网资源作为最常用的方法也被企业所运用。

    However , such Internet resources as E - mail marketing , letter-chain ad. , letter-chain of search engine result , cyber-photo ad. , logging of search engine result and competing list of search engine are used by enterprises as the most common methods .

  19. 创建一个单向的文字链接广告到您的顶级搜索引擎列表的网站。

    Create one-way text link ads to your Website for top search engine listings .

  20. 查看价值的文字链接广告。

    Show value of text link ad.

  21. 出版人保留在任何时候对所提交的任何文字以及广告材料自行进行编辑、分类或拒收的权利。

    The Publisher may in its sole discretion edit , classify or reject at any time any letter and advertising materials submitted .

  22. 文字在广告中的价值及广告文字创意对广告传播影响是非常重要的。

    The value of writing in the advertisement and the advertisement writing creativity are very important on the influence of advertisement dissemination .

  23. 是那些堆积了密密麻麻文字的广告,还是留有大片空白简洁干净的广告?

    Are they the ads that are jammed full of text , or are they ads that have a large amount of unused space (" white space ") .

  24. 广告文案不是广告作品中的语言和文字,而是广告发布(或者说制作成品)之前有艺术性的说明文底稿。

    The advertising copy is not language and words but artistic draft of the elucidation text before the release of the advertisment ( or the finished product ) .

  25. 文中对广告的定义和特点中的情感因素进行分析,并在翻译中从广告的立意、出发点、文字处理和广告风格方面对在文中再现情感传递进行讨论。

    Analyses the emotional factors in the definition and features of advertisement , and discusses how to convey emotions in advertising translation from such aspects as the focus , emphasis , expression and style of advertisements .

  26. 阐述该信息系统的设计原理及实现的关键技术,详细叙述了如何实现信息的模糊查询、显示图片时的多样化切换、企业文字及图片形式广告的自动播放等功能并给出简单的Delphi实现代码。

    The paper interprets simply the designing of this system and then explains in details about the implement methods of fuzzy search , multi-ways of the switch of images and the automatically playing of enterprises ' advertisements using Delphi .