
  1. 准备接收附近酒吧发布的微博广告吧

    Get ready to see ads from the neighborhood pub on Twitter

  2. 微博广告宣传的商业模式很简单。

    The business model for microblog advertising is simple .

  3. 微博广告是基于微博的发展而产生的新型广告形式。

    Microblogging advertising is a new form based on the development of microblogging .

  4. 微博广告作为新兴的网络广告形式,伴随微博的产生而产生,也因微博的火热而备受关注。

    As a new form of online advertising , the microblogging advertising has gained much attention .

  5. 同时也对如何找到更加适合广告主和媒体的微博广告策略,如何在微博广告中把握和利用好互动特征,发挥微博这一互动性极强的体验平台的优势提出了自己的思考。

    Giving some ideas in how to find more suited to advertisers and media micro blogging advertising strategy , how to grasp and make good use of interactive features in the micro blogging advertising to play a micro blogging platform advantage of this highly interactive experience .

  6. 每当有新品发布时,这些公司就会邀请网红在中国版Twitter微博上打广告。

    When releasing latest products , these companies often invite online celebrities to advertise the products on Sina Weibo , China 's version of Twitter .

  7. 实名制会大大提升微博平台的广告潜力。

    The real-name policy may further boost the advertising potential of microblogging platforms .

  8. 艾颂表示,新浪近来开始在微博上投放大量广告。

    Ms Ai says Sina has recently started taking a lot of ads on the microblog .

  9. 毫无疑问,以营销微博的形式打广告是微博类网站盈利战略中的重要组成部分。

    Without question , advertising in the form of promoted tweets will be a key component of the microblogging site 's monetization strategy .

  10. 新浪的sub-microblog让他可以推广特定的产品或话题,他说,而微博上的图书广告可以把用户引导至快书包网站,然后用户可以用微博登录信息在快书包购买图书。

    Its sub-microblogs allow him to push certain products or themes , he says , while book ads on the microblog lead users to his website where they can buy using Weibo login details .

  11. 互联网的普及与Web2.0时代的到来推动了微博的快速发展,并为微博精准广告的出现提供了前提条件。

    The popularity of the Internet and Web 2.0 promoted the rapid development of micro-Blogging , and provided the prerequisite of micro-blogging precision advertising .

  12. 在目前阶段,微博增长面临的最大威胁并不来自监管层,而是微博网站吸引广告资金的能力,即便是新浪微博也不例外。

    At this juncture , it looks like the biggest threat to growth isn 't the government , but the ability of the microblog sites to attract ad revenue , even at Weibo .

  13. 基于微博这一特殊的平台特性,越来越多的企业将互动营销与微博结合起来,利用微博向消费者传播广告产品信息,能够取得良好的广告效果。

    Based on the micro blogging platform features , more and more enterprises combine interactive marketing and micro blogging . Micro blogging spreading advertising product information to consumers is able to achieve a good advertising effect .