
  • 网络Micro logistics;microcosmic logistics
  1. 本文关注的是微观物流,也就是企业物流。

    What this paper focused on is the micro-logistics , that is logistics in enterprise .

  2. 在一个小地域空间发生的具体的物流活动也属于微观物流。

    The concrete logistics activity that takes place in the space is the micro logistics in a small region .

  3. 希望能够对我国微观物流&企业物流的改善从理论和应用上给后来者提供经验和借鉴。

    And through applying a theory to a practice , it hopes to make a reference for the study of improving of enterprise logistics system .

  4. 本文介绍了物流的定义以及威廉姆森的交易成本理论,以微观物流即企业所面临的物流为主要研究对象,用威廉姆森的交易成本理论分析了物流治理模式的特点及其发展的选择机理。

    The article introduces simply the definition of logistics and Williamson 's theory about trading cost . It mainly researches micro logistics - enterprise logistics , and analyzes the characteristics of the logistics model and the mechanism of it 's development .

  5. 现今,物流活动已构成产业规模,涉及范围从宏观社会物流到微观企业物流,涉及领域从生产领域到流通领域。

    In the modern society , logistics activation , comprising of macro logistics and micro logistics , can be considered as a separate industry , ranging from various production field to service lines .

  6. 国外对物流成本的研究主要关注微观的企业物流层面,体现出很强的实用性与针对性。

    Study abroad focused on the micro-enterprise logistics level , reflecting strong practical and targeted .

  7. 本文的目的就是试图从微观的、物流服务提供者的角度来研究作业成本法在第三方物流企业成本管理中的应用,核心是物流企业产品成本计算与成本控制。

    The main purpose of this paper is to study the application of ABC in cost management and control for TPLs enterprises , from a microscopic view and the angle of the logistics service provider .

  8. 本论文的目的就是试图从微观的、物流提供者的角度研究作业成本核算在第三方物流企业中的应用,并探索一种有效的核算物流成本的方法。

    The main purpose of this paper is to study the application of ABC to calculate and manage logistics costs in Third-Party Logistics providers ( 3PLs ), then search for an effective way to calculate logistics cost , from a microscopic view and the angle of logistics service provider .