
  • 网络Micro Transactions
  1. 但随着网络广告市场的萎缩,互联网集团为支撑自己的网站,正转向“微交易”。

    Yet as the market for online advertising recedes , groups are turning to microtransactions to support their sites .

  2. 评论人士曾表示“微交易”不会兴旺起来,他们认为,消费者不会为网上内容付费。

    Critics used to say that microtransactions would not take off , arguing that consumers would not pay for online content .

  3. 信息与价值发现过程&基于散户微结构交易行为的实证研究

    The Information Flow and Value Discovery Process : An Empirical Study of the Microstructure Trading Behaviors of Small Traders

  4. 美国商务部表示,将撤销一份禁止与抖音和微信进行交易的名单。

    The U.S. Commerce Department says it is rescinding a list of prohibited transactions with TikTok and WeChat .

  5. 腾讯在其年报中披露,仅在今年1月,该公司就在微信支付交易的相关银行手续费上支出3亿元人民币(合4600万美元)。

    In January alone , Tencent spent Rmb300m ( $ 46m ) on bank transaction fees , the company revealed in its annual report .

  6. 程主任还说:“尽管每次微信上的交易数额不多,每次最多只能200元,但是累积起来就不是个小数额了。”

    Cheng added : " Although the amount of a transaction on WeChat is not big , 200 yuan ( $ 31 ) each at most , it is not a small number when it is accumulated .

  7. 另一方面,由于某些微支付协议不能满足多面额支付的特点,对人们的微支付交易带来不便。

    On the other hand , some micro-payment protocols can not provide multi-denomination of payment and may be troublesome during transaction .

  8. 微信是腾讯旗下产品,一位拒绝透露姓名产品发言人表示,他觉得这样的贿赂十分可笑,因为微信红包交易是可以追踪的。

    A spokesman for WeChat provider Tencent , who declined to be named , said that offering such bribes is absurd because the transactions can be tracked .