
  1. 他们在网上搜索信息,使用应用程序或通过QQ和微信进行讨论。

    They search information online , use apps or discuss through QQ and WeChat .

  2. 二维码可以通过电子邮件、QQ和微信发送给郭老师。

    The QR codes can be sent to Mr. Guo by email , QQ and WeChat .

  3. 的确,旅行者用微信开启了一次美妙的旅行。

    It is true that the traveler had a wonderful trip of using Wechat .

  4. 郭老师说:"学生们做完作业后,会把它放在微信上。"

    Said Guo , " When students finish the homework , they keep it on WeChat . "

  5. 后来,我们把照片发到微博或微信上,等着被点"赞"

    Later , we post the photos onto Weibo or Wechat , waiting to be " liked . "

  6. 他给她买了一部新的智能手机,教她如何使用微信,从此我母亲的生活发生了很大的变化。

    He bought her a new smart phone and taught her how to use Wechat . My mothers life changed a lot from then on .

  7. 当他查看自己微信应用程序的在线钱包时,发现有位乘客错把65元支付成了6500元。

    When he checked the online wallet of his Wechat app , he saw that one of his passengers had paid 6,500 yuan for a 65-yuan pay .

  8. Sympathyseeker指有人在微博、微信朋友圈或者脸书等社交媒体上发布的纯粹为了获取圈里朋友安慰的那种个人状态,即“求安慰帖”。

    Sympathy seeker refers to someone 's status updates on social networking sites like Weibo , WeChat Moments or Facebook that are solely .

  9. Postmodemdepression(断网抑郁症)指无法连接到网络(也就是不能刷微博、微信和QQ)很“长”时间时的郁闷心情,这里所谓的很“长”时间,其实可能也就几分钟而已。

    Postmodem depression is the unpleasant feeling you get when you haven 't had access to the Internet ( i.e. QQ , Weibo and WeChat ) for a " long " time , like several minutes .

  10. 不要随便把朋友的微信给陌生人。

    Don 't share your friends ' WeChat accounts with strangers .

  11. 如果你还有某人的微信消息放着没回复,不要在回复前发朋友圈。

    If you left someone 's messages unanswered , don 't post anything new on Moments before you answer them .

  12. 腾讯旗下即时通讯工具微信计划新推出付费订阅功能,允许微信公众号向读者收取费用。

    Tencent Holdings ' messaging app WeChat is mulling a new pay-to-read feature that allows its official accounts to request payment from readers .

  13. 目前国内的电子支付领域由支付宝和微信支付占据主导地位,用户使用这两种支付服务时,简单扫一下二维码就可以完成。

    E-payment services in China are dominated by internet giants such as Alipay and WeChat Pay which allow transfer of money by a simple scan of the quick response code .

  14. 腾讯表示,用户只需在微信中通过扫描二维码或搜索的方式打开这些程序,享受订票或在线购物服务。

    Users just need to scan the QR code or search from their WeChat accounts to open these apps , where they could book tickets or do shopping , Tencent said .

  15. 国内互联网巨头腾讯公司于1月9日发布“小程序”,可以让用户无需下载和安装便可在微信内互动使用各类程序服务。

    Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd launched " mini apps " on Monday , which let users interact with app-like services within its instant messaging app WeChat , without having to download and install them .

  16. 研究机构艾媒市场咨询公司的数据显示,2016年微信公众号注册数量达到1200万,同比增长46.2%,今年,预计注册数量会达到1400万。

    Data from Guangzhou-based market consultancy iiMedia Research showed that the number of registered WeChat official accounts surged 46.2 percent year-on-year to 12 million in 2016 . This year , the figure is estimated to reach 14 million .

  17. 微信聊天时,给别人发了一段语音,自以为声音清脆动人,结果一点开自己的语音条时不禁怀疑:这真的是我的声音吗?

    When chatting on WeChat , you sent someone a voice message where you thought your voice was clear and moving , but when you heard your own recorded voice , you couldn 't help wondering : Is this really my voice ?

  18. 微信、Line和Kakao都已经在他们的服务中加入了移动游戏。

    WeChat , Line and Kakao have all integrated mobile games into their services already .

  19. 亚马逊试水社交app,意做西方“微信”

    Amazon 's Anytime messaging app could be the West 's answer to WeChat

  20. Wang说,不过微信和京东还是有办法在不太惹恼用户的前提下把它们的服务结合在一起。

    Still , there are ways for WeChat and JD to combine their services without annoying users too much , says Mr. Wang .

  21. 腾讯凭借微信和即时通讯工具QQ已经领先了一步。

    Tencent is way ahead with WeChat and instant messaging service QQ .

  22. 腾讯为每一款游戏都在移动QQ和微信上创建了入口。

    Tencent localizes access to Mobile QQ and WeChat for each game .

  23. 微信对阿里巴巴构成的挑战,与Instagram曾对Facebook构成的挑战如出一辙。

    The WeChat challenge is similar to the threat Instagram once posed to Facebook .

  24. 微信支付和支付宝(Alipay)在该市场占据主导地位,后者是阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)旗下蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)运营的支付服务。

    WeChat Pay and Alipay , the payment service operated by Ant Financial , an affiliate of Alibaba Group , dominate the market .

  25. 例如,QQ和微信迄今仍未完全整合。

    QQ and WeChat have yet to be fully integrated , for example .

  26. 微信钱包(WeChatwallet)功能还允许在不同商业银行之间进行转账。

    A WeChat wallet feature also allowed transfers between different commercial banks .

  27. 根据iask-ca表示,加拿大海关发现这两位学生的社交APP微信上有淫秽内容。

    According to iask-ca , Canadian customs found obscene content in the two students ' WeChat , a messaging app .

  28. 不久,该主页被多家网络平台屏蔽,包括通讯工具微信和UC浏览器。

    The 996.ICU page was soon blocked on multiple platforms including the messaging tool WeChat and the UC Browser .

  29. 3.emojin.表情符号微信刚刚增加了一些很可爱的表情包。

    WeChat just added some new cute emojis .

  30. 腾讯有微信,其打赏功能已于4月份在iOS平台上被关闭。

    Tencent owns WeChat , whose cash rewards feature was blocked on the iOS platform in April .