
  1. 诺基亚昔日雇员和高管、政界人士、经济学家以及很多普通芬兰人都认为,微软收购诺基亚手机业务的消息虽然令人震惊,但并不出人意料。

    Former Nokia employees and executives , politicians , economists and many ordinary Finns agree that while Tuesday 's announcement came as a shock , it was not a surprise .

  2. 尽管如此,“对我们来说,Windows永远是一种设备体验,”由于微软收购了诺基亚公司(Nokia)的设备业务,它现在可以从事第一手实验。

    Still , " Windows for us will always be the device experience , " and Microsoft can experiment firsthand thanks to its acquisition of Nokia 's devices business .

  3. 如果微软收购了诺基亚,他会不会觉得意外呢?

    Would he be surprised if Microsoft bought Nokia ?

  4. 在微软完成收购诺基亚手机业务之前数月,这家芬兰电讯巨头发布了一款基于安卓操作系统的手机设备。它终于意识到谷歌的软件优于微软,只是醒悟得太晚了。

    Months before completing its handset sale to Microsoft , the Finnish telecom giant released a device based on the Android operating system , a belated realization that Google 's software had outmuscled Microsoft 's rival version .

  5. 在此成功合作的基础上,我们今天宣布了重要新闻:微软意向收购诺基亚设备与服务业务,为客户提供更多选择,更快速的创新和更令人惊喜的设备和服务。

    Building on this successful partnership , we announced some important news today : an agreement for Microsoft to purchase Nokia 's Devices & Services business , to deliver more choices , faster innovation , and even more exciting devices and services to our customers .

  6. 多数裁减将来自微软今年收购的诺基亚(Nokia)手机业务部门。

    Most of the cuts will come from the Nokia mobile phone business Microsoft acquired this year .

  7. 微软收购后,诺基亚仅剩下地图、网络设备和诺基亚科技三项业务。此次行动正是由其中规模最小的诺基亚科技推动的。

    The move is driven by Nokia Technologies the smallest of the three businesses that remained after the Microsoft deal , alongside its mapping and network equipment businesses .

  8. 同样是在周二,微软的第二版Surface平板电脑开售。微软正计划收购诺基亚的移动计算业务。

    Also Tuesday , Microsoft , which plans to acquire Nokia 's mobile-computing business , put the second version of its Surface tablet on sale .

  9. 上周,微软(Microsoft)首席执行官萨蒂亚纳德拉(SatyaNadella)就是这么做的。他削减了微软旗下正在苦苦挣扎的手机部门,近乎一笔勾销仅仅15个月前微软收购诺基亚(Nokia)手机部门时支付的79亿美元(剔除现金后)。

    That is what Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadelladid this week when he cut back his company 's struggling smartphone division , writing off almost all of the $ 7.9bn ( net of cash ) that Microsoft paid for Nokia 's phone business only 15 months ago .