
  • 网络System transactions;System Trading;systematic trading
  1. 系统交易方法对此给出一整套解决方案,并且因为其对心理控制的优势而受到市场的青睐。

    System trading method gives a complete solution to this , and because of its advantages and psychological control favored by the market .

  2. 系统交易,是一种在计算机和网络技术的支持下,通过预先设置好的交易模型,按照既定的买卖条件,由计算机自动完成交易指令的一种新兴交易手段。

    System trading with the support of computer and network technology which makes the transaction instructions by the model designed in advance is a new way of trading which completes the trading orders by a computer automatically .

  3. 介绍本系统交易服务的设计思路。

    The principle of designing the transaction service .

  4. 信任问题研究为解决电子商务应用系统交易安全风险控制提供了新的思路。

    The research on trust issues is a good way to solve the security of the E-Commerce systems .

  5. 电信储值卡系统交易中间件的设计实现

    The Design and Realization of the Exchanging Middle Ware of the Second Section of Credit Card Project of the Telecom

  6. 它可以是有形的如外汇交易所,也可以是无形的如通过网络系统交易的银行间外汇交易。

    It can be tangible-such as foreign exchange , it can be intangible-such as the interbank foreign exchange transactions through the network system transactions .

  7. 本文详细描述了系统交易过程中的各个数据流的定义和作用,并给出了数据流的实现和处理过程,对于主要的数据流给出了数据结构定义。

    The paper introduces the definition and function of data-flow in the transaction system , and describes their implement process and data flow transaction method , and defines the data structure of the main data flow .

  8. 如果您不能用手动计算出你打算用EA交易系统进行交易的任何货币对的汇率即时变化,你不应该交易。

    If you can 't manually calculate the currency exchange conversion values for any pair you 're planning to trade with an EA , you shouldn 't be trading .

  9. 根据广东省实施电子不停车收费(ETC)的经验,提出了一种典型的ETC车道系统的交易模型,该模型由两片式电子标签和双界面CPU卡联合组成。

    First , according to the practice and experiences of carrying out ETC , the paper summarized a typical lane transaction model for ETC. The model was composed of a two-piece electronic tag and a dual-interface CPU Card .

  10. 利奇希望加快建立统一的金融代码体系——也就是所谓“法人实体身份证明”(LEI),这将有助于避免因计算机系统识别交易对手和产品的方法不同而导致交易失败。

    Mr Leach wants faster progress towards uniform financial codes , so-called " legal entity identifiers , " which would help prevent failed trades that occur because computer systems identify counterparties and products using different methods .

  11. 本人查阅了大量的资料,并且结合当前比较流行的安全在线支付系统及交易协议提出了一种适合我国当前B2B电子商务发展需求的安全在线支付系统方案。

    Myself have consulted the massive materials , and unified the current quite popular security on-line payment system and the transaction agreement proposed one kind suited our country current B2B electronic commerce development demand the security on-line payment system plan .

  12. 高可用性系统和交易管理中间件在金融系统中的应用

    On available of high availability transaction management medium in finance system

  13. 证券交易信息系统与交易运行模式辨析

    On Information System of Securities Trading and Patterns of Trading Operation

  14. 系统化交易可能在本质上也受同一考虑的指引。

    Systematic trading may inherently be guided by the same considerations .

  15. 多区域电力系统电力交易分析

    Analysis of Electric Power Transaction Trades in Multi-Area System

  16. 新规则要求系统在交易时考虑所有国内交易所的股票报价信息。

    New rules require transactions taking into account all domestic stock exchange quotations information .

  17. 客户利用客户应用系统完成交易。

    Customer use customer application system to trade .

  18. 北京分布式能源冷热电联供系统并网交易研究

    The Trading Mechanism of Interconnection for Distributed Generation of Combined Cooling and Heating Power in Beijing

  19. 提出并实现了自动冲正机制来保证多方协作系统中交易数据的一致性;

    Brought forward and realized an auto-recovery mechanism to ensure the consistence of trade data involving multi-organize ;

  20. 第二天,交易员和投资组合经理对进入我们拥有自主产权的投资组合账户系统对交易进行审核。

    The following day , traders and portfolio managers review trades entered into our proprietary portfolio accounting system .

  21. 当其他电脑系统发现交易活动增加时,它们也会参与进来。

    When other traders , i.e. computer systems , saw the spike in activity , they jumped in too .

  22. 1984年,科伦坡经纪人协会建立了公共交易大厅,并通过公开喊价系统进行交易。

    In 1984 Colombo Brokers association established a public trading floor and commenced trading on " open outcry system " .

  23. 拍卖系统在交易日中,买入和卖出信息不间断地由成员刊登在交易所内的交换系统。

    An exchange system in which bids and offers are continuously posted on the exchange during the trading day by its members .

  24. 先进的侦测系统确保交易更安全,特定的大额交易通过短信、话进行提示和确认。

    Advanced detection system ensures greater security of transactions . Specific big-volume transactions shall be prompted and confirmed by short messages and telephone .

  25. 高频交易商们喜欢彼此分立的市场,因为这样它们就能够在相互竞争的交易场所间交易,利用各交易场所交易系统及交易费用的差异牟利。

    High frequency traders like fragmented markets because they can trade between rival venues , exploiting differences between their trading systems and tariffs .

  26. 本文对系统的交易处理以及数据安全性的实现方法作了重点介绍。同时对系统总体设计以及相关的主要处理模块也作了简明描述。

    This paper specially introduced the methods of transaction processing and data safety , meanwhile it formulated the general application design and correlative central modules .

  27. 但系统化交易是根据复杂的算法算法则基于多年的历史数据以自动化的方式进行投资,这就把情绪和直觉排除在外。

    But this approach goes about investing in an automated way , based on intricate algorithms based on years of historical performance that restrict input of sentiment and hunches .

  28. 据估计,市场中大部分是此类衍生品。它们还必须在受监管的交易所、通过电子系统进行交易。

    These types of derivatives , which are estimated to make up the bulk of the market , would also have to be traded on regulated exchanges via electronic systems .

  29. 本发明提供一种交易系统、交易方法以及交易服务器,可催促账户的合法用户采取防止针对账户的非法攻击的对策。

    The invention provides a trade system , a trade method and a trade server , which enables the legal user of the account to prevent the illegal attack to the account .

  30. 因网络拍卖合同所产生的纠纷也日趋增多,因为其应用自动化交易系统辅助交易订立合同,对传统合同理论也带来冲击。

    Since the application of the automatic trading system used in assisting contract conclusion has brought great challenges to the traditional contract theory , the disputes resulted from online auction contracts have now been increasing .