
  • 网络system innovation;systemic innovation;systematic innovation
  1. 地质勘查是一项跨地质、物探、化探、遥感和信息处理等多学科领域的系统创新工程。

    Geo-exploration is a systematic innovation engineering which covers geology , geophysics , geochemistry , remote sensing and information process subject domain and so on .

  2. 以及与产业组织结构特点相关联的资源整合、簇群衍生、分散决策、良性竞争、柔性生产、系统创新、地域品牌、规模经济与外部经济等功能。

    Related to industrial organization , specialized industrial districts have the following functions : resources integration , cluster derivation , decentralized decision making , benign competition , flexible production , systematic innovation , regional brands , scale economy and externality , etc.

  3. 复杂产品系统创新的利益相关者作用机理:ERP为例

    Research on function mechanism of the stakeholders in innovation of complex products & systems : a case of ERP project

  4. 请注意,我没有研究最终用户将看到的生动的显示效果:Portland并不解决GUI主题的“花俏”,或者阴影效果又或者虚拟文件系统创新。

    Notice that I 'm not looking at anything that end users would see as dramatic : Portland does not address the " sizzle " of GUI themes or shading effects or virtual file system innovations .

  5. 基于多领域统一模型的仿真已经成为支撑复杂工程系统创新设计的新一代CAE技术,该技术的关键在于实现多领域统一模型的编译映射与仿真求解。

    Simulation based on unified multi-domain models has become a new generation of CAE technology supporting innovative design of complex engineering systems . The key of the technology is to achieve compiling and solving of unified multi-domain models .

  6. 该系统创新性设计了符合亚运会安全要求的票检流程,同时利用NFC技术为电子票务提供快速认证和安全保障。

    The innovative ticket validation process is designed to meet the security requirements in the Asian Games , using NFC technology to provide faster authentication and better security for e-ticketing .

  7. 蓄能户式中央空调系统创新与研究

    System Innovation and Research of Residential Central Air-conditioning with Energy Storage

  8. 第二部分:区域创新系统创新能力的基本理论研究。

    Part 2 is a theoretical study on regional innovation system .

  9. 业务流程重组与林业网络财务系统创新

    Business Process Re-engineering and the Innovation of Forestry Network Finance System

  10. 发展网络财务实现会计信息系统创新

    Implementing Innovation of Accounting Information System by Developing Networking Financing

  11. 区域创新系统创新绩效测度研究

    Researches on Measuring the Innovation Performance of Regional Innovation System

  12. 公理设计下基于系统创新思维的解耦方法

    Structured approach to decouple coupled design in Axiomatic Design Based on sit

  13. 区域创新系统创新绩效分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation for Innovation Performance of Region Innovative System

  14. 理论研究与系统创新是建设项目集成管理的基础。

    Theoretical research and system innovation is the basis of integrated project management .

  15. 营销渠道组织系统创新及其成长

    On the Innovation of Organizational System of Marketing Channels

  16. 自动化专业综合系统创新实验教学体系的探索

    Exploration and Practice of Integrated Systemic Creative Experiment Teaching System in Automation Specialty

  17. 汽车制动系统创新设计平台的关键技术研究

    The Key Technology Research on the Innovation Design Platform for Auto Brake System

  18. 论高校教学管理模式变革与系统创新

    On the Transformation and Systematic Origination of Teaching Management Modes in High Educational Institutes

  19. 并联机构激光加工系统创新设计

    Creative design of parallel mechanism laser manufacturing system

  20. 复杂产品系统创新的过程模型研究

    A mode of complex products & system innovation

  21. 论企业家的系统创新意识

    On the entrepreneur 's system innovative consciousness

  22. 促进农业产业化和培育企业生态系统创新网络。

    Foster innovation network of enterprise ecosystem .

  23. 星级酒店室内设计系统创新

    Interior Design System Innovation for Star Hotel

  24. 复杂产品系统创新信息生态系统的构建及分析

    Construction and Analysis of the Information Ecological System in Complex Product and System ' Innovation

  25. 嵌入式系统创新实验室建设

    Building an Embedded System Innovative Laboratory

  26. 本文探讨了科技价值链系统创新管理理论。

    The paper discussed the theory of systematical innovation of the science-technology value chain ( STVC ) .

  27. 信贷管理系统创新

    Innovation of Credit Management System

  28. 行为变换是机构执行系统创新的重要方法与手段。

    Behavior structure transforming is one of the important creation methods during conceptual design of a mechanism system .

  29. 上海市粮食储运公司信息管理系统创新研究

    Studies on Bring Forth New Ideas in the Information Management System of Shanghai Municipal Grain Storage & Transportation Company

  30. 最后,通过实证研究得出了政府科技投资与复杂产品系统创新绩效之间的关系。

    Finally , the relationship betweeen government investment and complex product system innovation performance is obtained through empirical research .